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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Does Nintendo suck at making "Core gamer" consoles?

Mnementh said:
zeldaring said:

Ok all those indie games games you mentioned are all mostly on other consoles. I think most core gamers want to be able to experience the latest big games with descent tech. you mention dark souls but armored core 6 Dark souls 3, Sikero and Elden ring are not on switch. That just one developer and they are some of the best games ever made. you see even if you don't like sony offerings there are a ton of thirdparty big AAA games for example this year alone BG3, dead space, resident evil 4 remake, amored core 6, final fantasy, street fighter 6, and much more with switch if i'm not into Nintendo you are basically just playing indie games. Games like witcher 3, MK0 and doom are not even worth playing on switch with how downgraded they are.

The key here: "I think most core gamers want"

Nah, the key here is that PS and Xbox don't offer much for core gamers if they aren't into AAA third party games.

Not to mention that zeldaring himself has demonstrated often enough already that he is a casual. In the above post he says that if you aren't playing Nintendo games on Switch, then you are basically just playing indie games. This is so laughably wrong that it can only come from a casual gamer (read: uninformed gamer) or a troll. Now it's up to him to argue which one of the two he is.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

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RolStoppable said:
Mnementh said:

The key here: "I think most core gamers want"

Nah, the key here is that PS and Xbox don't offer much for core gamers if they aren't into AAA third party games.

Not to mention that zeldaring himself has demonstrated often enough already that he is a casual. In the above post he says that if you aren't playing Nintendo games on Switch, then you are basically just playing indie games. This is so laughably wrong that it can only come from a casual gamer (read: uninformed gamer) or a troll. Now it's up to him to argue which one of the two he is.

What games are big sellers other than Nintendo’s games? I think sales figures tell the story better then someone's opinion.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 20 December 2023

javi741 said:

Tbh I'm tired of people always referring to Xbox & PS as being the console for more hardcore gamers and referring to Nintendo for more casual experiences when the most popular games on PS & Xbox are brain dead easy to understand games like COD, Fifa, and a ton of other simple shooters and sport games. Those games have such simple, easy to understand objectives cause literally anyone could understand the objective of sports and shooting games. These games are so simple and in fact more simple to understand than many of the most popular Nintendo games.

I see these same "hardcore" Xbox/PS gamers play a Nintendo game for the first time and end up confused and lost as hell on even the more simple Nintendo games.

I bet if you were to put a grandma who's never played video games in her life in front of Zelda/Mario Odyssey/Smash/ and hell even Animal Crossing against a game like Fifa or Cod, I'm sure she would be able to understand Fifa & Cod far quicker than the most popular Nintendo games.

The idea that PS/Xbox are considered the more "hardcore" consoles just cause they have a more mature realistic appearance with blood and violence is some stupid logic that needs to die.

It's fine to say that PS/Xbox appeals to those who want more mature games and aren't fan of Nintendo games. But it's illogical to say that they're any more hardcore than Nintendo when PS/Xbox's most popular games are super casual, even compared to the most popular Nintendo games.

Nintendo does appeal to core gamers, many of them also happen to own a PS/Xbox as well.

Those who don't have a Switch just don't like Nintendo games, it's not cause Nintendo isn't "hardcore"

Totally this, lots of people who were the ones that started to label themselves as "hardcore gamers" were to ones that played mostly mainstream, recycled, or formulaic, simple games like fifas and cods, some relatives of mine that started playing games on NES, SNES,Genesis, PS1 and PS2 eras, began to despise that attitude from younger people or ones that started playing mostly on X360,PS3, becuase that people would always be bragging about being hardcore and other shit, but when faced with games completely different from the standard fifa, cod, gta or formulaic new third person shooter, that people would always be having problems with games that aren't that mainstream "hardcore" but would always be dissing games like the ones from nintendo or the anime ones that my relatives played(one cousing told me how one of his acquaintances from school I think, got very frustrated when playing a wario ware game or a Naruto Fighting game whenever he visited my cousin, because all that person played gas cod, minecraft and gta) so much for "hardcore" gamers.

Even if Nintendo fixed a lot of errors with the GameCube, this was still a massive problem:

Sony was already at 30 million by March 2002 as the GameCube was just taking its baby steps. Even if the GameCube was a red hot seller lets say and they shipped 5.5 million instead of 4 million out of the gate, they were so far behind. 

They had to launch GameCube in fall 2000, they could not afford to give Sony a 18 month head start. In fall 2000 you'd have to move Zelda: Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark and Conker over ... but I think I would have done that. Those games were kind of wasted on the N64's final year year. 

zeldaring said:
RolStoppable said:

Nah, the key here is that PS and Xbox don't offer much for core gamers if they aren't into AAA third party games.

