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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ultimate Consoles Showdown 2023 |Completed|

This is the Ultimate Console Showdown comparison thread for 2023.

The battles for this year are as follows:

  • Nintendo Switch'23 vs PlayStation 5'23
  • Nintendo Switch vs Wii'10 (17.2M)
  • PlayStation 5 vs PS4'17 (19.8M) vs NSW'21 (24M)
  • XBOX Series S/X vs XB360'06 (6.8M)

Latest adjustments: April 2024

*The target for all of the comparisons is to be as close as possible (and with that to give us better perspective where the given console is going this year) and to have good chance of finishing close in the end. Therefore if some of the contenders go way far one from another then, the contender's year, or even the contender itself may change so that it suits better to the given's console performance in 2023. Other thing is also I would not repeat the main competitor (on the tables) from the year before from my thread, so even if it's a good fit, I would always look for a different one, so it's always new and fresh.*


2023 Nintendo Switch vs. 2023 PlayStation 5 Comparison

Week/Month '23 NSW - Weekly '23 NSW - Yearly '23 PS5 - Weekly '23 PS5 - Yearly (+/-) Weekly (+/-) Yearly
January 377,700 377,700 332,246 332,246 -45,454 -45,454
2 256,903 634,603 297,104 629,350 +40,201 -5,253
3 229,840 864,443 304,493 933,843 +74,653 +69,400
4 246,156 1,110,599 359,369 1,293,212 +113,213 +182,613
February 230,694 1,341,293 423,251 1,716,463 +192,557 +375,170
6 230,826 1,572,119 506,469 2,222,932 +275,643 +650,813
7 220,937 1,793,056 446,673 2,669,605 +225,736 +876,549
8 228,896 2,021,952 419,400 3,089,005 +190,504 +1,067,053
March 223,978 2,245,930 405,917 3,494,922 +181,939 +1,248,992
10 215,665 2,461,595 390,474 3,885,396 +174,809 +1,423,801
11 215,628 2,677,223 356,624 4,242,020 +140,996 +1,564,797
12 216,454 2,893,677 392,733 4,634,753 +176,279 +1,741,076
13 230,352 3,124,029 353,069 4,987,822 +122,717 +1,863,793
April 231,600 3,355,629 294,616 5,282,438 +63,016 +1,926,809
15 227,553 3,583,182 286,242 5,568,680 +58,689 +1,985,498
16 230,720 3,813,902 279,385 5,848,065 +48,665 +2,034,163
17 547,189 4,361,091 317,301 6,165,366 -229,888 +1,804,275
May 375,119 4,736,210 277,827 6,443,193 -97,292 +1,706,983
19 410,952 5,147,162 249,218 6,692,411 -161,734 +1,545,249
20 346,208 5,493,370 236,563 6,928,974 -109,645 +1,435,604
21 330,800 5,824,170 231,029 7,160,003 -99,771 +1,335,833
June 289,846 6,114,016 239,848 7,399,851 -49,998 +1,285,835
23 297,803 6,411,819 274,580 7,674,431 -23,223 +1,262,612
24 256,899 6,668,718 283,086 7,957,517 +26,187 +1,288,799
25 284,136 6,952,854 354,081 8,311,598 +69,945 +1,358,744
26 299,150 7,252,004 317,394 8,628,992 +18,244 +1,376,988
July 262,175 7,514,179 320,930 8,949,922 +58,755 +1,435,743
28 232,864 7,747,043 315,111 9,265,033 +82,247 +1,517,990
29 234,730 7,981,773 282,397 9,547,430 +47,667 +1,565,657
30 236,952 8,218,725 329,444 9,876,874 +92,492 +1,658,149
August 261,147 8,479,872 369,476 10,246,350 +108,329 +1,766,478
32 246,964 8,726,836 385,202 10,631,552 +138,238 +1,904,716
33 226,867 8,953,703 372,780 11,004,332 +145,913 +2,050,629
34 226,836 9,180,539 365,430 11,369,762 +138,594 +2,189,223
September 220,683 9,401,222 386,251 11,756,013 +165,568 +2,354,791
36 213,431 9,614,653 370,167 12,126,180 +156,736 +2,511,527
37 197,439 9,812,092 321,732 12,447,912 +124,293 +2,635,820
38 202,340 10,014,432 337,617 12,785,529 +135,277 +2,771,097
39 185,299 10,199,731 362,188 13,147,717 +176,889 +2,947,986
October 255,003 10,454,734 313,408 13,461,125 +58,405 +3,006,391
41 183,999 10,638,733 303,996 13,765,121 +119,997 +3,126,388
42 226,018 10,864,751 318,292 14,083,413 +92,274 +3,218,662
43 228,251 11,093,002 291,838 14,375,251 +63,587 +3,282,249
November 296,356 11,389,358 457,334 14,832,585 +160,978 +3,443,227
45 299,217 11,688,575 818,489 15,651,074 +519,272 +3,962,499
46 325,936 12,014,511 778,254 16,429,328 +452,318 +4,414,817
47 863,156 12,877,667 1,490,592 17,919,920 +627,436 +5,042,253
December 774,855 13,652,522 800,061 18,719,981 +25,206 +5,067,459
49 706,579 14,359,101 753,314 19,473,295 +46,735 +5,114,194
50 744,660 15,103,761 865,036 20,338,331 +120,376 +5,234,570
51 831,143 15,934,904 935,005 21,273,336 +103,862 +5,338,432
52 445,467 16,380,371 504,516 21,777,852 +59,049 +5,397,481


