Kyuu said:
No one thought the PS5 or PS6 would sell more than Switch or Switch 2 (no real opinions on Switch 2 vs PS6 yet lol). Playstation is constantly underestimated. You keep turning everything into a "Nintendo vs Sony" topic. What actually happened though was that nearly everyone thought the PS4 (which was also underestimated until like 2019 where no one knew production would fall off a cliff too soon) would beat the Switch 1. Switch is probably the most underestimated platform of all time by Nintendo fans and haters alike, and the main reason for that is Nintendo having a weak previous generation where their combined consoles couldn't match the Wii alone. People are obsessed about the past. Most gamers just don't see Sony making PS3 level blunders, and that's not something to get upset over. Sony and Nintendo don't care about when the other is launching their consoles. They're not direct competitors and are able to grow with minimal impact on the other. That might change in the future but it's not yet a source of major concern. No one is spelling doom on Switch 2, you're just not happy that the sentiment isn't particularly positive. But as I said looking at past trends is meaningless without studying the details, so I wouldn't focus too much on the "2nd console" thing. But it's okay to make early predictions. Early predictions are more challenging and fun because it includes predicting basics like pricing. |
There are some points of you i'd like to adress: I'd start with a question: If I told you back in october 2016 when we saw the first Switch teaser that this system will last longer without a sucessor than any other console before (even the mighty Xbox 360) only trailling behind the Game Boy, wouldn't you have called that prediction "bold"? If I told you that the PS5 (without knowing even things like Covid, Inflation through the war in ukraine, the chip shortage...) would never outsell the Switch and the PS4 got "toasted" less less than 6 years after it launched? You would have not called my prediction bold but "crazy" or "wishfull thinking".
2nd: Nobody expected the PS4 falling off a cliff. Nobody expected PS4 production to be discontinued in early 2022. PS4 was the first Playstation (expect handheld) to be discontinued less than 10 years after launch. PS1 was 12 years old, PS2 was 13 when discontinued, PS3 was 10,5 years old and PS4 was a bit over 8 years old (3DS 10 years- longest produced gaming system of Gen 9- NOBODY expected that!!). People say, generations last longer, but if you look at the production cycles, the OPPOSITE happens since PS3. They last SHORTER!
I explained it multiple times but people do not WANT to accept the fact, that Playstation and Nintendo are in direct competition. They are compared directly here on vgchartz, they are sold in the same area in shops, both play games physical and digital, this nonsense started when the PS3 was loosing to the Wii. But tell me: Take the game awards: Why are Nintendo and Sony games in the SAME cathegories? Astro Bot became GOTY 2024. In this cathegory Echoes Of Wisdom was nominated as well! So they compete DIRECTLY with each other!! Astro Bot is comparable to Mario- thats an undeniable fact! Why are people refusing so hard that tey are comparable? Only because Nintendo's game sales are higher?
What "sentiment isn't particularly positive"? Again its the OPPOSITE: Reactions all around the Internet where overwhelming! The unveil video even surpassed the PS5 unveil video in viewers! There are very few doubts (if the Joy Con 2 mechanism is good quality but thats basically it)! Nobody wants a PS5+ power from a handheld. Its a PS4+ power in handheld mode and something PS4Pro+ power in Dock! Thats what most people expected and they got it. So whats the problem?
I do hope i adressed your points in a way you can understand them.