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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Jaicee said:
SvennoJ said:

At least you posted it! It's good to get things of your chest. So many times I have second thoughts and cancel a post or loose them by waiting too long (accidentally close the browser or Windows reboots)

Feel better, it's easy to fall into negative feelings. My wife struggles with that a lot, I have as well. But we always move on, look for the good things. There are lots of good people in the world, try not to focus on the bad ones. Growing a thick skin is still required in today's society.

I'm going back to the Burning Shores (Horizon Forbidden West) to distract myself for a bit :)

As one with ADHD myself, believe me when I say that I relate to not always finishing things you start. But I basically forced myself this time since I hinted earlier that I might write such a post summing up my broad feelings about this election overall and what its implications were and kept feeling guilty about not following through.

"Look for the good things" is great advice. That's what you have to do. You have to learn to accept the things in life you can't change and make the best of them. Definitely easier said than done, but it's an attitude you learn through practice. I have to keep reminding myself to practice that.

Speaking of games, it's times like these when I like to revisit my comfort games a bit. My main one is Gone Home, which I have replayed this last week, but really any of my top narrative games will do. Sometimes I just need a good story experience that's familiar and no-pressure to lower the blood pressure and take the edge off.

Well anyway, enjoy Burning Shores!

Horizon is that game for me. I put it on story mode and simply enjoy the scenery. Tlou2 is next again, lot of dark themes in it but plenty good to spot in the characters. Going in with an open attitude looking for the good in the characters makes it a wonderful game for me. Games that don't sugarcoat life feel more believable and thus more of an escape, if that makes sense.

What works for me nowadays when I get overwhelmed (got OCD and prone to sensory overload) is going for a long run. Then I can shut out everything around me, focus on running while working through things in my head. Sometimes letting the dark thoughts flow, exhausting them before the end of my run. (I usually go for 75 to 120 minutes, 16 to 22K, at least I'm in great shape now lol)

Burning shores is lovely, tourist mode

Just like in RL, running around, exploring, calms my mind. I used to cycle for the same effect but after getting hit by a pickup truck while sunk in my thoughts, wiping out on gravel from a dog charging at me, running is safer and works all year round :) Accumulated enough scars lol. Is that a thing, covering up mental scars with physical ones. I guess.

And yes, accepting the things you can't change is key, but also extremely hard. It does seem to get easier later in life. I'm 50 now and the yearly fall depression is so far less than it has ever been (/knock on wood) despite it being the same drab grey overcast early dark as every year. (And not living in the USA helps with recent developments :/)

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IkePoR said:
RolStoppable said:

You seem to believe that I am going to suffer because of your kind's stupidity, but I am not American.

Your kind said he is a fascist dictator who will threaten democracy.  Surely you must be terrified of the embers of hell he plans to raise here befalling your kind.

Apparently you don't grasp the concept of there being countries outside of the USA.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

BFR said:

Marco Rubio is a great pick for Secretary of State.

I give my former boss 2 years or less before he resigns. He is being sent to do a serious job for an unserious man, and like many before him will leave in frustration. It is joke already that he will be likely serving along with Tulsi Gabbard.



My Real Redneck friends

Games discussion in a politics thread, how the tables have turned. I never thought I'd see the day.

LurkerJ said:

A genuine attempt at debating after multiple hit and runs. I must be on to something. Is it the “public fetish” thing? 

“Strong leadership” is what you tell yourselves jerking off to being wiped the floor with. 

You sound like a pushover with no principles to stand up for, justifying the excessive bending-over with “but it’s strong leadership so it’s fine11!!!” 

I worked with strong leaders, professionally, and I am learning how to become one for my future role. Maybe if you logged off twitter and got some real world experience you’d be able recognise effective strong leadership instead of fooling yourself like this; either way, I pity you.

IkePoR said:

Uh, okay?  This is why I don't engage with you because of nothing posts like this where you just kinda sperg out and not answer questions.

That's some nice self soothing you got going on there.  Practice that technique well, you got 4 years to make it through.

LurkerJ said:

Don’t cry the victim now, it’s the type of “strong leadership” that you “admire” after all.

