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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Does Nintendo suck at making "Core gamer" consoles?

No. It's just that they don't need to make conventional consoles anymore. They've been doing their own thing for a long while now, and it's worked out for them for the most part (there was the Wii U flopping). People buy Nintendo systems mainly to play Nintendo games, and Nintendo is still popular and culturally relevant enough to where their systems and games will sell very well. The Switch line is essentially guaranteed to sell 100M+ units each generation so long as Nintendo has the games and the marketing savvy.

Also, form factor aside, the Switch is probably their most conventional system to date. Playing one on the TV doesn't feel all that dissimilar from playing on PS or Xbox (that Pro controller is fantastic). It' just that it's lack of horsepower means third parties were less likely to release big AAA titles for it. And again, that relative lack of third-party AAA games was most certainly not to the Switch's detriment. It became the #3 console ever almost entirely on the basis of Nintendo's first-party output. The attach rates for some of the top-selling Switch games are probably the envy of the industry.

But as a hypothetical, if they did decide to make another conventional console (say, in a what-if scenario where MS exits the market, giving Nintendo room to fill the gap), I'm sure they'd do quite well with it if they put their minds to it. They made really good conventional consoles in the past, so I'm sure they'd be able to do so again. The only reason they're stopped making conventional consoles in the first place is because they miscalculated when they made the N64 cartridge-based, a decision that ultimately led to Sony dominating for two generation straight, forcing Nintendo to change strategy. They still make good-quality hardware, and I'm sure if they made a new conventional console they'd have the horsepower to attract all the big third-party AAA games. The only thing they'd need to do is bring their online system up to par with that of PS & Xbox, i.e., a proper friends list system, a proper matchmaking system, and preferably also trophy/achievement system. I tried playing Mario Kart 8 online with a friend some months ago and it was a messy, clunky system.


In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

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Shadow1980 said:

Also, form factor aside, the Switch is probably their most conventional system to date. Playing one on the TV doesn't feel all that dissimilar from playing on PS or Xbox (that Pro controller is fantastic).

I mean yeah, the option to do that is there. But at it's core, I'd argue the Switch still really isn't the "Normal Console" some people wanted. I remember way back in the NX rumor mill days, where everyone wanted Nintendo to make a powerful competitive console aimed strictly at the "hardcore" gamer with no gimmicks or casual/family focus because the Wii U's failure supposedly proved their Blue Ocean gimmick direction doesn't work long term.

But the Switch is the exact opposite of what those people wanted. It's an underpowered tablet with colorful detachable controllers and a TV out that's focused on local multiplayer with family and friends. It still has a focus on family/casual/social gaming with Mario Kart and Animal Crossing. It still has a focus on Motion Control with games like Switch Sports and Just Dance. It still doesn't have great Online or most of the biggest AAA third party games. One of its biggest selling points is propping the system up with a kick stand and detaching to the controllers to play with a friend (IE a trademark Nintendo gimmick).

However, I'd say the Switch still satisfies some of these Nintendo fans because the option to use it as a bog-standard console without any gimmicks is much more readily available. The Wii leaned a bit too heavily into motion controls and social gaming for some people's liking, while the Wii U was a mess of controllers, features, and gimmicks that not even Nintendo could make work together. But the Switch is less bloated, and is a very versatile system out of the box. So if for whatever reason, you want to use it like a GameCube 2, all you need is a Pro Controller.

zeldaring said:
Mnementh said:

Sorry, second post in a row that is just... so restricted in view. Again you make it sound like a every core gamer must love the same games. I certainly do love some core games, but I tried and was bored out my ears by GTA V, Tomb Raider Reboot, God of War and Uncharted. Yes, these games. What people call core games is a very broad field. I love Monster Hunter and Resident Evil, both of which are certainly core and both are plenty available on Switch. You can be a core gamer, not like Nintendo games and still have a lot of fun with Nintendo consoles. I feel like you are not a real gamer, by limiting yourself to one and only one experience and that is the right one. A real gamer loves experimenting and having fun with different stuff.

I didn't say that at all but the switch misses on on many of the big games that core gamers love so if you don't love nintendo games it's too much of a sacrifice to be someone's only console, along with dated hardware it just doesn't make a great core system for the core gamer imo. you talk about resident evil but many of the latest entry's are not on switch. many of the third party games are huge downgrades as well. if you are buying only one console and not into handheld gaming its hard to choose a switch unless you love nintendo games above everything else.

Sorry, there are so many games and you can't play everything, I realistically think a core gamer can be successfully entertain themself with just Switch. Works for the other two as well. What you miss out on is, that you completely disregard indies, which have a lot of core gaming experiences. For instance a lot of turn-based RPGs - clearly core gaming land - are often smaller productions, but many of them are available on Switch. And you can sink hundreds of hours into them. As every Monster Hunter you can put over 1000 hours into Rise. There are classical adventures - basically only on Switch besides PC. Dark Souls, Witcher and Skyrim are also games worth hundreds of hours. Clearly core gamers can easily be satisfied on Switch.

