Slownenberg said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:
Switch ended 2024 with 3.1M hardware sales and it's up YoY for these first 2 weeks. Very nice.Â
I'm LOL at all of the people who are trying to kill off the Switch in their comments. Reality is that Switch is up YoY for the past 7 out of 8 weeks, but people just really want it to die. I've been reading comments like this about the Switch ever since I joined the forum in 2017, and it hasn't fallen off a cliff yet. We should be expecting gradual YoY drops for the Switch each year. The cliff is never coming.
lol sorry to burst your bubble but the cliff is coming, and very soon. The cliff already came everywhere else in the world back in 2023, Japan is the only hold out. With Switch 2 announced now and only a few months away from launching the cliff is coming in Japan too. Assuming Switch 2 is priced reasonably ($400) and Nintendo continues with no discounts for Switch, there's gonna be barely any reason to buy a Switch except for purely budget shoppers only interested in the Lite once Switch 2 is here. Switch 2 is the death of Switch.
Only reason it has been slightly up recently is because the previous holidays were incredibly weak for the Switch. Still impressive, but anyone who says the Switch is just going to keep selling and never fall off, when we are months away from it being replaced, is living in a fantasy world and deserves a hell of a LOL haha
And nobody is "trying to kill off Switch", some people are just realistic that an 8 year old system priced similarly to a brand new system is not going to keep selling once that brand new system with backwards compatibility is released. Common sense.
@bolded: No, it didn't. A cliff-level drop is DS going from 17.5m in one year to 5.1m the next. The Switch has had nowhere near that kind of drop from year to year worldwide and Japan has been straight-up defying logic.
Of course sales of the Switch will decrease a lot more once the new system launches but why are you so steadfast that there will be no price reduction for the original? Right now it's Nintendo's bread and butter so it makes sense that it would remain at its current price. But once its successor arrives, there will be no reason why a price drop wouldn't occur to get more systems into the hands of people who aren't the consumers looking to spend $400+ on a game system. More games sold, more accounts active... more people in the Switch ecosystem who could potentially upgrade to a Switch 2 over time.
Whether or not your "cliff" arrives for Japan sales once Switch 2 is released remains to be seen but it is almost a certainty that the Switch will, again, outsell the PS5 in their home country this year, even with Monster Hunter releasing for Sony's console. The Switch form factor is what Japan wants, not a big, power-hungry stationary console with little else to offer that people in this region care about and with Pokemon Legends, Xenoblade and probably decent support still to come that's not going to change anytime soon.