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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

XtremeBG said:

Nintendo Switch 2 price leak leaves fans pleasantly surprised

Yeah, it figures. but at this point in time I wonder if a 400$ machine is going to be capable enough, since price tags from the competition seem to indicate otherwise. I myself would be willing to go an extra 50 bucks on a Switch 2 that would certainly get my games at 60fps and a good enough resolution.

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Spindel said:

Sorry still don't believe in 160+ million sold units.

I'm nowadays a proponent of Cliffâ„¢ around 150 million is the successor is released in the next 6 months and is BC.

I think everyone with a bit of logical thinking does not believe it. The PS2 was at 155,1 million shipped as of march 31, 2012, thats an ice cold fact. It was changed to "more than 155 million" in 2019 and now in 2024 its "more than 160 million in march 31, 2012. They did not even updated the year. It should be january 13 2013 when production ended (or maybe march 31 2013 when the last production quater and with that shippments ended. There where no PS2/PS3 hardware hipments reported since april 2013 but only PS3 shipments. Now they try to revise it because they poop their pants because of the Switch.

I will tell you something that probably causes an enourmous outrage here: I'm starting to think 155,1 million was the final number. If they had said 160 million as of march 31, 2013 a man could have taken it as rounded up and it would somehow be at least a bit closer to reality, but not with march 2012!! Also the "one of the most selling consoles of all time" when Sonys PS2 IS obviously (still) the most selling console of all time really questions Sonys seriosity! And it shows that even Sony themselfes know that the Switch will pass 155 million and they have no argument anymore.

What comes in with this number getting higher and higher: We know 16,5 million PS2 and PS3 where shipped in FY 2012/13. It lessens PS3's total leaving a chance it did not outsell the xbox 360. 162 million PS2s would be a massive 6,9 million PS2 systems in 10 months, leaving only 9,6 million for the PS3. Then 87,4 million must be wrong. The Xbox 360 surpassed 84 million back in june 2013. That was the last number we got. 

Summa sumarum: Over 160 million is NOT correct and this number extremly stinks, 30th anniversary or not.

Man its gonna suck if the Switch's final sales total ends up between 160-160.99 Million lol. Then there will always be a constant debate on which console is #1 between the Switch and the PS2.

However for me, as long as the Switch's surpasses 160.01 Million, I'll give the win to the Switch. Nintendo is at least giving a confirmed number which will always hold more weight than a vague range from Sony.

But I'm happy now we finally have a better idea of how much the PS2 actually sold now. We can finally remove the 155-159M estimated range from the discussions and get a better idea of what the Switch needs to sell to reach to outsell it.

javi741 said:

Man its gonna suck if the Switch's final sales total ends up between 160-160.99 Million lol. Then there will always be a constant debate on which console is #1 between the Switch and the PS2.

However for me, as long as the Switch's surpasses 160.01 Million, I'll give the win to the Switch. Nintendo is at least giving a confirmed number which will always hold more weight than a vague range from Sony.

But I'm happy now we finally have a better idea of how much the PS2 actually sold now. We can finally remove the 155-159M estimated range from the discussions and get a better idea of what the Switch needs to sell to reach to outsell it.

Yeah it is kind of sad. PS2 was the greatest selling console of all time in the 2000s, but it was cheap. Not very profitable.

Switch becoming the greatest selling console of all time in the 2020s is also great. But there are simply a lot more gamers nowadays. It is so much more profitable.

Both are amazing achievements and hardly relevant to each other. We don't need to constantly debate and discredit the numbers.

If there ever is a conversation about the PS2 and the Switch being tied, the tie breaker will always be the MSRP. Switch has pulled off this feat without a single price cut. PS2 was getting price cuts the entire time it was active, and very deep price cuts at the end.

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super_etecoon said:

If there ever is a conversation about the PS2 and the Switch being tied, the tie breaker will always be the MSRP. Switch has pulled off this feat without a single price cut. PS2 was getting price cuts the entire time it was active, and very deep price cuts at the end.

This is true. But in PS2 defense I would say that first, PS2 was in another time and if Switch was selling in that same period it would get pricecuts left and right too. Another thing is Switch already got something like price cut - the Lite model. Yes I know it's different cheaper model bla bla. I am talking that the effect on the sales has been big because of that. There are more than how much 25M I think was the latest number. At least 20M of those are just because of the cheaper price. If someone wants to play outside, They can easily pick the better expensive models. But the people who are on budget and can't afford the OLED or the OG, they pick the Lite. The casual gamers or the people who want to do a present for their child if they don't have a lot of money they can also get the Lite one since it's more budget friendly. And you can see in the sales too, since the Lite launched Switch upped it's baseline. Of course after that in 2020 and so on there were other factors as well, but the Lite helped the sales be higher than otherwise would be for sure. What does a price cut do ? It gives you the ability to pick something at reduces price that otherwise would not be possible. What did the Lite did back in 2019 ? It gave you the ability to pick the Switch and enjoy it at reduced price that otherwise would not be possible. Other thing to consider is the inflation. This is like second price cut. The big inflation we have in the recent years rose the price of pretty much everything. So Switch at 300$ in 2022, 2023, 2024 is feeling way cheaper than Switch at 300$ in 2018 or 2019. Same for the Lite models as well.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 01 December 2024

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I'd say the tiebreaker would be software sales. Which platform was the healthier or more fruitful/lucrative for developers to make games for.
And if THAT is tied (Because the PS2 is at 1.537 billion software sales, Switch is at 1.306 billion, so it's getting close THERE too!!!) then the 2nd tie-breaker I'd say would be which system was the more profitable for their company. In which case, the Switch would be the winner because the amount of money and profits Nintendo has made off this system DWARFS the amount they made off the Wii/DS era let alone the amount Sony made off the PS2.

If the Switch manages to sell 160,000,002 units I will consider it the winner. You have to prove your sales, not make it ambiguous so that you have a chance to compete against the opponent. Saying that you will only consider the Switch the most sold console if it passes 161 million is absurd in my opinion. It is the PS2 that has to show its number to prove it passed whatever 160+ million number the Switch might get

Last edited by CourageTCD - on 16 December 2024

Switch must be above 150 million right now.

155 Million by march 2025
160 Million in december 2025
170 Million life time

Its now 100% certain switch will beat ps2's sales.

Gongratz! In my eyes ps2 will always remain the best but thats a opinion.


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