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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS5 ships 75M by 31.12.2024. LT sales expectations?


Lifetime sales expectations?

Under 100M 4 4.12%
100-115M 37 38.14%
115-130M 45 46.39%
130M+ 11 11.34%
Sephiran said:

Scary to even speculate about how expensive the PS6 will be, but Sony will take away from PS5 generation that they now have such a big brand that they can just put the price as high as possible and people will still just rush to buy it, they don't need to care about an affordable price point like Nintendo.

Well we don't yet know the price of the Switch 2. When I predicted a $350 barebones version and $400 standard version about 3 years ago, it was deemed "expensive". Now it's looking likely that $400 is the base price.

Sony is arguably the weakest among the three, because their software is not strong enough to future proof them. I gave Sony shit myself for pricing the PS5 too high, but it's evident that it wasn't their fault as they are apparently still losing money (or barely breaking even) on hardware. So either chip makers are the despotic assholes, or the manufacturing process is not going down in cost and it's not anyone's fault.

Things were looking great for the PS5 early on when it was reported that they started making money on the disk edition, but everything took a turn for the worse over time. They should target lower specs for the base PS6 and release an expensive handheld version to boost sales, otherwise for the first time since PS3, I expect PS6 sales to go down significantly. Consoles have an aging audience and will not last forever.

Last edited by Kyuu - on 17 February 2025

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Kyuu said:
killer7 said:

I agree with everything you say. If you read my posts i charge every gaming system by what it is not by its publisher. Like i said the WiiU was dead from the day it was unveiled. A simple provokation against its most loyal fans! I never understood the critics in the Gamecube because it had everything going for it: More powerfull than PS2, a good libary of games, Resident Evil exclusive (despite the betray of Part 4), MK and the tipical games... yet people hated it. The old Xbox was the most powerfull one but it was too expensive for that time. Talking about that, yes price drops might help a bit but not in a way that places in a generation would be changed. If so, the Gamecube should have been the absolute Nr.1 in gen 6 but we know how it ended. There where enough talks in gen 7 how PS3 would rush over the Wii when it gets cut in price. In europe it got as low as 189€, yet it did not pass the Wii WW. Yes price cuts can help keeping a decline more stable but it won't make your consoles sales skyrocket. A 99€ Gamecube (PS2/Xbox 299€) did not set the world on fire as well as a 99€ Street PSP (DS 149€). You see i do critizise other companies as well. One of the companies i critizise the most are EA because they release the same game with basically no changes (expect a next gen arrives) every year. I am talking about Football FC (former Fifa). In europe its some sort of pandemic, also Fartnite (no matter wich plattform).

As with pretty much everything in "life" and not just gaming, it's never about a single factor. And this takes us back to when I asked why you thought a 2028 launch would be suicidal for PS6. Dreamcast launched with a 16 month headstart against the PS2, it had great graphics for its time and a strong library of games and yet the PS2 buried it and ended Sega's hardware business. Headstart/timing (like pricing, exclusives, 3rd party support, services, specs and features, form factor, marketing, and brand power) is important... but it's just one factor in a complex equation. So by itself, a headstart doesn't tell us anything. The same goes for "pricing", but PS5 is a confirmed sales monster, so we already know that most factors are fulfilled and only price and exclusives (relative to past generations) are holding it back. You can make the price argument for the Switch as well, it is available at a very cheap $200, but the more popular version still has room for effective pricecuts even 8 years after launch.

I can see why you think it's "risky" to launch the PS6 in 2028. Sony itself might freak out and rush the PS6 to contain any potential threat. But unless Microsoft reverses everything they've been saying and doing for a while, a 2026 Xbox launch shouldn't really be a threat, let alone kill a 2028 PS6. Playstation and Xbox are no longer comparable. If Sony doesn't mind letting Nintendo have a 2, 3 or 4 year "headstart", they shouldn't worry about Xbox having a 1-2 year headstart either. Something dramatic has to happen for Xbox to truly be a threat. Microsoft doesn't seem interested in competing with Sony anymore. They're more interested in using Playstation's popularity to maximize software sales, and this is becoming clearer on the daily.

