What I find odd, is not only were some site mods and the site author banned, but some regulars, like why specific regulars?.
It can't be some random hacker that just happened to come across this site, purely at random and decided to target a few mods and regulars, instead of just nuking the entire site, users and all. The oddity of it all just gets me thinking that it's someone we've known before on this site, that likely got perma'd and mulled for some time, if not yrs before taking revenge.
Seriously, why would it be a random hacker for a random site like this, it honestly makes no sense, because there isn't much to gain from taking the site down, slapping some dicks on it and erasing a few mods/regulars. I've seen hacks that have done more damage than this and those attacks were done for the "lulz" as they say.
Makes me wonder if that group of Sony users that were banned yrs ago and formed their own shitty website were behind this. likely not, but that lot that got banned were a super toxic, salty bunch (kerotan included).
Last edited by Chazore - on 04 October 2022
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.