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Mod Jobs

Do Feed the Trolls

Do Feed the Trolls

Dealt with (accepted or rejected) 10000 reports.

0 members have earned this badge.

Games Added to VGChartz

Scratching The Surface

Scratching The Surface

10 games added to the VGChartz database.

143 members have earned this badge.

Gaming Engineer

Gaming Engineer

100 games added to the VGChartz database.

38 members have earned this badge.

Vault Tech

Vault Tech

500 games added to the VGChartz database.

17 members have earned this badge.

Gotta Collect 'Em All

Gotta Collect 'Em All

1,000 games added to the VGChartz database.

10 members have earned this badge.

Updating Game Information in the GameDB

A Small Correction

A Small Correction

Updated 10 Games.

104 members have earned this badge.

An Update of an Update

An Update of an Update

Updated 100 Games.

44 members have earned this badge.



Updated 500 Games.

17 members have earned this badge.

The Devil's in the Detail

The Devil's in the Detail

Updated 1,000 Games.

11 members have earned this badge.

Screenshots Added

Pretty Pictures

Pretty Pictures

10 screenshots added to the VGChartz database.

391 members have earned this badge.

Painting A Picture

Painting A Picture

100 screenshots added to the VGChartz database.

126 members have earned this badge.

Oh, Snap!

Oh, Snap!

500 screenshots added to the VGChartz database.

52 members have earned this badge.

Frank West

Frank West

1,000 screenshots added to the VGChartz database.

33 members have earned this badge.

Game Banners Added

Getting Creative

Getting Creative

10 video game banners added to the VGChartz database.

85 members have earned this badge.



100 video game banners added to the VGChartz database.

43 members have earned this badge.

Sander Cohen

Sander Cohen

500 video game banners added to the VGChartz database.

18 members have earned this badge.



1,000 video game banners added to the VGChartz database.

10 members have earned this badge.

Critic Reviews Added

Fielding The Experts

Fielding The Experts

10 critic reviews added to the VGChartz database.

80 members have earned this badge.

Stealth Critic

Stealth Critic

100 critic reviews added to the VGChartz database.

39 members have earned this badge.

Voice of Reason

Voice of Reason

500 critic reviews added to the VGChartz database.

17 members have earned this badge.

One Man Meta

One Man Meta

1,000 critic reviews added to the VGChartz database.

9 members have earned this badge.

Summaries Added

It's not just a job, it's an adventure...

It's not just a job, it's an adventure...

10 summaries added to the VGChartz database.

106 members have earned this badge.

Writing into the night.

Writing into the night.

50 summaries added to the VGChartz database.

53 members have earned this badge.

The greatest summary lies ahead

The greatest summary lies ahead

250 summaries added to the VGChartz database.

25 members have earned this badge.

Through strange savage zones you keep writing

Through strange savage zones you keep writing

500 summaries added to the VGChartz database.

18 members have earned this badge.

Don't panic dude, this isn't the end

Don't panic dude, this isn't the end

1000 summaries added to the VGChartz database.

10 members have earned this badge.

Box Art Added

One Small Step

One Small Step

10 box arts added to the VGChartz database.

167 members have earned this badge.

I Like Boxes

I Like Boxes

100 box arts added to the VGChartz database.

52 members have earned this badge.

Turning Orange

Turning Orange

500 box arts added to the VGChartz database.

26 members have earned this badge.

Companion Cube

Companion Cube

1,000 box arts added to the VGChartz database.

17 members have earned this badge.

Release Dates Added

Mr. Punctual

Mr. Punctual

10 game release dates added to the VGChartz database.

176 members have earned this badge.

A Link To The Past

A Link To The Past

100 game release dates added to the VGChartz database.

42 members have earned this badge.

Retro Gamer

Retro Gamer

500 game release dates added to the VGChartz database.

16 members have earned this badge.



1,000 game release dates added to the VGChartz database.

12 members have earned this badge.

Extras Added to the GameDB

Way to Go!

Way to Go!

Added 10 Extras.

34 members have earned this badge.

A Cool New Armour

A Cool New Armour

Added 50 Extras.

27 members have earned this badge.

Brave New World

Brave New World

Added 250 Extras.

11 members have earned this badge.

Read All About It!

Read All About It!

Added 500 Extras.

7 members have earned this badge.

Thigh High

Thigh High

Added 1,000 Extras.

5 members have earned this badge.

Cheats Added

Hot Coffee

Hot Coffee

10 cheats added to the VGChartz database.

21 members have earned this badge.