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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

burninmylight said:
RolStoppable said:

So I made an assumption that turned out to be correct by your own admission. Doesn't sound bad then.

I've experienced much worse on this site than what you are going through here and it should be clear that most of this is here is your own fault when you keep being upset that I joined a discussion with a correct assumption, which by the way is something that everyone is allowed to do on a public forum. You were given the choice of how (or if) you want to end this here, you chose once again to fight and at the same time you are upset that the fight continues.

What do you hope to achieve here? That people view me as the most toxic user on VGC? How is this supposed to happen with the behavior you put on display.

Like I said, all you care about is being told you're right. You can't see the hypocrisy in attacking me because in your eyes, being right is all that matters. So all your claims about who does and doesn't deserve respect mean nothing, because it comes down to you needing that affirmation and using it as justification for your behavior and treatment of others.

Also, I keep meaning to throw this out there: you agree with my original point about it not mattering when the Switch launched:

RolStoppable said:

The reason why console manufacturers target the holiday season for console launches is because it works as a safety net. Even if the launch isn't smooth, the gift-giving season is bound to provide a sales boost; this is why even the disastrous Wii U was able to manage to ship more than 3m units during its launch quarter. The other big factor is that a lot of people come together for Christmas, so there's bound to be more first-hand exposure to a new console than there would be at a different time of the year, and this exposure usually creates more post-launch demand.

Overall though, all the decades of video game history have made it clear that the launch timing isn't all that important. A well-executed system will do well regardless and a flawed system will come down to dangerous levels of sales also regardless of a holiday launch or not.

This post was literally right after my first post to Norion. You then later on said I don't have a point... even though you pretty much said the same thing right after I did. You saw the chance to swoop in and attack based on verbiage that I found unclear, took the assumption that is the opposite of mine as an alibi, and went into full attack mode under the justifications that I'm attacking him. So now you're just a knight in shining armor here to slay the dragon, using the logic that misunderstanding someone's intended stance makes one an asshole, therefore your approach is totally sound and not hypocritical at all.

I gave you a choice to move this to a private discussion so we can stop derailing the thread - the very thread you said is yours so, you have a vested interest in everything that goes in it - and settle it just between us, but you declined the offer.

RolStoppable said:

And I still stand by this analysis of the situation. This was the point where you then responded that you've cleared things up with Norion privately, and I said that's good; accompanied by my funny observation of likes which was enough reason for you to fight. I can't deny that I like a good forum brawl, hence why I kept engaging.

I hope this post contained sufficient explanations for the various points you talked about. I am prepared to fight some more, because it's not like there's much else to talk about on this website. But why again do we need to fight? There's no good reason for it... well, other than the good old NFC North rivalry. If you want to fight, you can have a fight. If you want to have a productive end, you can have that too; although we are well past that end already because you and Norion are good now. So the productive end would be something along the lines of "no hard feelings"?

RolStoppable said:

Nah, it's not exciting. It's typically boring for long stretches, because financial reports are three months apart and new announcements inbetween are sparse. In that sense, going back on topic essentially means to abandon this thread for two months.

And yet, you're claiming that I'm the sole reason this is still going on. Between your desire to keep dancing this silly dance and your hard-on for likes, it's coming across as petty desperation for attention. You were at least kind enough to admit that you just want to keep your thread from dying, so there's that.

I don't need Likes to feel justified, and I don't need to settle my grievances in public, so I will once again offer for you to message me privately so we can talk this out without need of making it a spectacle any further. I've played your game long enough, and I've long been tired of giving this whole thing oxygen. Otherwise, take the last word - Lord knows you must have it - and I'll see you the next time you feel like going 12 rounds in a forum brawl to please that part of your brain.

Lastly, I'd appreciate it if you stopped telling me that I'm upset or how I feel. You have no idea how I feel or what emotions I'm experiencing through this thread. I got triggered with Norion originally, which is why I let this thing morph into what it has. Thankfully, we've made peace. You don't draw that kind of emotion out of me in the same way that people stopped caring about Bart Simpson a couple of decades ago.

