Received 100,000 profile views.
55 members have earned this badge.
Receive a Total of 10 Upvotes on Your User Reviews Combined.
48 members have earned this badge.
Receive a Total of 50 Upvotes on Your User Reviews Combined.
8 members have earned this badge.
Receive a Total of 100 Upvotes on Your User Reviews Combined.
2 members have earned this badge.
Add a total of 100 games to your collection.
1533 members have earned this badge.
Add a total of 250 games to your collection.
410 members have earned this badge.
Score your first game in your collection.
10793 members have earned this badge.
Score a total of 25 games in your collection.
1838 members have earned this badge.
Score a total of 50 games in your collection.
1197 members have earned this badge.
Managed to avoid being banned for 3 months.
23005 members have earned this badge.
Subscribed at least one month as a Bronze Tier Supporter.
136 members have earned this badge.
Subscribed at least one month as a Silver Tier Supporter.
85 members have earned this badge.
Subscribed at least one month as a Gold Tier Supporter.
56 members have earned this badge.
100 replies made to user's most popular thread.
2440 members have earned this badge.
3,000 replies made to user's most popular thread.
64 members have earned this badge.
Author of at least 5 gamrConnect threads that has received over 1,000 replies.
70 members have earned this badge.
Author of at least 10 gamrConnect threads that have received over 1,000 replies.
2 members have earned this badge.
Dealt with (accepted or rejected) 10000 reports.
0 members have earned this badge.
1,000 games added to the VGChartz database.
10 members have earned this badge.
100 screenshots added to the VGChartz database.
126 members have earned this badge.
10 video game banners added to the VGChartz database.
85 members have earned this badge.
500 video game banners added to the VGChartz database.
18 members have earned this badge.
1,000 video game banners added to the VGChartz database.
10 members have earned this badge.
10 critic reviews added to the VGChartz database.
80 members have earned this badge.
100 critic reviews added to the VGChartz database.
39 members have earned this badge.
500 critic reviews added to the VGChartz database.
17 members have earned this badge.
10 summaries added to the VGChartz database.
106 members have earned this badge.
50 summaries added to the VGChartz database.
53 members have earned this badge.
250 summaries added to the VGChartz database.
25 members have earned this badge.
500 summaries added to the VGChartz database.
18 members have earned this badge.
1000 summaries added to the VGChartz database.
10 members have earned this badge.
10 game release dates added to the VGChartz database.
176 members have earned this badge.
100 game release dates added to the VGChartz database.
42 members have earned this badge.
500 game release dates added to the VGChartz database.
16 members have earned this badge.
1,000 game release dates added to the VGChartz database.
12 members have earned this badge.
10 shipment totals added to the VGChartz database.
3 members have earned this badge.
500 shipment totals added to the VGChartz database.
2 members have earned this badge.
1000 shipment totals added to the VGChartz database.
2 members have earned this badge.
2000 shipment totals added to the VGChartz database.
1 members have earned this badge.
15 comments posted on VGChartz staff reviews.
44 members have earned this badge.
100 comments posted on VGChartz staff reviews.
1 members have earned this badge.
250 comments posted on VGChartz news articles.
360 members have earned this badge.
500 comments posted on VGChartz sales articles.
1 members have earned this badge.
Was a finalist in an annual Greatest User Tournament.
21 members have earned this badge.
Was a finalist in an annual Greatest Newcomer Tournament.
17 members have earned this badge.