Many people could not see its risky launching PS3 in 2007 either.😉

So many people here believe in the PS6 will be successfull no matter what they do and be Nr.1. PS3 was not. PS5 is not (Switch), the PSP and the Vita wheren't either. Many people spell doom for Switch 2 because every 2nd console sold worse than the 1st or flopped. That is true but what if i said: Every 3rd Playstation lost its generation? If they launch in 2028 it might already be too late anything later than that is not going to happen. If Nintendo goes all in, cuts Switch 2 super short they launch Switch 3 in 2030 and it would be more powerfull than expected, Sony could never wait that long! All rumors point to 2027.

RedKingXIII said:
killer7 said:

The PS6' sucess depends on so many things. First of all its hardware. Will it be a revolutionary console technological or will it be a smaller leap to its predecessor like gen 8 was to gen 7? How will be Switch 2s marketposition? Will Xbox have a new president that makes it great again (chances are low but you never know). The price is not so important today. PS diehards and collectors like me would also pay 1000€/$. But we know it won't be that expensive. Will it be a console or will it be a hybrid. The latter basically guarantees it to be 100% digital. Will it have a DD? If no you can loose a tiny part of the PS fanbase but like we saw, 70%+ are already on the digital train right now. I guess it will be 80%+ when PS6 hits in 2027. Its questionable if it makes sense upping an already high price for a part (disc drive) only ~20% or even less want. Yes you could argue selling it seperatly but if you include the technology for it, make retail games (package, shipment, taxes, less revenue...) does it pay off? How would the rest of the ~80%+ PS6 buyers react when they learn they need to pay extra money for something they don't use, especially since Sony discontinued BD production, they have to buy their discs from someone else. Discontinuing the format your games are saved on is not the way to convince your fans that physical is something you can rely on. This again would influence game prices wich already suffer from inflation. Are you ready to pay european SNES/N64 prices (100€+) for a PS6 game only because its physical? It won't be cheaper digital because Sony could cause an outrage from physical buyers and complains they would prioritize digital and want to make physical more unatractive than they made it already. I personally think they go the easy route by just make it clear and simple so no one feels fooled: Want to stay physical? PS5(Pro) will still have physical for the next years. You want PS6? You need to go with the times...

Yeah, now you're making more sense, because bringing up their past failures to downplay a console that we know nothing about is... lol.

To respond your points, Sony not ending all Blu-ray production, only rewrittable ones, so that has nothing to do with games, movies or the PS6 having a disc drive or not.

And I do believe the PS6 will still play physical games, but it's probably going to be the last PlayStation that can do it. With how big digital is becoming even if the PS6 is digital only I don't think it's going to matter much.

Me personally I'll just stop buying PS consoles once they become digital only and I'm going to build a PC. But that's just me.

I am not "downplaying a console we don't know nothing about". Damn IF the PS6 really had a DD i would get it even for 2000€!! Even if i could take a 5000€ PC as a present instead!! (So much for my "jabs at Playstation😉). But as it seems like now, chances are getting lower every year.*

Yes Sony discontinues rewritable BDs. And here is my question: What is a BD movie/ game disc BEFORE a game is WRITTEN on it?Correct: A REWRITABLE Disc. So where do you write your games on if you discontinue the format you normally use for that purpus? Movie/ gamediscs don't fall from the sky. If it still played Discs then yes it will be the last one! Here I am with you! I am a total enemy of digitalisation everyone knows that, otherwise i would be PC all in wich i am certenly not! So i would need to say that PS6- PS10 (patent from Sony) would be all discs 100% with the PS10 having an outside chance of using the AD (Archival Disc)! *But when 70%+ of your games get sold digitally and Sony really waited till 2028 or even longer where would be this number by then? For sure that Trend won't be reversed. So many people here are talking about GTAVI! This game will (most likley) have a record breaking launch and could boost this digital trend even more! If Sony waited till 2028 and MS till 2027 with their new consoles, MS will be 100% digital next gen, no argue about that, but digital game sales on PS5 won't be lower than 85% maybe even 90% or more! PS6 won't support a DD for 10%- 20% of buyers! You see what i mean?

