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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

Mar1217 said:
zorg1000 said:

Yep, it didn’t have an early peak like some thought it would and then went on to have a very steady, gradual decline. Instead of falling off a cliff, it’s more like gently rolling down a hill.

The most important argument made by that camp was the Switch was suppose to follow the same "historic" trajectory has their other consoles which mostly had their peak during year 2/year 3. Problem is, the Switch was unlike any type of console they ever did up to that point, an untested market, because of it's hybrid nature. The unification of their software departments working on a single platform meant the software support could sustain their console regularly, thus leading to more potential sales.

Also, not to really salt the discourse but there was a few amongst the debates that were prolly afraid at the time that the Switch was gonna mark, an era where Nintendo could once again surpass Sony Playstation's egemony of top selling consoles. So they did they hardest fallacious analysis to make it "not happen".

Thus is born the "Cliff™"

Yeah there was a lot of downplaying of the Switch back in the early years, and while some of it was undoubtedly due to us coming off several years of Nintendo struggling with the Wii U, there was also definitely an element of console warz to it as well. Plus I feel like after the Wii U disaster some folks got their hopes up that Nintendo would finally go third party, and the Switch's success threatened that dream.

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Considering inflation, the $99 price tag of the PS2 in 2009 would be equivalent to $145 in today's dollars. This suggests that a Switch Lite for $150 isn't a bad deal.

Another point that isn't often mentioned is that Nintendo is now focusing on a single console, no longer needing to support both a handheld and a home console. People wanting to enter the Nintendo ecosystem no longer have to choose between two difficult options as they did before.

This means that predicting Switch sales trends will always be challenging, as nothing like this has happened with Nintendo before.

LegitHyperbole said:

It's on the road to 200 million.

There was this guy on here once a very long time ago, who made a whole, serious, essay about how the Wii (and WiiU even if I recall correctly) was going to sell 200M units. Lucas-something or whatever was his name. Good times.

While my worst-case estimate is 156 million, it can pass 170 million:

* Switch 2 release could be late for several reasons (production issues, games not ready etc.) - fall 2025 for instance
* Switch 2 could be very supply constrained the first Christmas quarter, many parents would buy Switch 1 instead
* If it is as powerfull as some reports say, it could be $400 or even $500 due to inflation while you get Switch 1 models for $150-200

S.Peelman said:
LegitHyperbole said:

It's on the road to 200 million.

There was this guy on here once a very long time ago, who made a whole, serious, essay about how the Wii (and WiiU even if I recall correctly) was going to sell 200M units. Lucas-something or whatever was his name. Good times.

Lol. There was a brief period where it looked like the wii could do ps2 numbers at the least. Switch is different though, if anything has ever had a chance it's the Switch as long as the new hardware is an iteratio, mid gen upgrade and not a generation jump. 

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S.Peelman said:
LegitHyperbole said:

It's on the road to 200 million.

There was this guy on here once a very long time ago, who made a whole, serious, essay about how the Wii (and WiiU even if I recall correctly) was going to sell 200M units. Lucas-something or whatever was his name. Good times.

John Lucas was his name and he predicted I think 260m for the Wii and then the WiiU as he thought sales will turn around. Man, I miss him, good old days on here. I wonder why he never came back now as Nintendo is triumphing. I have a feeling he doesn't like the hybrid concept of the Switch as he always predicted how the handheld business is Nintendo's main business and they will always make sure that it stives first before they give full attention to their secondary business which is the home console business.

Fight-the-Streets said:
S.Peelman said:

There was this guy on here once a very long time ago, who made a whole, serious, essay about how the Wii (and WiiU even if I recall correctly) was going to sell 200M units. Lucas-something or whatever was his name. Good times.

John Lucas was his name and he predicted I think 260m for the Wii and then the WiiU as he thought sales will turn around. Man, I miss him, good old days on here. I wonder why he never came back now as Nintendo is triumphing. I have a feeling he doesn't like the hybrid concept of the Switch as he always predicted how the handheld business is Nintendo's main business and they will always make sure that it stives first before they give full attention to their secondary business which is the home console business.

Ah yes. John Lucas, you're right, thanks. Maybe he just doesn't keep track of things anymore, who knows. Would be funny though if he did come back even if just for a day.

LegitHyperbole said:
S.Peelman said:

There was this guy on here once a very long time ago, who made a whole, serious, essay about how the Wii (and WiiU even if I recall correctly) was going to sell 200M units. Lucas-something or whatever was his name. Good times.

Lol. There was a brief period where it looked like the wii could do ps2 numbers at the least. Switch is different though, if anything has ever had a chance it's the Switch as long as the new hardware is an iteratio, mid gen upgrade and not a generation jump. 

After how successful Wii was until mid to late 2010 or so, PS2 numbers really weren't a bold prediction for several of its years.

But PS2 benefitted from the early failings of PS3. Wii was drying up before Wii U launched and people were so done with Nintendo home consoles at the time that they didn't even bother to get a Wii instead of a Wii U. At least not to a notable degree. 

Predicting Wii U to sell 200 million when the Wii was drying up and the Wii U was confusing even before it launched is a pure fairy tale. Though of course, Lucas or whatever his name of course had every right to predict that even if it was looney. Some Nintendo executives were confident Wii U would sell over 100 million. 

200 million for Switch is very unlikely unless Switch 2 is unappealing and Switch ends up really cheap. And even then, I doubt Nintendo would manufacture enough of them to hit over 175 million - 180 million anyway. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Apparently I missed about one thousand and fifty comments, but thought it notable that Switch is closing in on 50 million sold through in North America.

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