2010 Nintendo Wii vs. 2023 Nintendo Switch Comparison

Week/Month '10 Wii - Weekly '10 Wii - Yearly '23 NSW - Weekly '23 NSW - Yearly (+/-) Weekly (+/-) Yearly
January 529,310 529,310 377,700 377,700 -151,610 -151,610
2 308,853 838,163 256,903 634,603 -51,950 -203,560
3 346,470 1,184,633 229,840 864,443 -116,630 -320,190
4 337,874 1,522,507 246,156 1,110,599 -91,718 -411,908
February 296,310 1,818,817 230,694 1,341,293 -65,616 -477,524
6 253,477 2,072,294 230,826 1,572,119 -22,651 -500,175
7 289,216 2,361,510 220,937 1,793,056 -68,279 -568,454
8 264,514 2,626,024 228,896 2,021,952 -35,618 -604,072
March 326,021 2,952,045 223,978 2,245,930 -102,043 -706,115
10 254,219 3,206,264 215,665 2,461,595 -38,554 -744,669
11 261,951 3,468,215 215,628 2,677,223 -46,323 -790,992
12 267,510 3,735,725 216,454 2,893,677 -51,056 -842,048
13 269,106 4,004,831 230,352 3,124,029 -38,754 -880,802
April 234,929 4,239,760 231,600 3,355,629 -3,329 -884,131
15 211,875 4,451,635 227,553 3,583,182 +15,678 -868,453
16 204,143 4,655,778 230,720 3,813,902 +26,577 -841,876
17 206,006 4,861,784 547,189 4,361,091 +341,183 -500,693
May 205,719 5,067,503 375,119 4,736,210 +169,400 -331,293
19 215,470 5,282,973 410,952 5,147,162 +195,482 -135,811
20 220,241 5,503,214 346,208 5,493,370 +125,967 -9,844
21 228,071 5,731,285 330,800 5,824,170 +102,729 +92,885
June 209,794 5,941,079 289,846 6,114,016 +80,052 +172,937
23 198,659 6,139,738 297,803 6,411,819 +99,144 +272,081
24 173,049 6,312,787 256,899 6,668,718 +83,850 +355,931
25 156,944 6,469,731 284,136 6,952,854 +127,192 +483,123
26 158,247 6,627,978 299,150 7,252,004 +140,903 +624,026
July 159,496 6,787,474 262,175 7,514,179 +102,679 +726,705
28 149,882 6,937,356 232,864 7,747,043 +82,982 +809,687
29 140,995 7,078,351 234,730 7,981,773 +93,735 +903,422
30 147,351 7,225,702 236,952 8,218,725 +89,601 +993,023
August 150,457 7,376,159 261,147 8,479,872 +110,690 +1,103,713
32 150,560 7,526,719 246,964 8,726,836 +96,404 +1,200,117
33 136,174 7,662,893 226,867 8,953,703 +90,693 +1,290,810
34 166,065 7,828,958 226,836 9,180,539 +60,771 +1,351,581
September 171,389 8,000,347 220,683 9,401,222 +49,294 +1,400,875
36 139,457 8,139,804 213,431 9,614,653 +73,974 +1,474,849
37 134,698 8,274,502 197,439 9,812,092 +62,741 +1,537,590
38 128,866 8,403,368 202,340 10,014,432 +73,474 +1,611,064
39 125,371 8,528,739 185,299 10,199,731 +59,928 +1,670,992
October 123,209 8,651,948 255,003 10,454,734 +131,794 +1,802,786
41 127,549 8,779,497 183,999 10,638,733 +56,450 +1,859,236
42 175,908 8,955,405 226,018 10,864,751 +50,110 +1,909,346
43 261,037 9,216,442 228,251 11,093,002 -32,786 +1,876,560
November 316,440 9,532,882 296,356 11,389,358 -20,084 +1,856,476
45 468,060 10,000,942 299,217 11,688,575 -168,843 +1,687,633
46 561,055 10,561,997 325,936 12,014,511 -235,119 +1,452,514
47 980,423 11,542,420 863,156 12,877,667 -117,267 +1,335,247
December 988,441 12,530,861 774,855 13,652,522 -213,586 +1,121,661
49 1,282,261 13,813,122 706,579 14,359,101 -575,682 +545,979
50 1,398,203 15,211,325 744,660 15,103,761 -653,543 -107,564
51 1,441,770 16,653,095 831,143 15,934,904 -610,627 -718,191
52 616,424 17,269,519 445,467 16,380,371 -170,957 -889,148


