Welcome to my biggest Ultimate Showdown thread yet, which is for 2025. Anyone interested in the same thread but for Japan can follow the Japan one, which is updated weekly. Anyone interested in Lifetime based instead of yearly, for both Worldwide and regional data can check and follow both of these ones: Global Lifetime Showdown / Regional Lifetime Showdown which are updated monthly, as well as the Year on Year Charts comparison thread.
The battles for this year are as follows:
- Worldwide:
- Nintendo Switch vs PSP '11 (7.5M) vs PSP '12 (4.3M)
- PlayStation 5 vs Wii '10 (17.3M) vs DS '06 (20.8M)
- XBOX Series vs PS3 '14 (3.4M) vs PSP '12 (4.3M)
- United States:
- Nintendo Switch vs DS '12 (2.2M) vs 3DS '18 (1.5M)
- PlayStation 5 vs PS4 '15 (5.7M) vs PS3 '10 (4.7M)
- XBOX Series vs XB1 '20 (1.9M)
- Europe:
- Nintendo Switch vs 3DS '17 (2M) vs PSP '13 (1.4M)
- PlayStation 5 vs PS4 '17 (7.4M) vs NSW '21 (6.1M)
- XBOX Series vs DS '12 (715K) vs XB360 '14 (450K)
- For Japan click here
Quick access data for 2024 (as of January 2025):
Region | WW | US | EU |
PS5 | 18.6M | 5.8M | 6.8M |
NSW | 12M | 3.1M | 3.3M |
XBSX | 5M | 2.7M | 1.1M |
The target for all of the comparisons is to be as close as possible (or gives us range in between when there are three competitors in total) and to give us better perspective where the given console is going this year and having good chance of finishing close in the end. Therefore if some of the contenders go way too far one from another then, the contender's year, or even the contender itself may change, so that it suits better to the given's console performance. Other thing is also I would not repeat main competitor (on the tables) from the year before from my thread, so even if it's a good fit, I would always look for a different one, so it's always new, fresh and interesting.