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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo Quarterly Sales Update: Switch at 150.86m shipped, Mario Party Jamboree at 6.17m

Zippy6 said:
Phenomajp13 said:

So @haxxiy's point was grossly off because it was never 15 million forecasted. What Nintendo's 13.5 million forcast being reduced has to do with this thread I'm not sure but considering the poster and their obsession with Switch.

You're just misunderstanding the post. He never said Nintendo forecast 15m. He said people were saying that IF Nintendo forecast 15m they would be able to hit that target. No idea if people did say that, if they hypothetically could or couldn't, and it's probably not even worth thinking about. My own recollection is that most people thought 13.5m was too high back then.

Why would Nintendo's previous forecasts for this fiscal year not be relevant in this thread? The change to that number is literally part of this fiscal update. You were literally the first person in the thread to bring up the 13.5m figure. lol.

You can stop with the revisionist history, in that same sentence he also said "they surely would get there somehow, while I was like, nah, they won't reach", so the poster was obviously talking about an actual forcast and wouldnt reach it. It's ok, I was having alittle fun with the mistake. I knew what the poster was referring to. I brought up the 13.5 million forcast and missing it because that was obviously what the poster was talking about hence the "nah, they wont reach" part.

This thread is about the quarterly sales updates hence the 150.86 million and 4.86 million quarter, not about the fiscal year forcast and Nintendo missing them. 

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 04 February 2025

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I wonder if any console will ever pass the 150million mark again.

Congratulations to the Switch for joining the elusive 150+ million hardware club. It's the little system that could.

Whats the name of the guy that made that death crimson with his sense knocking on each console's door? Soon he's gonna knock on DS' door!!☠️

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 04 February 2025

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Solid numbers but a bit lower than I expected. Dropping its forecast down to 11m is a bit disappointing. Even with that, Switch needs 1.46m for Q4 with only DK and Xenoblade for the quarter that we know of. Maybe the upcoming Direct will shadow drop something like Prime 2 & 3 releases or Wind Waker/Twilight Princess? Either way, Nintendo is going to have to get proactive to hit that. The good news is that the Switch is still on track to reach ~152m shipped by the end of March, which is what I have anticipated for years now on the road to 160m.

Also, SMBW isn't going to get anywhere near what I had originally predicted for the game's sales. It could, however, still be the Switch's number 10 game to top 20m if Nintendo gets aggressive with bundles this year/holiday.

XtremeBG said:

Nice. Around what I expected. @trunkswd Will there be any adjustments needed for the Switch numbers on the website ?

Maybe a little adjustments, but it won't be anything major. 

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTube channel discussing gaming sales and news. Follow me on Bluesky.

I post and adjust the VGChartz hardware estimates, with help from Machina.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Monthly Hardware Breakdown Monthly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

XtremeBG said:

I just looked it up: imageflip? Thats nice. One question: Like i said I DO NOT SAY IT WILL HAPPEN (but i wouldn't bet my balls on PS2 staying ahead anymore🥶) but what would this look like if Switch really surpasses the PS2? There won't be another door to smash then...

So in the end it’ll ship between 10-12 million for this fiscal year, just as I initially expected.
I always knew that 13.5 million initial forecast was too high. But 10-12 million is still very good for its 8th full fiscal year.
Now it’s within ~10 million of the PS2…

I'm not sure if they're going to hit even 11 mill this fiscal year, but hey it is what it is for a system this old. Next year is going to be interesting then, what would be a realistic forecast? 6 million? 5.5 million? No question the launch of the Switch 2 and the start of the Switch 2 marketing cycle on Apr. 2nd is going to lead to a large decline.