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XtremeBG said:
firebush03 said:

Do you have a table for the launch aligned numbers? (Or rather, would you be able to share? Knowing you, i have no doubt you’ve got them somewhere lol.) To me, it looks like NSW started closing in on PS4 right around the start of 2019, with the gap really starting to close with NSWLite [Sept 2019] and later COVID.

Table for launch aligned, no, since there was such a chart from trunks on the sales articles which run till November 2022. There it can be seen how for 3 years one came on top of the other, and in 2020 with the Covid boost, Switch skyrocketed. The corresponding year (holiday aligned) to 2019 for PS4 was 2016. Monthly they were doing very close, but the holiday was stronger for the Switch, just after the Lite launched. Monthly based outside of holidays, Switch started to constantly outsell the PS4 corresponding period in 2020. For most of 2019 until the holidays it was like a tie, one month for PS4, one for Switch.

Date PS4 monthly PS4 Total NSW monthly NSW Total Difference monthly Difference total
2016/2019 858,262 36,859,407 1,147,851 30,640,213 +289,589 -6,219,194
February 1,041,757 37,901,164 972,378 31,612,591 -69,379 -6,288,573
March 1,131,421 39,032,585 1,166,591 32,779,182 +35,170 -6,253,403
April 719,414 39,751,999 785,233 33,564,415 +65,819 -6,187,584
May 793,290 40,545,289 720,538 34,284,953 -72,752 -6,260,336
June 1,027,496 41,572,785 1,080,920 35,365,873 +53,424 -6,206,912
July 780,466 42,353,251 884,171 36,250,044 +103,705 -6,103,207
August 786,762 43,140,013 737,001 36,987,045 -49,761 -6,152,968
September 1,497,905 44,637,918 1,814,562 38,801,607 +316,657 -5,836,311
October 1,342,030 45,979,948 1,212,657 40,014,264 -129,373 -5,965,684
November 3,223,910 49,203,858 1,972,881 41,987,145 -1,251,029 -7,216,713
December 4,609,141 53,812,999 6,833,525 48,820,670 +2,224,384 -4,992,329
2017/2020 1,161,413 54,974,412 1,549,926 50,370,596 +388,513 -4,603,816
February 1,273,065 56,247,477 1,041,597 51,412,193 -231,468 -4,835,284
March 1,492,148 57,739,625 2,958,459 54,370,652 +1,466,311 -3,368,973
April 982,423 58,722,048 2,028,155 56,398,807 +1,045,732 -2,323,241
May 1,124,866 59,846,914 1,602,817 58,001,624 +477,951 -1,845,290
June 1,501,027 61,347,941 1,881,685 59,883,309 +380,658 -1,464,632
July 1,139,006 62,486,947 1,553,438 61,436,747 +414,432 -1,050,200
August 1,038,948 63,525,895 1,674,087 63,110,834 +635,139 -415,061
September 1,389,603 64,915,498 2,156,034 65,266,868 +766,431 +351,370
October 1,189,871 66,105,369 2,077,924 67,344,792 +888,053 +1,239,423
November 3,503,646 69,609,015 3,729,096 71,073,888 +225,450 +1,464,873
December 3,909,512 73,518,527 6,207,558 77,281,446 +2,298,046 +3,762,919

Do you see how in 2016/2019 for PS4/Switch they follow each other with positive and negative difference ? and how in 2020/2017 after March, everything is in the side of Switch ? That's what I mean by constantly outselling it every month.

Hmm…it looks to me that NSW closed the gap by 1mil btwn the launch of NSWLite [September 2019] & February 2020. The pandemic only accelerated the shrink. Wasn’t much movement for the first chunk of 2019, though the Lite model certainly shifted things in favor of NSW. Regardless of the pandemic, NSW would’ve certainly outpaced PS4 during 2020/2021 based off the trajectory.