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LurkerJ said:
IkePoR said:

Is it possible they see him for what he is - a leader?  Because outside your silly example, strong men will break through brick walls for a good leader.

Tell me - who's the leader of the democratic party?  

A genuine attempt at debating after multiple hit and runs. I must be on to something. Is it the “public fetish” thing? 

“Strong leadership” is what you tell yourselves jerking off to being wiped the floor with. 

You sound like a pushover with no principles to stand up for, justifying the excessive bending-over with “but it’s strong leadership so it’s fine11!!!” 

I worked with strong leaders, professionally, and I am learning how to become one for my future role. Maybe if you logged off twitter and got some real world experience you’d be able recognise effective strong leadership instead of fooling yourself like this; either way, I pity you.

Uh, okay?  This is why I don't engage with you because of nothing posts like this where you just kinda sperg out and not answer questions.

RolStoppable said:
IkePoR said:

Punching bag of whom?  I hope you aren't talking about liberal media and the DNC that lied to the country for the last 8 years. Because people are done giving a damn what they have to say.

Even if I grant it would need to be defended, his base is excited about most of these picks.  It won't be an issue.

A punching bag for us here on the forum. Just look one post above where you get smacked down by LurkerJ.

That's some nice self soothing you got going on there.  Practice that technique well, you got 4 years to make it through.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"