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Forums - Sales Discussion - Switch 2 Sales Predictions: Next PS2 or Wii U Disaster?


How Many Units Will the Switch 2 Sell Worldwide in its Lifetime?

Under 20 million (Wii U 2.0 disaster?) 1 0.76%
20–50 million (Destined for an early death) 1 0.76%
50–75 million (Bit of a disappointment) 2 1.52%
75–100 million (Solid, but not legendary) 24 18.18%
100–150 million (Switch 2.0 confirmed) 84 63.64%
150 million+ (IT PRINTS MONEY!) 20 15.15%
curl-6 said:

You could also say though that "Switch started outpacing PS4 every month since Animal Crossing released" which was also March 2020. The release of one of the biggest games of the generation can't be discounted as a major factor.

We aren't discussing the factors of why Switch started outpacing the PS4 but from which point exactly started to do so. And the pandemic was the first one. The Animal crossing was after that, and other reasons after that. But only the first reason is important here, since we are talking from a point in time. I haven't go on to list all the reasons, only since when. Also I didn't chose the pandemic to use, @killer7 did. So I answered to him with the same date point. And by coincidence it also happens to be the exact point from which Switch skyrocketed and begun outselling PS4 every month (if we are looking launch and holiday aligned, if it's not aligned, then of course Switch started outselling it 2019, but he said launch aligned in his post, that's why I intervene). So why choosing other, when he already chose one ? (also it's a lot more easier to just thought of the pandemic, than it is to go and check the exact release date of the game). So all the extra information was not needed. I haven't doubted the reasons, or what helped and what didn't, or why.

killer7 said:

Yes, sure Covid helped but remember: The Switch was sucessfull even before Covid. The thesis that the so called "Lockdowns" helped the Switch is a myth. At least in Austria there where basically no lockdowns.

So no! Lockdowns where not the reason Switch did so well, otherwise Xbox one and especially PS4 should have been on the rise (PS5 and Series where not out when it started) but they where on the downfall. PS4 was even discontinued when the pandemic ended in march 2022! Xbox one stopped being produced even as early as the end of 2020.

It was successful, but it wasn't outpacing the PS4 constantly. That was my only point. Not if it is the reason, or if it helped others. Also about the XB1 and PS4, the pandemic helped them as well. If you don't know they were starting the year worse than 2019, but once the pandemic hit, they both got boosted for a few months and at one point were even up year on year or flat, I remember that. However that resulted in weaker than what otherwise would've been second half of the year. So the pandemic helped all the consoles in the first half of 2020. It helped PS4 and XB1, and it helped the Switch as well.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 01 February 2025

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XtremeBG said:
firebush03 said:

Do you have a table for the launch aligned numbers? (Or rather, would you be able to share? Knowing you, i have no doubt you’ve got them somewhere lol.) To me, it looks like NSW started closing in on PS4 right around the start of 2019, with the gap really starting to close with NSWLite [Sept 2019] and later COVID.

Table for launch aligned, no, since there was such a chart from trunks on the sales articles which run till November 2022. There it can be seen how for 3 years one came on top of the other, and in 2020 with the Covid boost, Switch skyrocketed. The corresponding year (holiday aligned) to 2019 for PS4 was 2016. Monthly they were doing very close, but the holiday was stronger for the Switch, just after the Lite launched. Monthly based outside of holidays, Switch started to constantly outsell the PS4 corresponding period in 2020. For most of 2019 until the holidays it was like a tie, one month for PS4, one for Switch.

Date PS4 monthly PS4 Total NSW monthly NSW Total Difference monthly Difference total
2016/2019 858,262 36,859,407 1,147,851 30,640,213 +289,589 -6,219,194
February 1,041,757 37,901,164 972,378 31,612,591 -69,379 -6,288,573
March 1,131,421 39,032,585 1,166,591 32,779,182 +35,170 -6,253,403
April 719,414 39,751,999 785,233 33,564,415 +65,819 -6,187,584
May 793,290 40,545,289 720,538 34,284,953 -72,752 -6,260,336
June 1,027,496 41,572,785 1,080,920 35,365,873 +53,424 -6,206,912
July 780,466 42,353,251 884,171 36,250,044 +103,705 -6,103,207
August 786,762 43,140,013 737,001 36,987,045 -49,761 -6,152,968
September 1,497,905 44,637,918 1,814,562 38,801,607 +316,657 -5,836,311
October 1,342,030 45,979,948 1,212,657 40,014,264 -129,373 -5,965,684
November 3,223,910 49,203,858 1,972,881 41,987,145 -1,251,029 -7,216,713
December 4,609,141 53,812,999 6,833,525 48,820,670 +2,224,384 -4,992,329
2017/2020 1,161,413 54,974,412 1,549,926 50,370,596 +388,513 -4,603,816
February 1,273,065 56,247,477 1,041,597 51,412,193 -231,468 -4,835,284
March 1,492,148 57,739,625 2,958,459 54,370,652 +1,466,311 -3,368,973
April 982,423 58,722,048 2,028,155 56,398,807 +1,045,732 -2,323,241
May 1,124,866 59,846,914 1,602,817 58,001,624 +477,951 -1,845,290
June 1,501,027 61,347,941 1,881,685 59,883,309 +380,658 -1,464,632
July 1,139,006 62,486,947 1,553,438 61,436,747 +414,432 -1,050,200
August 1,038,948 63,525,895 1,674,087 63,110,834 +635,139 -415,061
September 1,389,603 64,915,498 2,156,034 65,266,868 +766,431 +351,370
October 1,189,871 66,105,369 2,077,924 67,344,792 +888,053 +1,239,423
November 3,503,646 69,609,015 3,729,096 71,073,888 +225,450 +1,464,873
December 3,909,512 73,518,527 6,207,558 77,281,446 +2,298,046 +3,762,919