Last edited by killer7 - on 18 February 2025

killer7 said:
Kyuu said:

As with pretty much everything in "life" and not just gaming, it's never about a single factor. And this takes us back to when I asked why you thought a 2028 launch would be suicidal for PS6. Dreamcast launched with a 16 month headstart against the PS2, it had great graphics for its time and a strong library of games and yet the PS2 buried it and ended Sega's hardware business. Headstart/timing (like pricing, exclusives, 3rd party support, services, specs and features, form factor, marketing, and brand power) is important... but it's just one factor in a complex equation. So by itself, a headstart doesn't tell us anything. The same goes for "pricing", but PS5 is a confirmed sales monster, so we already know that most factors are fulfilled and only price and exclusives (relative to past generations) are holding it back. You can make the price argument for the Switch as well, it is available at a very cheap $200, but the more popular version still has room for effective pricecuts even 8 years after launch.

I can see why you think it's "risky" to launch the PS6 in 2028. Sony itself might freak out and rush the PS6 to contain any potential threat. But unless Microsoft reverses everything they've been saying and doing for a while, a 2026 Xbox launch shouldn't really be a threat, let alone kill a 2028 PS6. Playstation and Xbox are no longer comparable. If Sony doesn't mind letting Nintendo have a 2, 3 or 4 year "headstart", they shouldn't worry about Xbox having a 1-2 year headstart either. Something dramatic has to happen for Xbox to truly be a threat. Microsoft doesn't seem interested in competing with Sony anymore. They're more interested in using Playstation's popularity to maximize software sales, and this is becoming clearer on the daily.

Many people could not see its risky launching PS3 in 2007 either.😉

So many people here believe in the PS6 will be successfull no matter what they do and be Nr.1. PS3 was not. PS5 is not (Switch), the PSP and the Vita wheren't either. Many people spell doom for Switch 2 because every 2nd console sold worse than the 1st or flopped. That is true but what if i said: Every 3rd Playstation lost its generation? If they launch in 2028 it might already be too late anything later than that is not going to happen. If Nintendo goes all in, cuts Switch 2 super short they launch Switch 3 in 2030 and it would be more powerfull than expected, Sony could never wait that long! All rumors point to 2027.

No one thought the PS5 or PS6 would sell more than Switch or Switch 2 (no real opinions on Switch 2 vs PS6 yet lol). Playstation is constantly underestimated. You keep turning everything into a "Nintendo vs Sony" topic. What actually happened though was that nearly everyone thought the PS4 (which was also underestimated until like 2019 where no one knew production would fall off a cliff too soon) would beat the Switch 1. Switch is probably the most underestimated platform of all time by Nintendo fans and haters alike, and the main reason for that is Nintendo having a weak previous generation where their combined consoles couldn't match the Wii alone. People are obsessed about the past.

Most gamers just don't see Sony making PS3 level blunders, and that's not something to get upset over. Sony and Nintendo don't care about when the other is launching their consoles. They're not direct competitors and are able to grow with minimal impact on the other. That might change in the future but it's not yet a source of major concern.

No one is spelling doom on Switch 2, you're just not happy that the sentiment isn't particularly positive. But as I said looking at past trends is meaningless without studying the details, so I wouldn't focus too much on the "2nd console" thing. But it's okay to make early predictions. Early predictions are more challenging and fun because it includes predicting basics like pricing.


Xbox will launch a year to 6 months early imo (late 2026).
Nintendo switch 2 will launch late summer 2025.

^unless sony pushes portal heavily and makes a portal that can DL everything up to ps4 gen to compete with handheld market, I see those 2 starting to take away sales from PS. Although.... If sony had the balls to lose money, they can drop ps5 to $349/$399 and increase their sales. I expect ps6 to be a minor spec upgrade to focus on handheld/console market similar to switch. Probably ps5 pro ish with better CPU/RAM/efficiency. And a 2027 release, and or late 2026. 


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Kyuu said:
killer7 said:

Many people could not see its risky launching PS3 in 2007 either.😉

So many people here believe in the PS6 will be successfull no matter what they do and be Nr.1. PS3 was not. PS5 is not (Switch), the PSP and the Vita wheren't either. Many people spell doom for Switch 2 because every 2nd console sold worse than the 1st or flopped. That is true but what if i said: Every 3rd Playstation lost its generation? If they launch in 2028 it might already be too late anything later than that is not going to happen. If Nintendo goes all in, cuts Switch 2 super short they launch Switch 3 in 2030 and it would be more powerfull than expected, Sony could never wait that long! All rumors point to 2027.

