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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo Quarterly Sales Update: Switch at 139.36m shipped

curl-6 said:
Zippy6 said:

This late in it's life even Nintendo titles are front-loaded. I mean ToTK is already selling the same this quarter as Mario Odyssey. Sales of evergreen titles are tied to hardware sales. New people get the system and they pick up the evergreens. Do you have examples of Nintendo games that kept selling well after hardware sales stopped? I wanted to look at the IR Data for units sold on Nintendo's site but internet wayback is only going back to 2017 for me, not sure if the url changed or something cause I've used it before to get to much older data.

Wii hardware sales collapsed after 2010, but New Super Mario Bros Wii kept selling.

FY10 - (NSMBW - 14.70m, Wii - 20.56m) (March 2010)
FY11 - (NSMBW - 7.23m, Wii - 15.08m) (March 2011) 
FY12 - (NSMBW - 4.32m, Wii - 9.82m) (March 2012) 
FY13 - (NSMBW - 1.62m, Wii - 3.98m) (March 2013)
Post FY13 - (NSMBW - 2.45m, Wii - 1.79m)

To an extent. To me this doesn't convince me that Mario Wonder can have strong legs when Switch hardware falls. Unless they can prompt Switch 2 adoptee's to pick up the game. We shall see.

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Zippy6 said:
curl-6 said:

Wii hardware sales collapsed after 2010, but New Super Mario Bros Wii kept selling.

FY10 - (NSMBW - 14.70m, Wii - 20.56m) (March 2010)
FY11 - (NSMBW - 7.23m, Wii - 15.08m) (March 2011) 
FY12 - (NSMBW - 4.32m, Wii - 9.82m) (March 2012) 
FY13 - (NSMBW - 1.62m, Wii - 3.98m) (March 2013)
Post FY13 - (NSMBW - 2.45m, Wii - 1.79m)

To an extent. To me this doesn't convince me that Mario Wonder can have strong legs when Switch hardware falls. Unless they can prompt Switch 2 adoptee's to pick up the game. We shall see.

Its legs are definitely going to be affected, don't get me wrong, I just don't think it will cut them entirely. But yeah, time will tell, it's impossible to say anything with certainty when we know nothing about Nintendo's hardware plans." class="bbImage lazyloaded" width="" height="">

As rumours about Switch 2 get more and more often, I can say I see them everyday almost (on news sites, and youtube), I really think Switch 2 is coming september 2024 at the latest. With announcement possibly coming by end of march. We shall see

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Calendar year 2023 was a great hold for Nintendo Switch, hardware only declined 2.2 million versus the 4.66 million decline in the previous year. Once again software hit 200 million for the 4th consecutive year.

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Wow! These are incredible numbers for Switch. My estimate was 140mil for the fiscal year, not calendar. If they can hit 142mil by March ‘24, then I see no reason the Switch could not surpass the DS. All that’d be left is 12mil.

Mario kart 8 nearly sold 70 million units being an Exclusive.
Absolutely Incredible.

Biggest multiplatform Games for context -
Red Dead Redemption 2- 57 million
Witcher- 50 million
Skyrim- 61 million

The only other 60$ game that sold better is GTA 5.

"Mark my words! The Switch won't sell more than 40 million lifetime because of the cliff!"
"Nintendo is doomed! DOOOOOOOOMED!"

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:

"Nintendo is doomed! DOOOOOOOOMED!"

That's Nintendo Fans favourite catch phrase.

I said BotW would start overtaking Tot-crappy-ultrahand-Kingdom on a quarterly basis soon and Nintendo shills on tweeter got mad at me. lol. I just did not know it would be as soon as probably next quarter. Dude TotK only moved 780k in the holiday quarter? BotW moved 460? Damn!! lol.