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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox Series sales in France worse than all prior xbox consoles (launch alligned)

"On their lattest podcasts Origami organised a discussion focust on the evolution of Xbox strategy last few years.

On this occasion Oscar mentioned the French situation which continues to be quite disatrous for Microsoft.

From it's weak 2023 year, the console collapse as much or more than the now very old Switch (with is on signifiant decline in France YTD) with PS outselling them about 8:1.

He think that the anoncement of Microsoft releasing games on Playstation and Nintendo Switch had a negative impact on Hardware.

Xbox Series is as of now the worst selling Xbox hardware here launch aligned trailling launch aligned OG Xbox by 0.1M.

Hardware sales evolution in France

                       Y1    Y2    Y3    Y4     Y5

Xbox               -  0.2M 0.3M 0.3M 0.1M

Xbox 360    0.1M 0.2M 0.2M 0.6M 0.5M

Xbox one    0.1M 0.3M 0.3M 0.3M 0.3M

Xbox Series 0.1M 0.2M 0.2M 0.2M    -

Wii U           0.1M 0.2M 0.2M 0.2M 0.1M

Hardware Install Base evolution in France

                         Y1   Y2    Y3      Y4     Y5

Xbox                -   0.2M 0.5M 0.8M 0.9M

Xbox 360      0.1M 0.3M 0.5M 1.1M 1.6M

Xbox one     0.1M 0.4M 0.7M 1.0M 1.3M

Xbox Series 0.1M 0.3M 0.5M 0.7M   -

Wii U            0.1M 0.3M 0.5M 0.7M 0.8M

Numbers rouded to nearst 100k because of lack of more presice numbers for Xbox Series."


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It's insane to think the change of paradigm for Nintendo in France too.
Not even touching the million with the WiiU to easily be it's strongest fortress in Europe.

But yeah, expected for the Series at this point. Thought the initial launch would've done better but it sure is tough piercing on Sony Land like that.

Retreating their efforts for localization and the absence of marketing there isn't really gonna help in the long term too

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 



Damn PS3 did great in France.

The reality is that Xbox brand is only significant in North America and the UK. It's market share might not be so bad in some parts of South and Central America, but those markets are tiny anyway. The other major markets - EU xUK, and Asia - it's mostly irrelevant.

I think in those other major markets it really only sells to the hardest of hardcore gamers and gaming collector types, as well as expats from its strong markets and Americanophiles.  

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Am I reading the numbers wrong or is the PS5 also doing worse than all other Playstations making it the worse one? avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:

Am I reading the numbers wrong or is the PS5 also doing worse than all other Playstations making it the worse one?

The year 4 is now. PS5 numbers for year 4 is the biggest, and it's bigger than any year of the other PS consoles had and it's not finished yet, So yeah PS5 is a little bit behind for now but it is peaking right now there, big time.

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

DroidKnight said:

Am I reading the numbers wrong or is the PS5 also doing worse than all other Playstations making it the worse one?

Yeah, you can say that only year 4 had normal stock.

Wow I did not know that playstation was so popular in France with over 2 millions untis sold of PS5 alone in Y4.


hellobion2 said:

Wow I did not know that playstation was so popular in France with over 2 millions untis sold of PS5 alone in Y4.

That's the total so far, all the years added. In year 4 alone it sold 1.4 million units

 EDIT: 146k + 534k + 370k + 1.4M = 2.45M

Last edited by Chicho - on 28 June 2024