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Forums - Website Topics - VGChartz got attacked [IMPORTANT]

trunkswd said:
mjk45 said:

interestingly al the banned accounts are fairly recent ones.

At this point everyone who was wrongly banned should be unbanned and have their accounts restored. 

Yes  I noticed you mentioning that previously, my comment was just about the accounts on that page being very recent ones, so it got me wondering if that similarity gives any clues about how the hacker operated.

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mjk45 said:
trunkswd said:

At this point everyone who was wrongly banned should be unbanned and have their accounts restored. 

Yes  I noticed you mentioning that previously, my comment was just about the accounts on that page being very recent ones, so it got me wondering if that similarity gives any clues about how the hacker operated.

As of right now now, all we know is that the hacker doesn’t like the legend of dragoon…so we were able to narrow the results down by 1 person so far. 

axumblade said:
mjk45 said:

Yes  I noticed you mentioning that previously, my comment was just about the accounts on that page being very recent ones, so it got me wondering if that similarity gives any clues about how the hacker operated.

As of right now now, all we know is that the hacker doesn’t like the legend of dragoon…so we were able to narrow the results down by 1 person so far. 

Didn't seem like a fan of me either.  Went to extra lengths "deleting" (i.e. hiding) my reviews. lol

DonFerrari said:
Norion said:

The only impact I notice for my account is my notifications got cleared for some reason.

Mine too.

This was necessary to allow those of us who were banned to start using the site normally again after being unbanned.

curl-6 said:

I think Basilzero's still corrupted as posts from him seem to have locked up both the Tears of the Kingdom and Nier Automata Switch threads.

The threads are fine I think, they're just missing posts from anyone who got 'delete' banned (same for all threads at the moment).

Decided to bring the site back up just out of curiosity. Looks like it's at least usable for me, though my post history is still wiped out.

Why anybody would take the time out of their day to try to destroy some random, totally harmless website is beyond me. Whoever hacked the site is clearly the type of petty, malicious asshole that goes out of their way to make the lives of others as difficult as possible just for the hell of it. They steal people's time, and therefore chunks of their lives. They deserve nothing less than being exiled from society permanently, perhaps by being forced to live their lives on a penal colony in the middle of northern Alaska, cut off from the rest of the world, never to see a computer again.

Anywho, rant over. Thanks to everyone who's been working hard trying to restore everything.


Art by Hunter B

In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

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Looks like I missed it

Please find a way to restore all deleted posts and threads...

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What I find odd, is not only were some site mods and the site author banned, but some regulars, like why specific regulars?.

It can't be some random hacker that just happened to come across this site, purely at random and decided to target a few mods and regulars, instead of just nuking the entire site, users and all. The oddity of it all just gets me thinking that it's someone we've known before on this site, that likely got perma'd and mulled for some time, if not yrs before taking revenge.

Seriously, why would it be a random hacker for a random site like this, it honestly makes no sense, because there isn't much to gain from taking the site down, slapping some dicks on it and erasing a few mods/regulars. I've seen hacks that have done more damage than this and those attacks were done for the "lulz" as they say.

Makes me wonder if that group of Sony users that were banned yrs ago and formed their own shitty website were behind this. likely not, but that lot that got banned were a super toxic, salty bunch (kerotan included). 

Last edited by Chazore - on 04 October 2022

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

What I find odd, is not only were some site mods and the site author banned, but some regulars, like why specific regulars?.

It can't be some random hacker that just happened to come across this site, purely at random and decided to target a few mods and regulars, instead of just nuking the entire site, users and all. The oddity of it all just gets me thinking that it's someone we've known before on this site, that likely got perma'd and mulled for some time, if not yrs before taking revenge.

Seriously, why would it be a random hacker for a random site like this, it honestly makes no sense, because there isn't much to gain from taking the site down, slapping some dicks on it and erasing a few mods/regulars. I've seen hacks that have done more damage than this and those attacks were done for the "lulz" as they say.

Makes me wonder if that group of Sony users that were banned yrs ago and formed their own shitty website were behind this. likely not, but that lot that got banned were a super toxic, salty bunch (kerotan included). 

It's 100% a user (current or former) here. That's clear from them announcing themselves as the new host of the site and their quip about Talon not knowing about operational security (or something like that). In fact, given that I'd wager they were somebody that interacted with Talon, either through discord/PMs or because they were a former staff member.

mjk45 said:
DonFerrari said:

Mine too.

Mine too so does that makes us part of the mine too movement.

Oh hey, my notifications are gone as well. Does that mean I am part of the inner circle? I never even knew though, wasted effort by the hacker.