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Yes. If the PS6 really used discs when it most likley launches in 2027 it will be the last one! But doubts about a DD even in Sony's Gen 10 don't come from nowhere: Nobody can disagree that 70%+ of all games are sold digital on PS5 right now! Lets say Sony really is dumb enough waiting till 2029 or even 2030 (i do not even know why people wish for this to begin with but many where complaining when the Xbox 360 and the Switch lasted 8 years+). If they wait that long and Nintendo drops Switch 3 in the same year. Sony cannot do anything else but react! Sony is not the immortal Super Hero some people want it to be! But in 2029 or even 2030 85%+ will be digital, like i said a trend that won't magically reverse. What do you expect Sony to do? Add a DD for <15% of all costumers? Its like making a sucessor to the Vita using physical games? Again who tells you that PS6 won't be a hybrid as it is the Switch, wich will guarantee it to be digital only! Sony won't use cardridges as 80%+ was digital already on PSV.