2017 PlayStation 4 vs. 2023 PlayStation 5 Comparison

Week/Month '17 PS4 - Weekly '17 PS4 - Yearly '23 PS5 - Weekly '23 PS5 - Yearly (+/-) Weekly (+/-) Yearly
January 363,699 363,699 332,246 332,246 -31,453 -31,453
2 273,898 637,597 297,104 629,350 +23,206 -8,247
3 253,673 891,270 304,493 933,843 +50,820 +42,573
4 270,143 1,161,413 359,369 1,293,212 +89,226 +131,799
February 298,417 1,459,830 423,251 1,716,463 +124,834 +256,633
6 298,274 1,758,104 506,469 2,222,932 +208,195 +464,828
7 336,203 2,094,307 446,673 2,669,605 +110,470 +575,298
8 340,171 2,434,478 419,400 3,089,005 +79,229 +654,527
March 274,776 2,709,254 405,917 3,494,922 +131,141 +785,668
10 285,626 2,994,880 390,474 3,885,396 +104,848 +890,516
11 314,040 3,308,920 356,624 4,242,020 +42,584 +933,100
12 314,078 3,622,998 392,733 4,634,753 +78,655 +1,011,755
13 303,628 3,926,626 353,069 4,987,822 +49,441 +1,061,196
April 262,830 4,189,456 294,616 5,282,438 +31,786 +1,092,982
15 253,191 4,442,647 286,242 5,568,680 +33,051 +1,126,033
16 236,610 4,679,257 279,385 5,848,065 +42,775 +1,168,808
17 229,792 4,909,049 317,301 6,165,366 +87,509 +1,256,317
May 274,594 5,183,643 277,827 6,443,193 +3,233 +1,259,550
19 278,503 5,462,146 249,218 6,692,411 -29,285 +1,230,265
20 281,433 5,743,579 236,563 6,928,974 -44,870 +1,185,395
21 290,336 6,033,915 231,029 7,160,003 -59,307 +1,126,088
22 297,894 6,331,809 239,848 7,399,851 -58,046 +1,068,042
June 284,402 6,616,211 274,580 7,674,431 -9,822 +1,058,220
24 305,880 6,922,091 283,086 7,957,517 -22,794 +1,035,426
25 321,279 7,243,370 354,081 8,311,598 +32,802 +1,068,228
26 291,572 7,534,942 317,394 8,628,992 +25,822 +1,094,050
July 262,605 7,797,547 320,930 8,949,922 +58,325 +1,152,375
28 268,878 8,066,425 315,111 9,265,033 +46,233 +1,198,608
29 248,129 8,314,554 282,397 9,547,430 +34,268 +1,232,876
30 359,394 8,673,948 329,444 9,876,874 -29,950 +1,202,926
August 264,635 8,938,583 369,476 10,246,350 +104,841 +1,307,767
32 261,025 9,199,608 385,202 10,631,552 +124,177 +1,431,944
33 252,943 9,452,551 372,780 11,004,332 +119,837 +1,551,781
34 260,345 9,712,896 365,430 11,369,762 +105,085 +1,656,866
September 263,197 9,976,093 386,251 11,756,013 +123,054 +1,779,920
36 299,011 10,275,104 370,167 12,126,180 +71,156 +1,851,076
37 266,489 10,541,593 321,732 12,447,912 +55,243 +1,906,319
38 265,216 10,806,809 337,617 12,785,529 +72,401 +1,978,720
39 295,690 11,102,499 362,188 13,147,717 +66,498 +2,045,218
October 276,471 11,378,970 313,408 13,461,125 +36,937 +2,082,155
41 279,985 11,658,955 303,996 13,765,121 +24,011 +2,106,166
42 321,278 11,980,233 318,292 14,083,413 -2,986 +2,103,180
43 312,137 12,292,370 291,838 14,375,251 -20,299 +2,082,881
November 482,196 12,774,566 457,334 14,832,585 -24,862 +2,058,019
45 640,725 13,415,291 818,489 15,651,074 +177,764 +2,235,783
46 757,013 14,172,304 778,254 16,429,328 +21,241 +2,257,024
47 1,623,712 15,796,016 1,490,592 17,919,920 -133,120 +2,123,904
December 803,423 16,599,439 800,061 18,719,981 -3,362 +2,120,542
49 862,299 17,461,738 753,314 19,473,295 -108,985 +2,011,557
50 857,206 18,318,944 865,036 20,338,331 +7,830 +2,019,387
51 874,421 19,193,365 935,005 21,273,336 +60,584 +2,079,971
52 512,163 19,705,528 504,516 21,777,852 -7,647 +2,072,324