Do you see how in 2016/2019 for PS4/Switch they follow each other with positive and negative difference ? and how in 2020/2017 after March, everything is in the side of Switch ? That's what I mean by constantly outselling it every month.

Hmm…it looks to me that NSW closed the gap by 1mil btwn the launch of NSWLite [September 2019] & February 2020. The pandemic only accelerated the shrink. Wasn’t much movement for the first chunk of 2019, though the Lite model certainly shifted things in favor of NSW. Regardless of the pandemic, NSW would’ve certainly outpaced PS4 during 2020/2021 based off the trajectory.

javi741 said:
killer7 said:

Yes, sure Covid helped but remember: The Switch was sucessfull even before Covid. The thesis that the so called "Lockdowns" helped the Switch is a myth. At least in Austria there where basically no lockdowns. You could go out whenever you like, if you ever got checked by te police you name a reason to be out: Helping friends, get food, walk for fresh air... there where so many reasons you could basically name anything justifying you're out, streets where full of people but shops where closed. That was the only difference. We where even meeting for lan partis. Sometimes we played Doom on the Switch together in the park. Later the high court skipped it because they said it was against human rights and that the "virus" does not have this leven of danger to justify such a move. Also we went on demonstrations and parties like the blue one made preasure to open. This year they won the elections wich close to 30%.

So no! Lockdowns where not the reason Switch did so well, otherwise Xbox one and especially PS4 should have been on the rise (PS5 and Series where not out when it started) but they where on the downfall. PS4 was even discontinued when the pandemic ended in march 2022! Xbox one stopped being produced even as early as the end of 2020.

PS & Xbox also benefitted from the pandemic. The reason why sales didn't look as high for PS4 & Xbox One at the time were due to shortages, not demand. Shortages during that time plagued almost every portion of tech production in some way. While Sony & Microsoft could've definitely produced more PS4s & Xbox Ones if they wanted to, they decided to invest all of their production efforts straight towards their next gen consoles that were just releasing which is why the PS4's & Xbox One's lifespans ended fairly abruptly, but demand was definitely higher for those consoles as well it just doesn't show due to shortages at the time

PS4 was considerably down in 2019 from 2018 and that was before Covid. The pandemic only strenghtend that trend. If the Switch benefitted from Covid, why not PS4? I mean the PS4 sold what? Around 5 million in 2020?! No one can tell me that Sony was not able to produce more, Covid or not. Why was Nintendo able to produce 28 million Switch systems at the same time despite it needing more components like the LCD screen? And Nintendo is a way smaller company ghan Sony. Sony wanted to move on quite fast that also shows PS4s discontinuation in march 2022... Xbox one was axed as early as the end of 2020 shortly after the XSX and the XSS launched.

firebush03 said:

Hmm…it looks to me that NSW closed the gap by 1mil btwn the launch of NSWLite [September 2019] & February 2020. The pandemic only accelerated the shrink. Wasn’t much movement for the first chunk of 2019, though the Lite model certainly shifted things in favor of NSW. Regardless of the pandemic, NSW would’ve certainly outpaced PS4 during 2020/2021 based off the trajectory.