Not to mention that zeldaring himself has demonstrated often enough already that he is a casual. In the above post he says that if you aren't playing Nintendo games on Switch, then you are basically just playing indie games. This is so laughably wrong that it can only come from a casual gamer (read: uninformed gamer) or a troll. Now it's up to him to argue which one of the two he is.

What games are big sellers other than Nintendo’s games? I think sales figures tell the story better then someone's opinion.

There's plenty of third party games that are successful on Switch otherwise third parties would've abandoned it like they did with the Wii U.

It's true that not every game sells like the Nintendo ones but they don't need to. Doom I believe sold like 1m-2m and it still was succesful enough for Bethesda bring Eternal to the Switch.


On topic, that's a subjective question. I consider myself a core gamer, but I value the versatility and portability of the Switch so I got and played tons of 'core' games in it. I had a blast playing stuff like Dragon Quest 11, Doom (2016), The Witcher 3, and in the future Dark Souls 1 on my Switch so I consider it pretty good for my own needs.

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RedKingXIII said:
zeldaring said:

What games are big sellers other than Nintendo’s games? I think sales figures tell the story better then someone's opinion.

There's plenty of third party games that are successful on Switch otherwise third parties would've abandoned it like they did with the Wii U.

It's true that not every game sells like the Nintendo ones but they don't need to. Doom I believe sold like 1m-2m and it still was succesful enough for Bethesda bring Eternal to the Switch.


On topic, that's a subjective question. I consider myself a core gamer, but I value the versatility and portability of the Switch so I got and played tons of 'core' games in it. I had a blast playing stuff like Dragon Quest 11, Doom (2016), The Witcher 3, and in the future Dark Souls 1 on my Switch so I consider it pretty good for my own needs.

That's fine just stating core games like witcher 3, elden ring, resident 4 remake, doom, CoD,  batman arkham knight are making there living on ps5/pc.

zeldaring said:
RolStoppable said:

Nah, the key here is that PS and Xbox don't offer much for core gamers if they aren't into AAA third party games.

Not to mention that zeldaring himself has demonstrated often enough already that he is a casual. In the above post he says that if you aren't playing Nintendo games on Switch, then you are basically just playing indie games. This is so laughably wrong that it can only come from a casual gamer (read: uninformed gamer) or a troll. Now it's up to him to argue which one of the two he is.

What games are big sellers other than Nintendo’s games? I think sales figures tell the story better then someone's opinion.

Minecraft? Monster Hunter? Fire Emblem? Skyrim?

I assume you meant on the Switch right?

Otherwise big sellers off the Switch are of course...
Call of Duty, MineCraft, Red Dead, Witcher, Skyrim, Diablo, Overwatch, Terraria, Borderlands, Mass Effect, Battlefield, Cyberpunk, Assassins Creed and the list goes on...

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

What games are big sellers other than Nintendo’s games? I think sales figures tell the story better then someone's opinion.

Minecraft? Monster Hunter? Fire Emblem? Skyrim?

I assume you meant on the Switch right?

Otherwise big sellers off the Switch are of course...
Call of Duty, MineCraft, Red Dead, Witcher, Skyrim, Diablo, Overwatch, Terraria, Borderlands, Mass Effect, Battlefield, Cyberpunk, Assassins Creed and the list goes on...

Exactly look how limited the sales are on Switch for core games that actually have impact on the market.  Let's pretend that switch is a great core gaming console when the whole industry is living off ps5/pc.

Last edited by zeldaring - on 20 December 2023

zeldaring said:
Pemalite said:

Minecraft? Monster Hunter? Fire Emblem? Skyrim?

I assume you meant on the Switch right?

Otherwise big sellers off the Switch are of course...
Call of Duty, MineCraft, Red Dead, Witcher, Skyrim, Diablo, Overwatch, Terraria, Borderlands, Mass Effect, Battlefield, Cyberpunk, Assassins Creed and the list goes on...

Exactly look how limited the sales are on Switch for core games that actually have impact on the market.  Let's pretend that switch is a great core gaming console when the whole industry is living off ps5/pc.

So we're moving those goalposts, I see... First your argument was that aside from Nintendo games they were not enough games for core gamers on Switch to sustain their interest and now that's it has been made abundantly clear that that's not the case... you've move on to "but they don't sell enough!!!!!". 

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
zeldaring said:

Exactly look how limited the sales are on Switch for core games that actually have impact on the market.  Let's pretend that switch is a great core gaming console when the whole industry is living off ps5/pc.

So we're moving those goalposts, I see... First your argument was that aside from Nintendo games they were not enough games for core gamers on Switch to sustain their interest and now that's it has been made abundantly clear that that's not the case... you've move on to "but they don't sell enough!!!!!". 

No I'm backing my opinion with sales. If Switch was a good core console the industry could thrive on it but it doesn't 🤷