So yeah, core gamers  can be satisfied with Switch. And with all you are telling I have the feeling you aren't a core gamer or talking about core gamers, because your arguments talk about casual AAA games. God of War, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Uncharted - they all go out of their way to make crystal clear what they expect from players, in God of War they expect their players so much to be unable even solving simplest puzzles, they give them away right away with the brat. So, maybe you mean Switch is not fit for players to lazy learn even simplest game mechanics and instead settle for cinematic games (=games that play themself). That in my opinion are casual players, not core gamers.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Mnementh said:
zeldaring said:

I didn't say that at all but the switch misses on on many of the big games that core gamers love so if you don't love nintendo games it's too much of a sacrifice to be someone's only console, along with dated hardware it just doesn't make a great core system for the core gamer imo. you talk about resident evil but many of the latest entry's are not on switch. many of the third party games are huge downgrades as well. if you are buying only one console and not into handheld gaming its hard to choose a switch unless you love nintendo games above everything else.

Sorry, there are so many games and you can't play everything, I realistically think a core gamer can be successfully entertain themself with just Switch. Works for the other two as well. What you miss out on is, that you completely disregard indies, which have a lot of core gaming experiences. For instance a lot of turn-based RPGs - clearly core gaming land - are often smaller productions, but many of them are available on Switch. And you can sink hundreds of hours into them. As every Monster Hunter you can put over 1000 hours into Rise. There are classical adventures - basically only on Switch besides PC. Dark Souls, Witcher and Skyrim are also games worth hundreds of hours. Clearly core gamers can easily be satisfied on Switch.

So yeah, core gamers  can be satisfied with Switch. And with all you are telling I have the feeling you aren't a core gamer or talking about core gamers, because your arguments talk about casual AAA games. God of War, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Uncharted - they all go out of their way to make crystal clear what they expect from players, in God of War they expect their players so much to be unable even solving simplest puzzles, they give them away right away with the brat. So, maybe you mean Switch is not fit for players to lazy learn even simplest game mechanics and instead settle for cinematic games (=games that play themself). That in my opinion are casual players, not core gamers.

Ok all those indie games games you mentioned are all mostly on other consoles. I think most core gamers want to be able to experience the latest big games with descent tech. you mention dark souls but armored core 6 Dark souls 3, Sikero and Elden ring are not on switch. That just one developer and they are some of the best games ever made. you see even if you don't like sony offerings there are a ton of thirdparty big AAA games for example this year alone BG3, dead space, resident evil 4 remake, amored core 6, final fantasy, street fighter 6, and much more with switch if i'm not into Nintendo you are basically just playing indie games. Games like witcher 3, MK0 and doom are not even worth playing on switch with how downgraded they are.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 20 December 2023

zeldaring said:
Mnementh said:

Sorry, there are so many games and you can't play everything, I realistically think a core gamer can be successfully entertain themself with just Switch. Works for the other two as well. What you miss out on is, that you completely disregard indies, which have a lot of core gaming experiences. For instance a lot of turn-based RPGs - clearly core gaming land - are often smaller productions, but many of them are available on Switch. And you can sink hundreds of hours into them. As every Monster Hunter you can put over 1000 hours into Rise. There are classical adventures - basically only on Switch besides PC. Dark Souls, Witcher and Skyrim are also games worth hundreds of hours. Clearly core gamers can easily be satisfied on Switch.

So yeah, core gamers  can be satisfied with Switch. And with all you are telling I have the feeling you aren't a core gamer or talking about core gamers, because your arguments talk about casual AAA games. God of War, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Uncharted - they all go out of their way to make crystal clear what they expect from players, in God of War they expect their players so much to be unable even solving simplest puzzles, they give them away right away with the brat. So, maybe you mean Switch is not fit for players to lazy learn even simplest game mechanics and instead settle for cinematic games (=games that play themself). That in my opinion are casual players, not core gamers.

Ok all those indie games games you mentioned are all mostly on other consoles. I think most core gamers want to be able to experience the latest big games with descent tech. you mention dark souls but armored core 6 Dark souls 3, Sikero and Elden ring are not on switch. That just one developer and they are some of the best games ever made. you see even if you don't like sony offerings there are a ton of thirdparty big AAA games for example this year alone BG3, dead space, resident evil 4 remake, amored core 6, final fantasy, street fighter 6, and much more with switch if i'm not into Nintendo you are basically just playing indie games. Games like witcher 3, MK0 and doom are not even worth playing on switch with how downgraded they are.