I agree, but my point was about outpacing it constantly every month, without PS4 beating the Switch at all. This was from the pandemic onwards. in 2019 the Switch progress was constantly up and down towards PS4 since there were months PS4 came on top (again holiday aligned or the table I just did). The trend ended after the last time PS4 came on top - February 2020. From March on (or from the pandemic) Switch constantly outsell it with no return to the old level or PS4 beating it.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 01 February 2025

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killer7 said:

PS4 was considerably down in 2019 from 2018 and that was before Covid. The pandemic only strenghtend that trend. If the Switch benefitted from Covid, why not PS4? I mean the PS4 sold what? Around 5 million in 2020?! No one can tell me that Sony was not able to produce more, Covid or not. Why was Nintendo able to produce 28 million Switch systems at the same time despite it needing more components like the LCD screen? And Nintendo is a way smaller company ghan Sony. Sony wanted to move on quite fast that also shows PS4s discontinuation in march 2022... Xbox one was axed as early as the end of 2020 shortly after the XSX and the XSS launched.

I agree with everything. But what I started discussing was about launch aligned since you wrote it that way. PS4 and XB1 too benefited but they were about to be replaced so they didnt had so much potential for growth in 2020 as the Switch. PS4 sold 8.5M in 2020 and 14M in 2019. Switch started outselling it from 2019 onwards, but if we launch or holiday aligned it then 2020, since in 2019 it was more of a tie until the holidays. If we dont aligned it then the Switch started beating the PS4 from 2019 onwards

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 01 February 2025

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Any time anyone brings up the COVID boost for Switch I will counter with the Animal Crossing boost for Switch. That game was going to be amazingly successful and sell a TON of hardware whether we were locked down or not. Maybe not the 45 million it has sold, but certainly 25-30 million, same as a Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, or Smash. It's in the same category and has been for quite a while. I know the Switch certainly received a bit of help, but it isn't like the Switch was floundering and was saved by a global health crisis. And the hype levels for ACNH were at a fever pitch long before most had even heard of a coronovirus, let alone COVID 19.

I think it will do well. It'll basically continue the Switch's success, but without the covid bump and without the early, starving fan base that existed for the Switch because the Wii U flopped. If it's on the market for the same length of time, I think it will significantly under-sell Switch. But, it'll still be a big number.

If I had to put an exact number on it, I'd go at 100 million.

XtremeBG said:

Not exactly. The moment Switch started selling more than the PS4 every month, was exactly with the Covid boost in 2020. And the moment when Switch passed it was in the 2020 holiday season (with total passing of lifetime sales in holiday 2022). If we don't holiday aligned it, they were going on top of each other for the first 3 years, until Switch pulls ahead with the Covid boost.

While COVID clearly did have a massive impact (as opposed to the factually baseless competing hypothesis of "Animal Crossing did it!"), I do want to point out that the Switch was already pulling ahead of the PS4 in the U.S. in its third year. The Switch sold about 1.5M more units in its first three calendar years than the PS4 did, nearly all of that due to the Switch's 2019 being significantly better than the PS4's 2016 (6.5M vs. 5.1M). Hard to say whether the Switch's baseline after everything was reopened and stimulus money dried up was sheer inertia from the COVID bump or if it was a natural sales level it would have had regardless, but in any case there's a good argument to be had that the Switch could have outsold the PS4 in the U.S. by a few million units even had COVID not been a thing. There's no way to know for certain, but it is a matter of fact that the Switch was starting to outpace the PS4 in the U.S. before COVID hit.

Data from the CESA White Paper suggest a similar trajectory in Canada, with the Switch starting to pull ahead in 2019.

In Japan, it was always incredibly lopsided in the Switch's favor regardless of any external factors. There was no possible scenario where the Switch wouldn't have outsold the PS4 by a three-to-one margin lifetime or close to it.

Europe was the only one of the three major markets where the Switch was lagging behind the PS4, which would have dragged the global total down in the PS4's favor. Even during & after COVID, the Switch never quite able to catch up to the PS4 in Europe.

As always, global sales don't always tell us the whole picture. It's like the 360 vs. the PS3. Sure, they ended up in a near tie, but that was purely a coincidence because of how the major markets shook up. The PS3 did sell at an overall faster rate worldwide, but it was incredibly lopsided in the 360's favor in NA & the UK, with the PS3 making up for it in continental Europe and Japan.

Without COVID, I think the Switch could have at least tied the PS4 globally if not beaten it by a decent margin (say, 10-15M). But again there's no way to know for sure.


Art by Hunter B

In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

I feel like the U.S. tariffs will play a huge part of how successful the device will people, everything is so uncertain at the moment.

@PortisheadBiscuit There were tariffs put in place in 2019 though too.

Regarding the discussion about a covid boost, I would say that definitely the Switch did have a covid boost, but without it, the system likely would've still comfortably outsold the PS4. Maybe not the possibility of 160m, but probably more around 140m, maybe 150m. Without the pandemic, we likely would've gotten a Switch Pro, and several titles like TOTK & Splatoon 3 might have launched sooner. There also wouldn't be shortages due to supply chain disruptions.