2006 XBOX 360 vs. 2023 XBOX Series Comparison

Week/Month '06 XB360 - Weekly '06 XB360 - Yearly '23 XBSX - Weekly '23 XBSX - Yearly (+/-) Weekly (+/-) Yearly
January 117,498 117,498 114,185 114,185 -3,913 -3,913
2 146,722 264,220 101,966 216,151 -45,156 -49,069
3 144,610 408,830 101,790 317,941 -43,420 -92,489
4 110,104 518,934 114,536 432,477 +4,026 -88,463
February 96,089 615,023 124,591 557,068 +29,502 -58,961
6 80,706 695,729 137,562 694,630 +55,456 -3,505
7 73,573 769,302 127,673 822,303 +52,700 +49,195
8 80,954 850,256 117,369 939,672 +35,215 +84,410
March 73,717 923,973 95,779 1,035,451 +22,062 +106,472
10 61,540 985,513 102,647 1,138,098 +41,107 +147,579
11 66,632 1,052,145 99,442 1,237,540 +32,810 +180,389
12 103,677 1,155,822 126,299 1,363,839 +22,622 +203,011
13 92,084 1,247,906 116,307 1,480,146 +24,223 +227,234
April 103,992 1,351,898 89,114 1,569,260 -14,878 +212,356
15 130,558 1,482,456 86,795 1,656,055 -44,763 +167,593
16 136,526 1,618,982 92,265 1,748,320 -44,261 +123,332
17 112,013 1,730,995 103,905 1,852,225 -8,108 +115,224
May 104,622 1,835,617 76,000 1,928,225 -29,622 +85,602
19 98,419 1,934,036 78,828 2,007,053 -19,591 +66,011
20 93,261 2,027,297 83,770 2,090,823 -7,491 +58,520
21 90,169 2,117,466 90,169 2,180,992 +0 +58,520
June 85,427 2,202,893 86,035 2,267,027 +608 +59,128
23 81,449 2,284,342 118,035 2,385,062 +36,586 +95,714
24 80,279 2,364,621 125,205 2,510,267 +44,926 +140,640
25 78,712 2,443,333 116,471 2,626,738 +37,759 +178,399
26 79,243 2,522,576 104,048 2,730,786 +24,805 +203,204
July 77,112 2,599,688 88,592 2,819,378 +11,480 +214,684
28 75,521 2,675,209 92,202 2,911,580 +16,681 +231,365
29 75,259 2,750,468 89,991 3,001,571 +14,732 +246,097
30 75,784 2,826,252 98,179 3,099,750 +22,395 +268,492
August 74,875 2,901,127 100,254 3,200,004 +25,379 +293,871
32 70,577 2,971,704 102,040 3,302,044 +31,463 +325,334
33 73,171 3,044,875 105,138 3,407,182 +31,967 +357,301
34 80,197 3,125,072 122,177 3,529,359 +41,980 +399,281
September 84,931 3,210,003 147,770 3,677,129 +62,839 +462,120
36 90,363 3,300,366 140,613 3,817,742 +50,250 +512,370
37 90,906 3,391,272 115,135 3,932,877 +24,229 +536,599
38 91,832 3,483,104 130,900 4,063,777 +39,068 +575,667
39 89,594 3,572,698 139,307 4,203,084 +49,713 +625,380
October 87,898 3,660,596 100,293 4,303,377 +12,395 +637,775
41 78,070 3,738,666 98,134 4,401,511 +20,064 +657,839
42 80,656 3,819,322 103,708 4,505,219 +23,052 +680,891
43 96,489 3,915,811 109,984 4,615,203 +13,495 +694,386
November 124,686 4,040,497 125,859 4,741,062 +1,173 +695,559
45 169,592 4,210,089 182,934 4,923,996 +13,342 +708,901
46 193,246 4,403,335 175,691 5,099,687 -17,555 +691,346
47 361,561 4,764,896 546,726 5,646,413 +185,165 +876,511
December 321,180 5,086,076 434,339 6,080,752 +113,159 +989,670
49 445,925 5,532,001 359,239 6,439,991 -86,686 +902,984
50 499,712 6,031,713 389,822 6,829,813 -109,890 +793,094
51 568,243 6,599,956 456,716 7,286,529 -111,527 +681,567
52 206,595 6,806,551 214,746 7,501,275 +8,151 +694,724


