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Forums - Sales Discussion - 140M+ Club Chart (NSW vs NDS vs PS2 vs PS3&360 vs PS4&XB1)

*NSW numbers as of March 31st 2024.

Last edited by XtremeBG - 5 days ago

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This graph really highlights the PS2s remarkable legs.

trunkswd said:
yo33331 said:

When you think about it it was only less than 10M short of PS4&XB1 combined(158.7M vs 167.3M)

PS2 had some crazy legs. I'd say helped by the slow start to the PS3 and the fact it was cheap and sold really well in the smaller markets later on. 

I doubt we will ever see a console with the legs of the PS2 ever again. 

I got my PS2 in 2010, and it was still popular in my country.

I would like to see this with 128mil switch

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Gameboy is probably as close to a sleeper hit video game system as has ever been. While it wasn’t a weak launch, the initial 5-7 year general lifespan of a system was only a moderate success, coming in below the level of the SNES… At year 6, PS4 more than doubles Gameboy. Then Pokémon comes out and not too long after Gameboy rockets into the high tier and surpasses PS4.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 14 August 2022

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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Sad to see the DS basically screech to a halt after Year 6. Wish they didn't announce and release the 3DS so early. Hopefully they don't repeat that mistake with Switch. Switch is holding up pretty well, all things considered. A revision in early 2023 would help bridge the gap between Switch & DS. Didn't DS only manage about 5 million in Year 6? Could definitely see Switch do far more than that in Apr 2023 to Mar 2024.

yo33331 said:
Eagle367 said:

I would like to see this with 128mil switch

Yeah 7 onwards is gonna be interesting.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Oh she's taking it !!
Switch is not soon to be replaced since they kept saying it was in the middle of it's lifecycle last year. I do expect atleast 2 other good years of support for it.

At the end of 2022 : 123 millions
2023 with Zelda, less manufacture problems, Mario movie and maybe a game, don't see it doing less than 18 millions : 141 millions
2024, Probably last good year, Metroid Prime 4 etc etc maybe around 12 millions : 153 millions
They can sell another few millions if they want to phase it out and make it cheaper.

I know we didn't get a price drop yet, and i feel like some expect the Switch to never have one. Nintendo probably won't release the successor at higher than 400$ and it would be weird having OLED 50$ cheaper than the new model. So as long as they can keep the price to the actual Switch at 300-350$, there is literally no reason to release a new one. Nintendo mainly likes to have a new console when the other one isn't interesting the public or has reached the barrel as far as price point can be. So i do expect Switch to get it's cheaper moment some day. I have plenty of people in my entourage that are still on the fence of getting one just because it is too expensive for casual gamers.

trunkswd said:
yo33331 said:

When you think about it it was only less than 10M short of PS4&XB1 combined(158.7M vs 167.3M)

PS2 had some crazy legs. I'd say helped by the slow start to the PS3 and the fact it was cheap and sold really well in the smaller markets later on. 

I doubt we will ever see a console with the legs of the PS2 ever again. 

I wonder if that's more because of the shortening generation cycles, or real interest. I still think the PS4 could have lasted a couple of years more, there's really nothing really pushing for moving to PS5 in my opinion, especially with software/hardware bottlenecks caused by the pandemic.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Just imagine a bunch of Switch Lites running around for $99 for several years after 2025. It will become the defacto dedicated handheld for Nintendo and could in fact have those GB legs. Granted, we could argue until we're blue in the face whether that is indeed a "Switch" but they will play the Switch software.