No one thought the PS5 or PS6 would sell more than Switch or Switch 2 (no real opinions on Switch 2 vs PS6 yet lol). Playstation is constantly underestimated. You keep turning everything into a "Nintendo vs Sony" topic. What actually happened though was that nearly everyone thought the PS4 (which was also underestimated until like 2019 where no one knew production would fall off a cliff too soon) would beat the Switch 1. Switch is probably the most underestimated platform of all time by Nintendo fans and haters alike, and the main reason for that is Nintendo having a weak previous generation where their combined consoles couldn't match the Wii alone. People are obsessed about the past.

Most gamers just don't see Sony making PS3 level blunders, and that's not something to get upset over. Sony and Nintendo don't care about when the other is launching their consoles. They're not direct competitors and are able to grow with minimal impact on the other. That might change in the future but it's not yet a source of major concern.

No one is spelling doom on Switch 2, you're just not happy that the sentiment isn't particularly positive. But as I said looking at past trends is meaningless without studying the details, so I wouldn't focus too much on the "2nd console" thing. But it's okay to make early predictions. Early predictions are more challenging and fun because it includes predicting basics like pricing.

There are some points of you i'd like to adress: I'd start with a question: If I told you back in october 2016 when we saw the first Switch teaser that this system will last longer without a sucessor than any other console before (even the mighty Xbox 360) only trailling behind the Game Boy, wouldn't you have called that prediction "bold"? If I told you that the PS5 (without knowing even things like Covid, Inflation through the war in ukraine, the chip shortage...) would never outsell the Switch and the PS4 got "toasted" less less than 6 years after it launched? You would have not called my prediction bold but "crazy" or "wishfull thinking". 

2nd: Nobody expected the PS4 falling off a cliff. Nobody expected PS4 production to be discontinued in early 2022. PS4 was the first Playstation (expect handheld) to be discontinued less than 10 years after launch. PS1 was 12 years old, PS2 was 13 when discontinued, PS3 was 10,5 years old and PS4 was a bit over 8 years old (3DS 10 years- longest produced gaming system of Gen 9- NOBODY expected that!!). People say, generations last longer, but if you look at the production cycles, the OPPOSITE happens since PS3. They last SHORTER! 

I explained it multiple times but people do not WANT to accept the fact, that Playstation and Nintendo are in direct competition. They are compared directly here on vgchartz, they are sold in the same area in shops, both play games physical and digital, this nonsense started when the PS3 was loosing to the Wii. But tell me: Take the game awards: Why are Nintendo and Sony games in the SAME cathegories? Astro Bot became GOTY 2024. In this cathegory Echoes Of Wisdom was nominated as well! So they compete DIRECTLY with each other!! Astro Bot is comparable to Mario- thats an undeniable fact! Why are people refusing so hard that tey are comparable? Only because Nintendo's game sales are higher? 

What "sentiment isn't particularly positive"? Again its the OPPOSITE: Reactions all around the Internet where overwhelming! The unveil video even surpassed the PS5 unveil video in viewers! There are very few doubts (if the Joy Con 2 mechanism is good quality but thats basically it)! Nobody wants a PS5+ power from a handheld. Its a PS4+ power in handheld mode and something PS4Pro+ power in Dock! Thats what most people expected and they got it. So whats the problem?

I do hope i adressed your points in a way you can understand them. 

leo-j said:

Xbox will launch a year to 6 months early imo (late 2026).
Nintendo switch 2 will launch late summer 2025.

^unless sony pushes portal heavily and makes a portal that can DL everything up to ps4 gen to compete with handheld market, I see those 2 starting to take away sales from PS. Although.... If sony had the balls to lose money, they can drop ps5 to $349/$399 and increase their sales. I expect ps6 to be a minor spec upgrade to focus on handheld/console market similar to switch. Probably ps5 pro ish with better CPU/RAM/efficiency. And a 2027 release, and or late 2026. 

Nintendo were on their own about the console generation and timing since the Wii, and I think neither Microsoft or Sony are making their decisions about when to launch next gen on when Nintendo releases it. So I think Switch 2 launch is irrelevant for them in context of the time of releasing their hardware. 

Microsoft aren't really a threat anymore, and unlike 20 years ago, I don't think Sony will care much about them as well, when it comes to the time of releasing the next gen.