Last edited by XtremeBG - on 13 April 2024

Around the Network

Aaaaand subscribed!

Edit: Why do want to compare the PS5 to the PS3? Wouldn't the PS4 be a better fit outside of Japan?

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 27 January 2023

I think it's going to be a close battle with Switch vs PS5 this year. My guess would be 16-18m for both of them

Just my guess:

Nintendo Switch vs Nintendo Wii'10 (17.2M) --> Wii will win (but it will be rather close)
PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 3'11 (14.7M) --> PS5 will win (by a few million)
XBOX Series S/X vs XBOX 360'08 (11.2M) --> Xbox 360 will win (by a decent amount)
Nintendo Switch vs Nintendo 3DS'14 (3.2M - JAPAN) --> Switch will win (They will basically be even. Nintendo Switch will win by an tiny amount)
PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 3'09 (1.8M - JAPAN) --> PS3 will win (but it will be close)
XBOX SERIES S/X vs XBOX ONE'15 (5M - USA) --> Xbox Series will win (I have absolutely no idea about that one to be honest^^)

Bofferbrauer2 said:

Edit: Why do want to compare the PS5 to the PS3? Wouldn't the PS4 be a better fit outside of Japan?

Because I am not sure if PS5 can jump to over 17M this year, and next in line after the 14M year for the PS4 is over 17M, so if PS5 goes way ahead of the PS3 14.6M I will update the comparison to one of the PS4 year where it is over 17M.

Also since many people are not so sure about the level of PS5 sales that's why I am putting it between the two for now. So the next challenge for PS5 is the PS3 peak year, if this becomes too easy for it, we are getting it level up to the stronger years of PS4.

Or maybe to Switch's second year 16M ? ...

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 15 December 2023

Around the Network
HigHurtenflurst said:

I think it's going to be a close battle with Switch vs PS5 this year. My guess would be 16-18m for both of them


Some of these will be fun to follow. Would it be possible to add comparisons like PS5 2023 vs PS5 2022? Those would be among the most interesting.

Norion said:

Some of these will be fun to follow. Would it be possible to add comparisons like PS5 2023 vs PS5 2022? Those would be among the most interesting.

I am sorry that not all of them will be fun for you.

The comparisons becomes too many to put in one post but I will think of something.. although we have to look in the future, not in the past. (or not in lower numbers at least). PS5 & XBSX will enter in their peak years, so their target should not be their previous year's numbers but higher than this. They have to compare to higher and higher numbers not already achieved ones. That's why if I see that PS5 for example is doing way ahead of PS3'peak year I will change that to Switch's second year - 16M or maybe even one of the PS4'17M years. Same goes for the XBSX, although it's moving a little slower than PS5.

You can see and follow year on year progress here: Year on Year Charts Showdown - December 2022 I will add worldwide charts soon.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 29 January 2023

Tagging to follow, looks like an interesting year of comparisons.

yo33331 said:
Norion said:

Some of these will be fun to follow. Would it be possible to add comparisons like PS5 2023 vs PS5 2022? Those would be among the most interesting.

I am sorry that not all of them will be fun for you.

The comparisons becomes too many to put in one post but I will think of something.. although we have to look in the future, not in the past. (or not in lower numbers at least). PS5 & XBSX will enter in their peak years, so their target should not be their previous year's numbers but higher than this. They have to compare to higher and higher numbers not already achieved ones. That's why if I see that PS5 for example is doing way ahead of PS3'peak year I will change that to Switch's second year - 16M or maybe even one of the PS4'17M years. Same goes for the XBSX, although it's moving a little slower than PS5.

You can see and follow year on year progress here: Year on Year Charts Showdown - December 2022 I will add worldwide charts soon.

Oh I wasn't meaning that as a negative. Not all of the comparisons interest me much but the ones that do are for sure enough to make this a good thread worthy of following. That makes sense and that other thread is a decent substitute.