It doesn't matter whether those indie games are all mostly on other consoles. The crux of your argument is that someone whose only modern console is the Switch is missing out on so many games. Therefore, a game being multiplatform is moot. As that person, I'm fine with downgraded versions of big budget games so long as they run well enough for the Switch. If I had a gaming PC, PS5 or XS, I'd most likely get those versions of the more demanding games, but you are completely discounting so many critically acclaimed indy games with sizable followings that run perfectly fine on Switch as they do with other versions. And for the games in the latter category, why get them on anything other than Switch? Otherwise, you're missing out on the portability.

If most gamers want to experience the latest big games with decent tech, then why would they be playing them on anything other than PC? Then you go on to talk about how several Switch games are downgraded, yet you keep ignoring how console games are downgraded from PC versions.

Around the Network
Shadow1980 said:

No. It's just that they don't need to make conventional consoles anymore. They've been doing their own thing for a long while now, and it's worked out for them for the most part (there was the Wii U flopping). People buy Nintendo systems mainly to play Nintendo games, and Nintendo is still popular and culturally relevant enough to where their systems and games will sell very well. The Switch line is essentially guaranteed to sell 100M+ units each generation so long as Nintendo has the games and the marketing savvy.

Also, form factor aside, the Switch is probably their most conventional system to date. Playing one on the TV doesn't feel all that dissimilar from playing on PS or Xbox (that Pro controller is fantastic). It' just that it's lack of horsepower means third parties were less likely to release big AAA titles for it. And again, that relative lack of third-party AAA games was most certainly not to the Switch's detriment. It became the #3 console ever almost entirely on the basis of Nintendo's first-party output. The attach rates for some of the top-selling Switch games are probably the envy of the industry.

But as a hypothetical, if they did decide to make another conventional console (say, in a what-if scenario where MS exits the market, giving Nintendo room to fill the gap), I'm sure they'd do quite well with it if they put their minds to it. They made really good conventional consoles in the past, so I'm sure they'd be able to do so again. The only reason they're stopped making conventional consoles in the first place is because they miscalculated when they made the N64 cartridge-based, a decision that ultimately led to Sony dominating for two generation straight, forcing Nintendo to change strategy. They still make good-quality hardware, and I'm sure if they made a new conventional console they'd have the horsepower to attract all the big third-party AAA games. The only thing they'd need to do is bring their online system up to par with that of PS & Xbox, i.e., a proper friends list system, a proper matchmaking system, and preferably also trophy/achievement system. I tried playing Mario Kart 8 online with a friend some months ago and it was a messy, clunky system.

This I feel is more important than specs at this point. There's very little chance Nintendo will ever be up to par with home console specs again, unless as you said they take a risk with it if Microsoft leaves the console business. 

But an achievements system would be super easy. If Xbox 360, PS3, and Vita can do it then any system can in terms of specs. 

Far more important than that is online. I should be able to play Switch games similar to PSN or Xbox's network with more robust and common dedicated servers, built-in console voice chat, easier friend searching and discovery, etc. It's wild that Xbox 360, a platform released in 2005, has had better online than Switch in probably every conceivable way. You could even make the argument that the original Xbox (whose Xbox Live launched in 2002) has similar or better online to Switch. 

Nintendo usually caters well to core gamers that love Nintendo games, but they fall flat consistently if you are a core gamer who likes multiplats. Even Switch, which likely has the best core gamer third-party lineup for a Nintendo platform since the SNES, has clear limitations (largely horsepower but also online). 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 156 million (was 73, then 96, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Wman1996 said:
Soundwave said:

They could have made Wind Waker as the second Zelda on the system.

Making it as the first Zelda game at a time where the GameCube badly needed a system seller was extremely irresponsible.

Miyamoto hated the Wind Waker art style too, the Zelda team hid what they were doing from him and when he first saw it he "cringed" and then stated it would hurt the sales of the game.

And he was 100% right.

If you want to do that fine, make it the 2nd Zelda on the system (2nd Zelda games tend to be more experimental), but you can't be serious and do shit like that as the main Zelda. You have a responsibility to sell systems, that's an example of what happens when you let the inmates run the asylum. You end up with a system that can't even outsell the XBox, which was Microsoft's 1st attempt at a console.

The other problem is that they were desperate to get out a Zelda for GameCube, so Wind Waker didn't have very long of a development. 2001-2005 Nintendo really seemed uncharacteristically reluctant to delay games. We also saw that with Super Mario Sunshine, which launched less than a year into the GCN's life.

Post-2005 mindset Nintendo probably would've released Wind Waker (or some other 3D Zelda) around Holiday 2003 globally, and Sunshine probably would've been a Holiday 2002 or February-May 2003 release.

Shoot, even Super Smash Bros. Melee which is very highly-rated as well was rushed. It only had about 13 months of development, and the six clones were in there because they didn't have time to make more unique fighters. 

