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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

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My 50 greatest games of all time - 2021 edition

I'll link the titles to posts that explain more about the game. The platform contains the platform (or platforms) I played said game on, it may have been released on others. As I can't remember for all which year I played it, the year is the year of release of the game.

title platform year creator
1. Heroes of Might and Magic III Windows 1999 New World Computing/3DO
2. Katamari Damacy PS2/Switch/Stadia 2004 Namco
3. Pandora's Tower Wii 2011 Ganbarion
4. Dragon Quest Builders 2 Switch 2018 SquareEnix
5. Ōkami PS2/Wii/Switch 2006 Clover Studio/Capcom
6. Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE WiiU/Switch 2015 Atlus
7. Octopath Traveler Switch/Stadia 2018 Square Enix
8. Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land PS2 2001 Racjin/Atlus
9. Xenoblade Chronicles Wii/Switch 2010 Monolith Soft/Nintendo
10. Baldur's Gate Windows/Switch 1998 BioWare/Black Isle Studios/Interplay Entertainment
11. Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl 3DS 2013 Atlus/NIS America
12. Star Wars: Dark Forces DOS 1995 LucasArts
13. Demon’s Souls PS3 2009 From Software/Sony
14. Kid Icarus: Uprising 3DS 2012 Sora/Nintendo
15. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Switch 2017 Nintendo
16. Day of the Tentacle DOS 1993 LucasArts
17. UFO: Enemy Unknown DOS 1994 Mythos Games/MicroProse
18. The Secret of Monkey Island DOS 1990 LucasArts
19. Another Code: R – A Journey into Lost Memories Wii 2009 Cing
20. Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS 2012 Intelligent Systems/Nintendo
21. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Wii 2007 Intelligent Systems/Nintendo
22. Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth 3DS 2014 Atlus
23. Graveyard Keeper Switch/Linux 2018 Lazy Bear Games/tinyBuild
24. Baldur's Gate III Stadia 2020 Larian Studios
25. Return to Zork DOS 1993 Activision/Infocom
26. Jagged Alliance DOS 1995 Madlab Software/Sir-Tech
27. Deus Ex: Human Revolution WiiU 2011 Eidos/Square Enix
28. A Short Hike Switch/Linux 2019 Adam Robinson-Yu
29. Immortals Fenyx Rising Switch/Stadia 2020 Ubisoft
30. Attack of the Friday Monsters! 3DS 2013 Millenium Kitchen/Aquria/Level-5
31. Pillars of Eternity Linux/Switch 2015 Obsidian Entertainment/Paradox Interactive
32. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS 2000 Nintendo
33. StarCraft/Brood War Windows 1998 Blizzard Entertainment
34. Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV Switch 2020 Koei Tecmo
35. Armello Linux/Switch 2015 League of Geeks
36. Resident Evil: Revelations 3DS/WiiU/Switch 2012 Capcom
37. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Switch/Stadia 2016 Nihon Falcom/NIS America
38. Valkyria Chronicles 4 Switch/Stadia 2018 Sega
39. Phoenix Point Stadia 2019 Snapshot Games
40. Supaplex DOS 1991 Think!Ware Development/Dream Factory/Digital Integration
41. Monster Hunter Rise Switch 2021 Capcom
42. King's Bounty II Switch 2021 1C Entertainment
43. Dragon Quest Builders Switch 2016 SquareEnix
44. Gylt Stadia 2019 Tequila Works
45. Child of Light WiiU/Switch 2014 Ubisoft
46. Doom 64 Switch/Stadia 1997 Midway
47. The Battle for Wesnoth Linux 2005 David White and others
48. Descent DOS 1995 Parallax Software/Interplay
49. Pinball Dreams DOS 1992 Digital Illusions/21st Century Entertainment
50. Resident Evil (Remake) Wii/Switch 2002 Capcom


Here some statistics. As I played some games on multiple platforms, the platform numbers will add up to more than 50. As creators I list only these, which made multiple games I like.

