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Shadow1980 said:

Also, form factor aside, the Switch is probably their most conventional system to date. Playing one on the TV doesn't feel all that dissimilar from playing on PS or Xbox (that Pro controller is fantastic).

I mean yeah, the option to do that is there. But at it's core, I'd argue the Switch still really isn't the "Normal Console" some people wanted. I remember way back in the NX rumor mill days, where everyone wanted Nintendo to make a powerful competitive console aimed strictly at the "hardcore" gamer with no gimmicks or casual/family focus because the Wii U's failure supposedly proved their Blue Ocean gimmick direction doesn't work long term.

But the Switch is the exact opposite of what those people wanted. It's an underpowered tablet with colorful detachable controllers and a TV out that's focused on local multiplayer with family and friends. It still has a focus on family/casual/social gaming with Mario Kart and Animal Crossing. It still has a focus on Motion Control with games like Switch Sports and Just Dance. It still doesn't have great Online or most of the biggest AAA third party games. One of its biggest selling points is propping the system up with a kick stand and detaching to the controllers to play with a friend (IE a trademark Nintendo gimmick).

However, I'd say the Switch still satisfies some of these Nintendo fans because the option to use it as a bog-standard console without any gimmicks is much more readily available. The Wii leaned a bit too heavily into motion controls and social gaming for some people's liking, while the Wii U was a mess of controllers, features, and gimmicks that not even Nintendo could make work together. But the Switch is less bloated, and is a very versatile system out of the box. So if for whatever reason, you want to use it like a GameCube 2, all you need is a Pro Controller.