killer7 said: By talking about GTA6 to "save" a plattform, you people are aware of the fact, that GTA VI is not an exclusive? GTAV launched in 2013 for the Xbox 360 and the PS3, yet sales where down quite a lot (30%- 40% if i am not mistaken). And that was one of the biggest software launchs of all time. |
It'll definitely push some significant hardware but this late into a console lifetime, I'd argue that most of the userbase for this game is either :
1) Already bought a new Gen console and has prepared for it.
2) Are on PC and won't be willing to purchase a console for the eventual port a year or so later.
The narrative of pushing GTA VI as the console savior of this generation has always been quite iffy if you keep data comparison with the previous game in mind.
It'll do incredible software sales most likely, but the further it gets pushed away (dixit 2026 launch most likely), the likelier people will just have bought into the console ecosystem already which won't result in the hardware boost people have been clamoring for.
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