  entries highest
Switch 23 #2 Katamari Damacy
DOS 9 #12 Star Wars: Dark Forces
Stadia 9 #2 Katamari Damacy
3DS 7 #11 Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
Wii 6 #3 Pandora's Tower
Linux 5 #23 Graveyard Keeper
WiiU 4 #6 Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
PS2 3 #2 Katamari Damacy
Windows 3 #1 Heroes of Might and Magic III
PS3 1 #13 Demon’s Souls
90s 13 #1 Heroes of Might and Magic III
00s 9 #2 Katamari Damacy
10s 23 #3 Pandora's Tower
20s 5 #24 Baldur's Gate III
Nintendo 6 #9 Xenoblade Chronicles
Atlus 4 #6 Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
Capcom 4 #5 Ōkami
SquareEnix 4 #4 Dragon Quest Builders 2
LucasArts 3 #12 Star Wars: Dark Forces
Ubisoft 2 #29 Immortals Fenyx Rising
Intelligent Systems 2 #20 Fire Emblem Awakening
NIS America 2 #11 Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
Interplay 2 #10 Baldur's Gate

There are games that were on previous lists of mine, but didn't make the cut this year. Look here for the list. I list them here compact, ordered by the last year I had them on my list and the rank:

  • 2017: One Must Fall: 2097 (#50), Zen Pinball 2 (#49), Super Smash Bros. Brawl (#47), NetHack/Slash'EM (#45), The Cave (#44), Splatoon (#43), Pikmin 3 (#42), Lego City Undercover (#41), Mario Kart 8 (#37), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (#33), Monster Hunter Tri (#32), Borderlands 2 (#24)
  • 2018: Disgaea 5 (#48), The Curious Expedition (#46), Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (#45), Hyrule Warriors (#43), Pokémon Omega Ruby (#42), Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (#33), The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (#28)
  • 2019: Dillon's Rolling Western (#50), Heretic (#49), Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (#48), Rabbids Go Home (#47), Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (#46), Dyna Blaster/Bomberman (#42), Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (#41), Cadence of Hyrule (#36)
  • 2020: Pathfinder Adventures (#50), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (#47), Ring Fit Adventure (#48), Don't Starve (#46), Spiritfarer (#42), Pikmin (#38), Assassin's Creed Odyssey (#36), Final Fantasy X (#34)

Here are some honorable mentions. As I list each year unique titles I list my honorable mentions for all of the last years:

  • 2017: Wii Sports Resort (Wii, 2009), Dune (DOS, 1992), Hearthstone (Android, 2014), Chaos Overlords (DOS, 1996), Dillon's Rolling Western (3DS, 2012), Micro Machines (DOS, 1991), Bravely Default (3DS, 2012) and Duke Nukem 3D (DOS, 1996)
  • 2018: Undertale (Switch, 2015), Oxenfree (Switch, 2016), Darksiders II (WiiU, 2012), Unreal Tournament (Windows, 1999), Doom reboot (Switch, 2016)
  • 2019: Into the Breach (Switch, 2018), Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (WiiU/Switch, 2014), Wacky Wheels (DOS, 1994), Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch, 2018), FreedroidRPG (Linux, 2011), The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Switch, 2015), Sid Meier's Colonization (DOS, 1994), Blockout (DOS, 1989)
  • 2020: Beyond Good & Evil (PS2, 2003), Doom 64 (Switch/Stadia, 1997), Human Resource Machine (WiiU/Switch, 2015), Worms (DOS, 1995), Hitman (Stadia, 2016), Battle Chess (DOS, 1988)
  • 2021: Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise/Rhythm Heaven Fever (2011, Wii), Ys IX: Monstrum Nox (2019, Switch/Stadia), Battalion Wars 2 (2007, Wii), Project Zomboid (2013, Linux), Eledees/Elebits (2006, Wii), Wunderland (1994, Telnet)

And in the discussion thread we have again this year the guessing game. Here are the results of who guessed how much of my games.

 user count entries
The_Liquid_Laser 12 #25, #22, #24, #21, #20, #18, #16, #10, #8, #7, #9, #4
Darashiva 7 #45, #35, #28, #27, #26, #13, #2
Machina 6 #48, #39, #34, #29, #31, #30
drbunnig 4 #19, #15, #12, #5
Zippy6 3 #50, #43, #38
Kakadu18 3 #46, #37, #39
coolbeans 3 #17, #3, #1
TruckOSaurus 2 #33, #32
Supermario28 1 #41
S.Peelman 1 #36
Platina 1 #11
UnderwaterFunktown 1 #6
no one 7 #49, #47, #44, #42, #40, #23, #14

Last edited by Mnementh - on 21 January 2022

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Alright, show time.

