RedKingXIII said:
killer7 said:
The PS6' sucess depends on so many things. First of all its hardware. Will it be a revolutionary console technological or will it be a smaller leap to its predecessor like gen 8 was to gen 7? How will be Switch 2s marketposition? Will Xbox have a new president that makes it great again (chances are low but you never know). The price is not so important today. PS diehards and collectors like me would also pay 1000€/$. But we know it won't be that expensive. Will it be a console or will it be a hybrid. The latter basically guarantees it to be 100% digital. Will it have a DD? If no you can loose a tiny part of the PS fanbase but like we saw, 70%+ are already on the digital train right now. I guess it will be 80%+ when PS6 hits in 2027. Its questionable if it makes sense upping an already high price for a part (disc drive) only ~20% or even less want. Yes you could argue selling it seperatly but if you include the technology for it, make retail games (package, shipment, taxes, less revenue...) does it pay off? How would the rest of the ~80%+ PS6 buyers react when they learn they need to pay extra money for something they don't use, especially since Sony discontinued BD production, they have to buy their discs from someone else. Discontinuing the format your games are saved on is not the way to convince your fans that physical is something you can rely on. This again would influence game prices wich already suffer from inflation. Are you ready to pay european SNES/N64 prices (100€+) for a PS6 game only because its physical? It won't be cheaper digital because Sony could cause an outrage from physical buyers and complains they would prioritize digital and want to make physical more unatractive than they made it already. I personally think they go the easy route by just make it clear and simple so no one feels fooled: Want to stay physical? PS5(Pro) will still have physical for the next years. You want PS6? You need to go with the times...
Yeah, now you're making more sense, because bringing up their past failures to downplay a console that we know nothing about is... lol.
To respond your points, Sony not ending all Blu-ray production, only rewrittable ones, so that has nothing to do with games, movies or the PS6 having a disc drive or not.
And I do believe the PS6 will still play physical games, but it's probably going to be the last PlayStation that can do it. With how big digital is becoming even if the PS6 is digital only I don't think it's going to matter much.
Me personally I'll just stop buying PS consoles once they become digital only and I'm going to build a PC. But that's just me.
I am not "downplaying a console we don't know nothing about". Damn IF the PS6 really had a DD i would get it even for 2000€!! Even if i could take a 5000€ PC as a present instead!! (So much for my "jabs at Playstation😉). But as it seems like now, chances are getting lower every year.*
Yes Sony discontinues rewritable BDs. And here is my question: What is a BD movie/ game disc BEFORE a game is WRITTEN on it?Correct: A REWRITABLE Disc. So where do you write your games on if you discontinue the format you normally use for that purpus? Movie/ gamediscs don't fall from the sky. If it still played Discs then yes it will be the last one! Here I am with you! I am a total enemy of digitalisation everyone knows that, otherwise i would be PC all in wich i am certenly not! So i would need to say that PS6- PS10 (patent from Sony) would be all discs 100% with the PS10 having an outside chance of using the AD (Archival Disc)! *But when 70%+ of your games get sold digitally and Sony really waited till 2028 or even longer where would be this number by then? For sure that Trend won't be reversed. So many people here are talking about GTAVI! This game will (most likley) have a record breaking launch and could boost this digital trend even more! If Sony waited till 2028 and MS till 2027 with their new consoles, MS will be 100% digital next gen, no argue about that, but digital game sales on PS5 won't be lower than 85% maybe even 90% or more! PS6 won't support a DD for 10%- 20% of buyers! You see what i mean?
Last edited by killer7 - on 18 February 2025