Also everyone talks how lately games and game development has gone from 1-2 years to 5-6-7 years, and has gotten so much expensive than before, that's also why we have 1/3 if not less of the games for the same period of time compared to any of the previous generations. And on top of that you are saying Sony will launch their next gen just 2 years after their PS5 Pro ? In a time where there are no games, and the development takes so much time, where we can't have a proper gen like before and are needed something like 10 years, for the generation to have finished form of console generation, in terms of games, both quantity and quality, you are saying PS6 will release just 2 years after the PS5 Pro ? When even back in 2016, this state of gaming was so much better and closer to what have been about the last couple of generations in terms of development and software, they will now risk it, and release almost barely any improvement (since even GPUs now have bare improvements over previous gens and they too started lifecycles of 2+ years, which were always around 1 years) ? Absolutely not. I am more inclined to believe and vote that the generation will prolong up until 2030 (something that is needed more than ever now or at least it would make sense more than ever), than PS6 releasing in 2026, and with that shorten the whole gen.

My primary threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / JP 2025 / 2025 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdowns: Global / Regional / Historical / YOY Charts / 150M+ Club Chart

Polls: When will the Switch: Outsell the DS? / Outsell the PS2? / LT expectations of: Switch / PS5 / XBSX

killer7 said:
Kyuu said:

No one thought the PS5 or PS6 would sell more than Switch or Switch 2 (no real opinions on Switch 2 vs PS6 yet lol). Playstation is constantly underestimated. You keep turning everything into a "Nintendo vs Sony" topic. What actually happened though was that nearly everyone thought the PS4 (which was also underestimated until like 2019 where no one knew production would fall off a cliff too soon) would beat the Switch 1. Switch is probably the most underestimated platform of all time by Nintendo fans and haters alike, and the main reason for that is Nintendo having a weak previous generation where their combined consoles couldn't match the Wii alone. People are obsessed about the past.

Most gamers just don't see Sony making PS3 level blunders, and that's not something to get upset over. Sony and Nintendo don't care about when the other is launching their consoles. They're not direct competitors and are able to grow with minimal impact on the other. That might change in the future but it's not yet a source of major concern.

No one is spelling doom on Switch 2, you're just not happy that the sentiment isn't particularly positive. But as I said looking at past trends is meaningless without studying the details, so I wouldn't focus too much on the "2nd console" thing. But it's okay to make early predictions. Early predictions are more challenging and fun because it includes predicting basics like pricing.

There are some points of you i'd like to adress: I'd start with a question: If I told you back in october 2016 when we saw the first Switch teaser that this system will last longer without a sucessor than any other console before (even the mighty Xbox 360) only trailling behind the Game Boy, wouldn't you have called that prediction "bold"? If I told you that the PS5 (without knowing even things like Covid, Inflation through the war in ukraine, the chip shortage...) would never outsell the Switch and the PS4 got "toasted" less less than 6 years after it launched? You would have not called my prediction bold but "crazy" or "wishfull thinking". 

2nd: Nobody expected the PS4 falling off a cliff. Nobody expected PS4 production to be discontinued in early 2022. PS4 was the first Playstation (expect handheld) to be discontinued less than 10 years after launch. PS1 was 12 years old, PS2 was 13 when discontinued, PS3 was 10,5 years old and PS4 was a bit over 8 years old (3DS 10 years- longest produced gaming system of Gen 9- NOBODY expected that!!). People say, generations last longer, but if you look at the production cycles, the OPPOSITE happens since PS3. They last SHORTER! 

I explained it multiple times but people do not WANT to accept the fact, that Playstation and Nintendo are in direct competition. They are compared directly here on vgchartz, they are sold in the same area in shops, both play games physical and digital, this nonsense started when the PS3 was loosing to the Wii. But tell me: Take the game awards: Why are Nintendo and Sony games in the SAME cathegories? Astro Bot became GOTY 2024. In this cathegory Echoes Of Wisdom was nominated as well! So they compete DIRECTLY with each other!! Astro Bot is comparable to Mario- thats an undeniable fact! Why are people refusing so hard that tey are comparable? Only because Nintendo's game sales are higher? 