Here we go!

Rank Title Platform(s) Developer Year YoY
#50 Kid Icarus: Uprising Nintendo 3DS Project Sora 2012 - 11
#49 Final Fantasy VII Nintendo Switch Square 1997 - 23
#48 Super Mario 64 Nintendo 64/Nintendo Switch Nintendo EAD 1996 0
#47 Luigi's Mansion 3 Nintendo Switch Next Level Games 2019 NEW
#46 Pokemon X/Y Nintendo 3DS Game Freak 2013 - 10
#45 Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo GameCube/Nintendo Switch Nintendo EAD 2002 + 2
#44 Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Wii U WayForward 2014 - 6
#43 Spider-Man: Miles Morales PlayStation 4 Insomniac Games 2020 NEW
#42 Final Fantasy XV PlayStation 4 Square Enix 2016 - 2
#41 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Nintendo 3DS/Wii Nintendo EAD 1998 - 4
#40 Super Mario 3D World (Bowser's Fury) Nintendo Switch/Wii U Nintendo EAD 2013 + 6
#39 Hyrule Warriors Wii U Omega Force/Team Ninja 2014 - 9
#38 Pokemon Black/White Nintendo DS Game Freak 2010 NEW
#37 Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Wii U/Nintendo Switch Retro Studios 2014 - 4
#36 Sonic Colors Wii Sonic Team 2010 + 9
#35 Life Is Strange PlayStation 4 Dontnod Entertainment 2015 - 4
#34 Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe) Wii U/Nintendo Switch Nintendo EAD 2014 - 2
#33 Splatoon Wii U Nintendo EAD 2015 - 4
#32 Metroid Prime Nintendo GameCube/Wii/Wii U Retro Studios 2002 - 5
#31 Sonic Generations Xbox 360 Sonic Team 2011 + 13
#30 Fire Emblem Fates Nintendo 3DS Intelligent Systems 2015 - 5
#29 Ghost of Tsushima PlayStation 4 Sucker Punch Productions 2020 + 12
#28 Sonic Unleashed Wii/Xbox 360 Sonic Team 2008 + 15
#27 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Nintendo 3DS Nintendo EAD 2013 + 7
#26 Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut Nintendo GameCube Sonic Team 2003 + 9
#25 Luigi's Mansion Nintendo EAD Nintendo EAD 2001 + 3
#24 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Switch Monolith Soft 2017 - 3
#23 Metroid Dread Nintendo Switch MercurySteam 2021 NEW
#22 Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Nintendo Switch WayForward Technologies 2016 - 3
#21 Life Is Strange 2 PlayStation 4 Dontnod Entertainment 2018 - 1
#20 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Wii/Nintendo 3DS Nintendo EAD 2000 + 4
#19 Super Smash Bros. Melee Nintendo GameCube HAL Laboratory 2001 - 1
#18 Pokemon Gold/Silver Game Boy Color Game Freak 1999 - 8
#17 The Last of Us PlayStation 4 Naughty Dog 2013 - 1
Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 15 December 2021

