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javi741 said:

Tbh I'm tired of people always referring to Xbox & PS as being the console for more hardcore gamers and referring to Nintendo for more casual experiences when the most popular games on PS & Xbox are brain dead easy to understand games like COD, Fifa, and a ton of other simple shooters and sport games. Those games have such simple, easy to understand objectives cause literally anyone could understand the objective of sports and shooting games. These games are so simple and in fact more simple to understand than many of the most popular Nintendo games.

I see these same "hardcore" Xbox/PS gamers play a Nintendo game for the first time and end up confused and lost as hell on even the more simple Nintendo games.

I bet if you were to put a grandma who's never played video games in her life in front of Zelda/Mario Odyssey/Smash/ and hell even Animal Crossing against a game like Fifa or Cod, I'm sure she would be able to understand Fifa & Cod far quicker than the most popular Nintendo games.

The idea that PS/Xbox are considered the more "hardcore" consoles just cause they have a more mature realistic appearance with blood and violence is some stupid logic that needs to die.

It's fine to say that PS/Xbox appeals to those who want more mature games and aren't fan of Nintendo games. But it's illogical to say that they're any more hardcore than Nintendo when PS/Xbox's most popular games are super casual, even compared to the most popular Nintendo games.

Nintendo does appeal to core gamers, many of them also happen to own a PS/Xbox as well.

Those who don't have a Switch just don't like Nintendo games, it's not cause Nintendo isn't "hardcore"

Totally this, lots of people who were the ones that started to label themselves as "hardcore gamers" were to ones that played mostly mainstream, recycled, or formulaic, simple games like fifas and cods, some relatives of mine that started playing games on NES, SNES,Genesis, PS1 and PS2 eras, began to despise that attitude from younger people or ones that started playing mostly on X360,PS3, becuase that people would always be bragging about being hardcore and other shit, but when faced with games completely different from the standard fifa, cod, gta or formulaic new third person shooter, that people would always be having problems with games that aren't that mainstream "hardcore" but would always be dissing games like the ones from nintendo or the anime ones that my relatives played(one cousing told me how one of his acquaintances from school I think, got very frustrated when playing a wario ware game or a Naruto Fighting game whenever he visited my cousin, because all that person played gas cod, minecraft and gta) so much for "hardcore" gamers.