I still don't know what Nintendo was thinking having a cel-shaded Zelda with a lot of sailing as the first new Zelda game on GameCube. Even though Wind Waker is a loved game after launch and now, the optics at the time were horrible. 

I think Nintendo moreso was totally unprepared for the GC generation, the amount of games they rushed out is pretty surprising and uncharacteristic of Nintendo. They rushed out Melee, Mario Sunshine, Windwaker, Metroid Prime, ect.... Tbh it just seemed like Nintendo's software teams didn't want to stop supporting the N64 but were just forced to. The GC was even aimed to release in 2000 alongside the PS2 but Nintendo delayed it cause the software wasn't ready, and even then they were forced to rush the games just to release it at a managable time window. I don't think it was that smart for Majora's mask to be such a late gen N64 title when that time could've gone towards releasing a more refined GC game on time.

I think the difficulty of developing N64 games completely threw off Nintendo's development cycles which would go on to hurt the GC's development cycle early on. By the time developers were just beginning to get the hang on the N64's hardware, it was already too late and Nintendo needed to release the GC and force development teams to rush their games to make it on time.

burninmylight said:

I'm telling you, you really had to have been around at that time to understand just how let down, confused, bamboozled, hoodwinked and outright betrayed many felt. Yes, Nintendo never outright said the first GCN Zelda would have a realistic or mature art direction, but that was the impression we got when we saw that first trailer! That's where we THOUGHT things were going!

The original "demo" for Zelda was just unrealistic as a game, the texture work, geometric complexity, dynamic lighting/shadowing and shader effects was unachievable for the IBM CPU+TEV based GPU.

Same went for the WiiU Zelda Tech Demo.. It was simply unachievable for the actual games themselves.

The screen-spaced reflections, number of lights, material shaders, geometry and the extremely high quality and clean shadowing is just far to much for a WiiU to manage, not with that texture quality.
Not for a full game.

When you make a tech demo, you are demonstrating various technologies to draw people and developers in to what *might* be possible, not what is actually achievable in a full scaled game.

Which is why, despite that Zelda WiiU tech demo being ultra realistic and impressive... We still ended up with a more cartoonish "Breath of the Wild" game, which despite the technical downgrade, was more appropriate for the hardware.


But like most things in console land, the hype from people can get very real and very silly, even unrealistic.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

zeldaring said:
Mnementh said:

Sorry, there are so many games and you can't play everything, I realistically think a core gamer can be successfully entertain themself with just Switch. Works for the other two as well. What you miss out on is, that you completely disregard indies, which have a lot of core gaming experiences. For instance a lot of turn-based RPGs - clearly core gaming land - are often smaller productions, but many of them are available on Switch. And you can sink hundreds of hours into them. As every Monster Hunter you can put over 1000 hours into Rise. There are classical adventures - basically only on Switch besides PC. Dark Souls, Witcher and Skyrim are also games worth hundreds of hours. Clearly core gamers can easily be satisfied on Switch.

So yeah, core gamers  can be satisfied with Switch. And with all you are telling I have the feeling you aren't a core gamer or talking about core gamers, because your arguments talk about casual AAA games. God of War, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Uncharted - they all go out of their way to make crystal clear what they expect from players, in God of War they expect their players so much to be unable even solving simplest puzzles, they give them away right away with the brat. So, maybe you mean Switch is not fit for players to lazy learn even simplest game mechanics and instead settle for cinematic games (=games that play themself). That in my opinion are casual players, not core gamers.

Ok all those indie games games you mentioned are all mostly on other consoles. I think most core gamers want to be able to experience the latest big games with descent tech. you mention dark souls but armored core 6 Dark souls 3, Sikero and Elden ring are not on switch. That just one developer and they are some of the best games ever made. you see even if you don't like sony offerings there are a ton of thirdparty big AAA games for example this year alone BG3, dead space, resident evil 4 remake, amored core 6, final fantasy, street fighter 6, and much more with switch if i'm not into Nintendo you are basically just playing indie games. Games like witcher 3, MK0 and doom are not even worth playing on switch with how downgraded they are.

The key here: "I think most core gamers want"

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Mnementh said:
zeldaring said:

Ok all those indie games games you mentioned are all mostly on other consoles. I think most core gamers want to be able to experience the latest big games with descent tech. you mention dark souls but armored core 6 Dark souls 3, Sikero and Elden ring are not on switch. That just one developer and they are some of the best games ever made. you see even if you don't like sony offerings there are a ton of thirdparty big AAA games for example this year alone BG3, dead space, resident evil 4 remake, amored core 6, final fantasy, street fighter 6, and much more with switch if i'm not into Nintendo you are basically just playing indie games. Games like witcher 3, MK0 and doom are not even worth playing on switch with how downgraded they are.

The key here: "I think most core gamers want"

Of course it what this thread is about and why I think switch wouldn't make a good cors gaming Console if you only owned a switch.