Rank Title Platform(s) Developer Year
#50 The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Nintendo DS Nintendo 2009
#49 Super Mario Bros. 3 Nintendo Switch Nintendo 1988
#48 Tetris 99 Nintendo Switch Nintendo, Arika 2019
#47 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo Switch Sora Ltd., Bandai Namco, Nintendo 2018
#46 Tetris Effect: Connected Nintendo Switch Monstars, Resonair, Stage Games 2018, 2020
#45 Okami HD Nintendo Switch Clover Studio, HexaDrive 2006, 2012
#44 Fire Emblem: Awakening Nintendo 3DS Intelligent Systems, Nintendo 2012
#43 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Nintendo Switch Nintendo 1991
#42 New Super Mario Bros. Wii Wii Nintendo 2009
#41 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Nintendo Switch Ubisoft 2013
#40 Sid Meier's Civilization VI Nintendo Switch Firaxis 2016
#39 Sniper Elite 4 Nintendo Switch Rebellion 2017
#38 Luigi's Mansion 2 Nintendo 3DS Next Level Games 2013
#37 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Nintendo 3DS Grezzo 2011
#36 Minecraft Nintendo Switch Mojang 2011
#35 The Walking Dead Nintendo Switch Telltale Games 2012
#34 The Walking Dead: Season 2 Nintendo Switch Telltale Games 2013
#33 The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Nintendo DS Nintendo 2007
#32 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Nintendo Switch Bethesda 2011
#31 Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Nintendo Switch Nihon Falcom 2019
#30 Luigi's Mansion Gamecube, Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 2001
#29 Luigi's Mansion 3 Nintendo Switch Next Level Games 2019
#28 Hitman 3 Nintendo Switch IOI 2021
#27 Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle Nintendo Switch Ubisoft 2017
#26 Super Mario 3D Land Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 2011
#25 Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury Nintendo Switch Nintendo 2013/ 2021
#24 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Nintendo Switch Monolith Soft 2017
#23 Super Paper Mario Wii Intelligent Systems 2007
#22 Monster Hunter Rise Nintendo Switch Capcom 2021
#21 Fire Emblem: Three Houses Nintendo Switch Intelligent Systems, Koei Tecmo 2019
#20 The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Nintendo 3DS Grezzo 2015
#19 Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii Nintendo 2010
#18 DOOM Nintendo Switch id Software, Bethesda, Panic Button 2016
#17 Splatoon 2 Nintendo Switch Nintendo 2017
#16 Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Nintendo Switch Monolith Soft 2010/ 2020
#15 Ori and the Blind Forest Nintendo Switch Moon Studios 2015
#14 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Wii, Nintendo Switch Nintendo 2011/ 2021
#13 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Nintendo Switch Nintendo 2014/ 2017
#12 Doom Eternal Nintendo Switch id Software, Bethesda, Panic Button 2020
#11 Super Mario Galaxy Wii, Nintendo Switch Nintendo 2007
#10 Super Mario Odyssey Nintendo Switch Nintendo 2017
#9 Ori and the Will of the Wisps Nintendo Switch Moon Studios 2020
#8 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 2013
#7 Metroid Dread Nintendo Switch Mercury Steam 2021
#6 Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana Nintendo Switch Nihon Falcom 2016
#5 Super Mario Sunshine Gamecube, Nintendo Switch Nintendo 2002
#4 Astral Chain Nintendo Switch Platinum Games 2019
#3 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Gamecube Nintendo 2006
#2 The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Gamecube Nintendo 2002
#1 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Nintendo Switch Nintendo 2017
Last edited by Kakadu18 - on 05 January 2022

Around the Network
50 Dead Rising PC
49 Papers, Please PC
48 Twinkle Star Sprites NEOGEO
47 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild NSW
46 Dark Souls PC
45 Doom (2016) PC
44 Gravity Rush Remastered PS4
43 Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective DS
42 Catherine: Full Body PS4, NSW
41 Final Fantasy VII PS1, NSW
40 Super Mario Odyssey NSW
39 Silent Hill 2 PC
38 Resident Evil 4 PC
37 Pikmin 3 Wii U
36 Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back PS1
35 Crash Bandicoot: WARPED PS1
34 Guilty Gear Strive PC
33 Ape Escape 3 PS2
32 Bayonetta 2 Wii U, NSW
31 NieR: Automata PS4
30 Resident Evil 7 PC
29 Paper Mario N64
28 Super Mario World SNES
27 Metroid Dread NSW
26 Star Fox 64 N64, 3DS
25 Resident Evil 2 PS1
24 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night PS1
23 Castlevania: Circle of the Moon GBA
22 Crash Team Racing PS1
21 Deltarune PC, NSW
20 Resident Evil Village PC
19 Metroid Prime GCN, Wii
18 Rhythm Tengoku GBA
17 Ape Escape PS1
16 Resident Evil Remake PC
15 Persona 4 Golden PSV, PC
14 Persona 3 FES PS2
13 Castlevania NES
12 Cave Story PC, Wii, NSW
11 Devil May Cry 5 PC
10 Resident Evil 2 Remake PC
9 Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow GBA
8 Metroid: Zero Mission GBA
7 Super Metroid SNES
6 Silent Hill PS1
5 Touhou Luna Nights PC, NSW
4 Mega Man X SNES
3 Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door GCN
2 Xenoblade Chronicles Wii, NSW
1 Persona 5 Royal PS4
Last edited by Ultrashroomz - on 29 December 2021