This is what you first said to Norion:

Launching in late 2016 wouldn't have made it sell any faster, because for all of 2016, the Switch was sold out and nowhere to be found. You can't sell something faster if you don't have more of it to sell. All waiting until Holiday 2016 would have done for Nintendo is hurt its stock and annual revenue because the sales and profits from the Switch would have come on quarterly reports half a year later.

Which is not the same as the part I agreed with, which was your response to Ashadelo in the same post of yours (link above). That's a huge difference, because the core of all this back and forth is how you responded to Norion. Already in your first post you speak of "waiting until Holiday 2016" which isn't even the correct year. Waiting would be for holiday 2017, what Norion said was about a hypothetical launch roughly four months earlier.

You say the same thing again in the follow-up post:

Outside of accurately estimating sales potential, why would it have been able to produce more stock by waiting until November to launch it? How does that make the number of available Switch units higher?

Doing so would have invited the risk of the pre-launch momentum dying down after an extra half-year and would have made it more difficult to make accurate sales projections. Which is more valuable data, actual sales and units shipped, or projections based on past console performance and Internet hype?

This is why Norion had no idea what you are even talking about, because he had been talking about an earlier launch than March 2017 while you were talking about a later launch. You then follow up with a lemonade stand example to which Norion's response was that he realized you were mixing up pushing the launch forward and pushing it back:

Then you come back to tell Norion that you aren't misunderstanding at all:

Norion responds by repeating his hypothetical scenario.

Then you respond in an aggressive manner:

And only then did I post to say that you don't have a point, because Shtinamin had said that you have one.

The question you had posed ("why having an earlier launch would have increased the availability of stock.") and Shtinamin had picked out was easily refuted by me.

This is the complete timeline. You were in the process of causing a real mess in this thread and this is why I stepped in. Not only were you wrong, you were also a bully.

You responded to me with a "your mother" one-liner, to which I responded that you'll have to admit to yourself that you can't win anymore.

The reason why I talked about winning there is because you behaved like someone who puts winning above everything. Hence your earlier insistence that you had not misunderstood, and your increasingly more combative tone despite being clearly on the wrong side of an argument.

And yes, you are the reason this is still going on. If you honestly wanted a PM, you would have sent one. But I suppose you didn't, because for someone like you for whom it is all about winning, it is clear that sending the first PM is an admission of defeat. Yes, you clearly care about winning, and how do you think you could deny that after everyone has seen how many hours you've spent in this thread because of one single misunderstanding at the very core: An assumed later Switch launch when it was really about a hypothetical earlier launch.

Your logic that I want to keep this thread from dying does not work at all with the quote of mine you've provided, because it's self-evident that this thread cannot die anytime soon due to the topic it is about.

Now if you are kind enough (although I doubt it) to let me have the final words, here they are:

Snipping quotes and deliberately misinterpreting context can only work if you are allowed to have your way.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

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CourageTCD said:
Norion said:

One post I made nearly two weeks ago somehow lead to all of this. 

The butterfly efect in action xD

What's the score?
I stopped following the play-by-play 50 posts ago.

psychicscubadiver said:
CourageTCD said:

The butterfly efect in action xD

What's the score?
I stopped following the play-by-play 50 posts ago.

Me too

CourageTCD said:
psychicscubadiver said:

What's the score?
I stopped following the play-by-play 50 posts ago.

Me too avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:
CourageTCD said:

Me too

Im dying in my chair rn. 
I love that story.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

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Last edited by XtremeBG - on 05 March 2024

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XtremeBG said:

Atleast its not me and you this time.

My goodness, where to start? I stopped following this thread around Nov 23, and after coming back to it I was having so. much. FUN by reading posts from people who thought the Switch was pretty much dead on the water before the December results! I started collecting posts but eventually gave up, because it would take too long lol. Then I came back and the latest pages were filled by some discussion between OP and another guy that I lost interest in the forth installment and moved on lol.

It's the 'need to have the last word' syndrome that keeps this threat going.

I don't think anyone can deny that the Switch will reach at least 150 million units sold.

Those last 10 million will be hard, but the rumors of the Switch successor not releasing until March 2025 will help if the Switch still has another holiday season under its belt. Even if there aren't any major titles for this year, the evergreen games can still shift a few million units.

The recent announcement of Pokémon Legends Z-A also shows the Switch will have some momentum in 2025, especially if it's a Switch exclusive and not cross-gen.