Post your Nintendo Network ID.
We shall all be friends and see each other's post in Miiverse and on the NSMBU world map and Video Chat together and see what each other is playing and... *ad infinitum*
Ready... Set... GO!
EDIT: Adding friends through the 'search user' function in Miiverse allows you to actually send friend requests. Try to do it this way instead of adding through the friend list itself as the other person WILL NOT receive a friend notification from you - the only way they will become your friend is if they try to add you as a friend as well. -thanks PokeClaudel
Americas VGChartz Member | Nintendo Direct ID |
Kenology | Kenology18 |
_crazy_man_ | crazy_man |
Baddman | Romanithegreat |
sethnintendo | SethNES |
dahuman | dahuman |
Mr Khan | Mr.Khan |
Mad55 | DARKMAD55 |
Paul | popopo |
wfz | Growlithe |
Axumblade | Axumblade |
uno | eastwood |
Walkthrublazer3 | NintenNinja |
BlkPaladin | AquintisFP |
Train wreck | izzojova |
pokeclaudel | PokeDel |
Crono141 | Crono141 |
Xxain | Xxaiba |
superchunk | SuperChunk |
super_etecoon | super_etecoon |
Tizona | Tizona |
cunger | bowserthedog |
MaxwellGT2000 | MaxwellGT |
jlrx | jlrx81 |
NinjaguyDan | Max_Power |
twesterm | twesterm |
Red4ADevil | red4adevil |
Vinniegambini | vinniegambini |
TheKingofRedLions | Omega_Pirate |
Level1Death | KJ_LV1 |
Wetcoaster | Coaster |
kanageddaamen | kanageddaamen |
Flanneryaug | Flanneryaug |
d21lewis | d21lewis |
O-D-C | O-D-C14 |
EntilZha | RangerOne |
thetonestarr | thetonestarr |
Wickedshyn | Wickedshyn |
JayWood2010 | JayWood2010 |
glimmer_of_hope | asylum_bound |
Pjams | Alebelly |
shakarak | Shakarak |
amp316 | Amp316 |
TalonMan | TalonMan |
DaRev | DaRevren |
beatles1082 | Octoroc |
sepoer | sepoer |
Smeags | Smeags |
CityOfNubes | CityOfNoobs |
Sherlock99 | Sherlock99 |
keroncoward | Keron13 |
perpride | Darth-Cidius |
itsJabby | itsJabby |
tbone51 | tbone51 |
Pavolink | Pavolink |
Joaco <3 N64 | Joaquincito |
shiackz | shiack |
lilc64 | cmcclora |
Salnax | Salnax |
pimpcoop | tuggy24g |
SSJGohan3972 | SSJGohan3972 |
ZaP~ | Zap786 |
supermario128 | Mako91 |
guiduc | GuiD3001 |
newwil7l | Disposeddata |
Thechalkblock | missingno5 |
rasone77 | rasone77 |
EastN3 | EastN3 |
Maris | Kletain |
SSJ Rodimus | SSJRodimus |
theprof00 | theprof00 |
JoeTheBro | Voncola |
Pachofilauri | pachofilauri |
Olivernintentoal | olivertoal |
cannonballZ | Dutchmasterkiko |
Kuramakun | Kuramakun |
DevilRising | Godzilla1981 |