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Rank Title Platform(s) Developer Year*
#50 Wii Sports Resort Wii Nintendo 2009
#49 Castlevania II: Simon's Quest NES Konami 1987
#48 Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis Sega 1991
#47 Shadowgate NES ICOM Sim. 1987
#46 Warlords Atari 2600 Atari 1981
#45 Star Wars: X-Wing PC LucasArts 1993
#44 Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse NES Konami 1989
#43 GoldenEye 007 N64 Rare 1997
#42 Baseball Stars NES SNK 1989
#41 The Curse of Monkey Island PC LucasArts 1997
#40 Golf Story Switch Sidebar Games 2017
#39 Blaster Master NES Sunsoft 1988
#38 What Remains of Edith Finch XB1 Annapurna 2017
#37 Super Mario Odyssey Switch Nintendo 2017
#36 Civilization VI PC Firaxis Games 2016
#35 Star Wars: TIE Fighter PC LucasArts 1994
#34 Oxenfree PC Night School Studio 2016
#33 Rollercoaster Tycoon PC MicroProse 1999
#32 NHL '94 Genesis EA Sports 1993
#31 SimCity 2000 PC Maxis 1993
#30 The Outer Worlds XB1 Obsidian 2019
#29 Super Mario Bros 3 NES Nintendo 1990
#28 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order XSX Respawn 2019
#27 Mike Tyson's Punch Out NES Nintendo 1987
#26 Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar NES FCI/Pony Canyon 1990
#25 Deus Ex PC Ion Storm 2000
#24 Tetris Effect: Connected XSX Enhance Games 2020
#23 Tecmo Super Bowl NES Tecmo 1991
#22 Ori and the Blind Forest PC Moon Studios 2015
#21 The Legend of Zelda NES Nintendo 1987
#20 SimCity 4 PC Maxis 2003
#19 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker GC Nintendo 2003
#18 Civilization III PC Firaxis Games 2001
#17 Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii Nintendo 2006
#16 Ori and the Will of the Wisps XSX Moon Studios 2020
#15 Half-Life PC Valve 1998
#14 Metroid Dread Switch Nintendo 2021
#13 SteamWorld Dig 2 Switch Image & Form 2017
#12 Super Metroid SNES Nintendo 1994
#11 Super Mario Galaxy Wii Nintendo 2007
#10 Portal PC Valve 2007
#9 Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past SNES Nintendo 1992
#8 Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii Nintendo 2010
#7 Hades Switch Supergiant Games 2020
#6 Nier: Automata XB1 PlatinumGames 2017
#5 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Switch Nintendo 2017
#4 Half-Life 2 PC Valve 2004
#3 Hollow Knight Switch Team Cherry 2017
#2 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64 Nintendo 1998
#1 Portal 2 PC Valve 2011