What "sentiment isn't particularly positive"? Again its the OPPOSITE: Reactions all around the Internet where overwhelming! The unveil video even surpassed the PS5 unveil video in viewers! There are very few doubts (if the Joy Con 2 mechanism is good quality but thats basically it)! Nobody wants a PS5+ power from a handheld. Its a PS4+ power in handheld mode and something PS4Pro+ power in Dock! Thats what most people expected and they got it. So whats the problem?

I do hope i adressed your points in a way you can understand them. 

Your entire first paragraph is pointless. Switch is arguably the most underestimated console ever. Now what? Move on bro. People can't read the future and will misjudge different products all the time. Wii U was massively overestimated early on, are we going to talk about that forever? Monster Hunter World is like the most underestimated video game of all time, and got an ungoldy amount of trolling from Nintendo fans, but nobody talks about it anymore. We move on.

2nd paragraph: PS4 discontinuation forced it to "underperform" relative only to late (2018/2019~) expectations. But it sustained its popularity via engagement, software support and sales better than any previous console. We can't say much about how Sony will handle the next generational transition bearing in mind how this one went. I'm afraid I can't add anything of value to this and neither can you.

3rd: You conflate "no competition" with "no direct competition". PC is currently the bigger hurdle to Sony's growth than Switch is, and it's also generally considered "indirect competition" for logical reasons. Switch and Playstation launch in different times and target different prices, and they keep growing together. They do compete to some extent and the difference between hybrid and traditional home console will shrink over the years. But at the moment, they don't have a significant impact on one another. We know nothing about the PS6 down to pricing and form factor.

4th: It was literally you who claimed people were spelling doom on the Switch 2. If you feel the sentiment is positive enough, then stop complaining!

Last edited by Kyuu - on 19 February 2025

killer7 said:

I am not "downplaying a console we don't know nothing about". Damn IF the PS6 really had a DD i would get it even for 2000€!! Even if i could take a 5000€ PC as a present instead!! (So much for my "jabs at Playstationð"). But as it seems like now, chances are getting lower every year.*

Yes Sony discontinues rewritable BDs. And here is my question: What is a BD movie/ game disc BEFORE a game is WRITTEN on it?Correct: A REWRITABLE Disc. So where do you write your games on if you discontinue the format you normally use for that purpus? Movie/ gamediscs don't fall from the sky. If it still played Discs then yes it will be the last one! Here I am with you! I am a total enemy of digitalisation everyone knows that, otherwise i would be PC all in wich i am certenly not! So i would need to say that PS6- PS10 (patent from Sony) would be all discs 100% with the PS10 having an outside chance of using the AD (Archival Disc)! *But when 70%+ of your games get sold digitally and Sony really waited till 2028 or even longer where would be this number by then? For sure that Trend won't be reversed. So many people here are talking about GTAVI! This game will (most likley) have a record breaking launch and could boost this digital trend even more! If Sony waited till 2028 and MS till 2027 with their new consoles, MS will be 100% digital next gen, no argue about that, but digital game sales on PS5 won't be lower than 85% maybe even 90% or more! PS6 won't support a DD for 10%- 20% of buyers! You see what i mean?

Companies can still purchase rewritable discs from other vendors. You're being overly paranoid about this. 

There's not much to discuss here; I think the PS6 will have a disc drive and it's probably going to be the last Sony console that can play physical games. And that's all speculation based on nothing, really. Feel free to disagree.


Yes. If the PS6 really used discs when it most likley launches in 2027 it will be the last one! But doubts about a DD even in Sony's Gen 10 don't come from nowhere: Nobody can disagree that 70%+ of all games are sold digital on PS5 right now! Lets say Sony really is dumb enough waiting till 2029 or even 2030 (i do not even know why people wish for this to begin with but many where complaining when the Xbox 360 and the Switch lasted 8 years+). If they wait that long and Nintendo drops Switch 3 in the same year. Sony cannot do anything else but react! Sony is not the immortal Super Hero some people want it to be! But in 2029 or even 2030 85%+ will be digital, like i said a trend that won't magically reverse. What do you expect Sony to do? Add a DD for <15% of all costumers? Its like making a sucessor to the Vita using physical games? Again who tells you that PS6 won't be a hybrid as it is the Switch, wich will guarantee it to be digital only! Sony won't use cardridges as 80%+ was digital already on PSV.