Multiple genuine attempts have been made to engage but all I get is you baiting for more insults. Everyone can see the motive behind your insults-seeking attitude clearly now, I am sorry you can’t help it. As I said, I pity you.

I don’t kink shame, but ultimately, this is a public forum, and you're gross.

IkePoR said:

So just another sperg session? lol You want some cheese with that whine? Project a little less, even if it is liberal gospel to paint ones flaws onto others.

I understand your side got massacred on election night but there's no need to meltdown.  Trump will even be president for folks like yourself - I hear he's reopening insane asylums!

There's a lot of gross and inappropriate comments between the two of you, that is against the rules - flaming and trolling. 

Don't let it happen again, consider this a much friendlier warning than this really deserves.

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Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act of 1930

The interesting thing is George Bush Jr. raised tariffs again in 2002, to negative effects on the economy. The Republicans keep trying it.
Donald Trump again tried the tariff thing to "protect" US steel, and again, caused business collapse downstream in US-based industry, and higher prices at retail.

Another interesting thing is that laissez-faire capitalist cheerleaders (who call themselves "libertarians" in the US) seem to favour tariffs, despite the fact that such acts go against laissez-faire capitalism.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

LurkerJ said:

The stories covered by Vaush in this clip are wild. 

Apparently Biden’s internal polling was showing a loss of 400 electoral votes when he was insisting he was the only who could beat Trump and decided to run again?

I get why the left has no interest in nuanced discussions since the dems got wiped out, however, only 175k votes were required to flip Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to Harris’s favour (last I read).

If Biden did things differently it’s not hard to see how 175k votes could’ve gone differently the outcome was different. 

Just so that I don’t leave that number uncorrected (and bring the thread back on track), more than 233,000 votes were needed to flip those 3 states and for Harris to win.

I also have been meaning to read more on housing problems in the USA. Because that’s always a missing piece of any inflation/costs of living conversation.

In the UK the situation is horrible, so when people are told “wages are outpacing inflation”, it never clicks, especially for younger people (I keep saying young but this has been a problem for so long that people entering their 40s with no prospects of ever buying a house), because people can wait for discounts, buy eggs in bulk, stay in a 2 star hotel instead of 3 etc, but this never applies to housing.

And if you’re able to buy, you need to be tied down paying for it for decades, which never should’ve been normalised, all this money could go to other parts of the economy that’s in desperate need for growth, but too many rich people and mega-corps are invested in the housing sector and god forbids we upset those. Rentals get increasingly madder every year so that’s not a viable option either. Labour plans so far remain unchanged, what they’re proposing isn’t going to fix anything, and a lot of what they’re proposing relies on the private sector anyway which has no interest in lowering the costs for the consumers (why build a million house when you can build a quarter of that and make the same profits?!).

Now the elephant in the room is that Harris proposed bold plans for this issue and she still lost, and I doubt republicans will do anything for this, so 🤷‍♂️ But maybe it's not as bad in the USA

This video has some interesting insights I think.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

RolStoppable said:
IkePoR said:

Your kind said he is a fascist dictator who will threaten democracy.  Surely you must be terrified of the embers of hell he plans to raise here befalling your kind.

Apparently you don't grasp the concept of there being countries outside of the USA.

You mean the concept of a non-American posting in a US Presidential Election thread?  If it didn't affect you, you wouldn't be here.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

Jaicee said:

Thanks kindly. I'll be alright, I'm just not motivated to do politics much anymore. 

I definitely understand that reaction. I've kind of felt the same way. It feels like the system doesn't really work, so, while I'll keep voting, I have lost faith it the system as a solution to all of the problems I care about. 

I'm not really sure what there is to do outside of it though. I have some money to give, so I'll be looking into (preferably local) charities but it is hard to throw money into a black box...

I feel like we need a powerful movement in this country towards individual action. A lot of leftism is focused on systemic change, and for good reason, but I don't think we should lose focus of the amount of good one person can do.

As for gaming, one of my favorite narratives is Transistor (by the people who made Bastion, Pyre and Hades). Beautiful game with one of my favorite game soundtracks, a great story and a real fun combat system!