* - USA release date

Last edited by kenjab - on 31 December 2021

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish

Rank Title Platform(s) Year
#50 Tetris Gameboy 1989
#49 Battlefield 4 PS4 2013
#48 Quest 64 Nintendo 64 1998
#47 Folklore PS3 2003
#46 The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III Xbox Series X 2015
#45 Pokemon X 3DS 2013
#44 Super Street Fighter II Super NES 1994
#43 Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr Xbox Series X 2018
#42 The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim PS3, Xbox One X 2011, 2016
#41 Ninja Gaiden NES 1988
#40 Warhammer: Chaosbane Xbox Series X 2019
#39 Dragon Ball Z:Sagas GameCube 2005
#38 Super Mario Bros. 3 NES 1990
#37 Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance  Xbox 2002
#36 Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom PS3 2006
#35 Luigi's Mansion GameCube 2001
#34 Brutal Legend PS3 2009
#33 Super Mario World Super NES 1990
#32 Rocket League PS4 2015
#31 Max Payne Xbox 2001
#30 Double Dragon NES 1988
#29 Devil Dice PS1 1998
#28 Final Fantasy XV Xbox One X 2016
#27 Mario Cart 64 Nintendo 64 1997
#26 Halo 3 Xbox 360 2007
#25 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Super NES 1992
#24 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Xbox 360 2006
#23 Halo 2 Xbox 2004
#22 Super Mario 64 Nintendo 64 1996
#21 The Legend of Zelda NES 1986
#20 Borderlands 3 Xbox Series X 2020
#19 Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link NES 1988
#18 Player Unknown's Battlegrounds Xbox One X 2017
#17 Halo: Combat Evolved Xbox, Xbox One X, Xbox Series X 2001,2014
#16 Borderlands 2 PS3 2012
#15 Sacred 2: Fallen Angel PS3 2012
#14 Fallout 4 Xbox One X 2015
#13 Yakuza: Like a Dragon Xbox Series X 2020
#12 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Switch 2017
#11 Champions: Return to Arms PS2 2005
#10 Champions of Norrath PS2 2004
#9 Borderlands Xbox 360,PS3, Xbox One X, Series X 2009, 2019
#8 Silent Hill PS1 1999
#7 Shadow Man Dreamcast 1999
#6 No Man's Sky PS4 2016
#5 Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II PS2, Xbox 2004
#4 Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance PS2, Gamecube 2001
#3 Minecraft PS4, Xbox Series X 2011
#2 Diablo III PS3, PS4, Xbox One X, Series X 2013
#1 The Elder Scrolls Online PS4, Xbox One X 2015

Four new games entered my top 50 this year:

Yakuza Like a Dragon in 13th

Borderlands 3 in 20th

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr in 43rd

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III in 46th

Also added more platforms to a few games that I replayed this year.

Last year I was able to post one a day for the countdown, but this year will be more hectic for me so I decided to post them all.  

Last edited by DroidKnight - on 20 November 2021 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

Rank Game Year System Developer
50 Dawn of War 1 + expansions 2004 PC Relic Entertainment
49 Splatoon 2 2017 NS Nintendo
48 The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 2003 GC Nintendo
47 Far Cry 3 2012 PC Ubisoft
46 Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast 2002 PC LucasArts
45 Sonic Colours 2010 Wii Sega
44 The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds 2013 3DS Nintendo
43 Star Wars Battlefront 2 (original) 2005 PC LucasArts
42 Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 1 2007 PC Infinity Ward
41 Metal Gear Rising Revengeance 2013 PC Platinum Games
40 Pokemon Trading Card Game 2000 GB Hudson Soft
39 Zoo Tycoon+ expansions 2001 PC Blue Fang Games
38 Star Wars Battlefront (original) 2004 PC LucasArts
37 Kirby and The Amazing Mirror 2004 GBA Nintendo
36 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas PC
35 Portal 2 PC
34 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Bue/Red Team GBA
33 Pokemon X/Y 3DS
32 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe NS
31 Wii Sports Wii
30 Megaman Zero 1 GBA
29 Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald GBA
28 Doom 2016 PC
27 Serious Sam The First Encounter PC
26 Pokemon FirRed/Leafgreen GBA
25 Might and Magic Clash of Heroes DS
24 Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut PC
23 Fire Emblem Blazing Sword GBA
22 Fallout 3 PC
21 Unreal Tournament 2004 PC
20 Super Smash Brothers Ultimate NS
19 Tetris GB
18 Danganrompa. Trigger Happy Havoc PC
17 Danganrompa 2 Goodbye Despair PC
16 Age of Mythology + Titans expansion PC
15 Sonic Rush DS
14 Chrono Trigger DS
13 Megaman Zero 3 GBA
12 Serious Sam The Second Encounter PC
11 Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones GBA
10 Fire Emblem Awakenig 3DS
9 The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker GC
8 Grand Theft Auto Vice City PC
7 Shadow of the Colossus PS2
6 Katawa Shoujo PC
5 Megaman Zero 4 GBA
4 The Elder Scrolls Skyrim PC
3 Age of Empires II + The Conquerors Expansion PC
2 Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal GB
1 Pokemon Black/White DS
Last edited by Darwinianevolution - on 30 December 2021

