Jaicee said:
As one with ADHD myself, believe me when I say that I relate to not always finishing things you start. "Look for the good things" is great advice. That's what you have to do. You have to learn to accept the things in life you can't change and make the best of them. Definitely easier said than done, but it's an attitude you learn through practice. I have to keep reminding myself to practice that. Speaking of games, it's times like these when I like to revisit my comfort games a bit. My main one is Gone Home, which I have replayed this last week, but really any of my top narrative games will do. Sometimes I just need a good story experience that's familiar and no-pressure to lower the blood pressure and take the edge off. |
Horizon is that game for me. I put it on story mode and simply enjoy the scenery. Tlou2 is next again, lot of dark themes in it but plenty good to spot in the characters. Going in with an open attitude looking for the good in the characters makes it a wonderful game for me. Games that don't sugarcoat life feel more believable and thus more of an escape, if that makes sense.
What works for me nowadays when I get overwhelmed (got OCD and prone to sensory overload) is going for a long run. Then I can shut out everything around me, focus on running while working through things in my head. Sometimes letting the dark thoughts flow, exhausting them before the end of my run. (I usually go for 75 to 120 minutes, 16 to 22K, at least I'm in great shape now lol)
Burning shores is lovely, tourist mode
Just like in RL, running around, exploring, calms my mind. I used to cycle for the same effect but after getting hit by a pickup truck while sunk in my thoughts, wiping out on gravel from a dog charging at me, running is safer and works all year round :) Accumulated enough scars lol. Is that a thing, covering up mental scars with physical ones. I guess.
And yes, accepting the things you can't change is key, but also extremely hard. It does seem to get easier later in life. I'm 50 now and the yearly fall depression is so far less than it has ever been (/knock on wood) despite it being the same drab grey overcast early dark as every year. (And not living in the USA helps with recent developments :/)