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Solid numbers but a bit lower than I expected. Dropping its forecast down to 11m is a bit disappointing. Even with that, Switch needs 1.46m for Q4 with only DK and Xenoblade for the quarter that we know of. Maybe the upcoming Direct will shadow drop something like Prime 2 & 3 releases or Wind Waker/Twilight Princess? Either way, Nintendo is going to have to get proactive to hit that. The good news is that the Switch is still on track to reach ~152m shipped by the end of March, which is what I have anticipated for years now on the road to 160m.

Also, SMBW isn't going to get anywhere near what I had originally predicted for the game's sales. It could, however, still be the Switch's number 10 game to top 20m if Nintendo gets aggressive with bundles this year/holiday.