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Rank Title Platform(s) Developer Year YoY
#50 World of Warcraft PC Blizzard Entertainment 2004 0
#49 Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of stuff PS4 Square Enix 2017 NEW
#48 Super Mario RPG SNES Square 1996 NEW
#47 Super Mario Bros 3 Nintendo   Nintendo 1988 +2
#46 Star Fox 64  Nintendo 64  Nintendo 1997 +1
#45 Mega Man X SNES Capcom 1993 +1
#44 Fire Emblem: Awakening Nintendo 3DS Nintendo  2012 -1
#43 Super Mario Galaxy  Wii Nintendo 2007 -6
#42 Shovel Knight: Teasure trove PS4 Yacht Club Games 2014 0
#41 Pokemon X/Y Nintendo 3DS Game Freak 2013 NEW
#40 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PS3 Bethesda 2011 +1
#39 Breath of Fire IV PS1 Capcom 2000 0
#38 Pokemon Gold/Silver Game Boy Color  Game Freak 2000 -15
#37 Ys8: Lacrimosa of Dana PS4 Nihon Falcom 2016 +1
#36 Seiken Dentetsu 3(Secret of Mana2) SNES Square 1995 +4
#35 Super Metroid SNES Nintendo 1994 -2
#34 Super Mario World  SNES Nintendo 1991 +2
#33 Final Fantasy Tactics PS1 Square 1997 +2
#32 Donkey Kong Country 3 SNES
#31 Donkey Kong Country 2 SNES
#30 Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the stuff PS3
#29 Castlevania: Lords of Shadows PS3
#28 Final Fantasy IX PS1
#27 Dark Souls 3 PS4
#26 Dragon Quest VI: Realms of stuff snes
#25 Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of stuff PS2
#24 Final Fantasy 7: Remake part 1 PS4
#23 Uncharted 4 PS4
#22 Suikoden 3 PS2
#21 Horizon Zero Dawn  PS4
#20 Breath fo Fire 2 SNES
#19 Mario Kart 8/Deluxe N Switch
#18 God of War 4 PS4
#17 Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PS4
#16 TLO Zelda: A link to the past SNES
#15 Castlevania Symphony of the Night PS1
#14 The Last of Us PS3
#13 Uncharted 2 PS3
#12 Suikoden 5 PS2
#11 Ogre Battle 64  Nintendo 64
#10 Hollow Knight  PS4
#9 TLO Zelda: Ocarina of time Nintendo 64
#8 Final Fantasy 7 PS1
#7 Bloodborne PS4
#6 Final Fantasy 12/Zodiac Age PS2
#5 Nier Automata PS4
#4 Monster Hunter World/Iceborne PS4
#3 Final Fantasy 6 SNES
#2 Suikoden 2 PS1
#1 Chrono Trigger SNES

Honorary Mentions - Last year I put like 50 games as HM because to be honest the last 10 spots of the top50 are the hardest for me, theres a lot of good candidates and this year I was feeling strongly about the ones I have, so this year im gonna keep the HM list short. 

  • Megaman X2
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • SMW2: Yoshi’s Island
  • Dead Space
  • Resident Evil 2 Remake
Last edited by Louie_86 - on 21 December 2021