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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Runoff!! 1987, Game of the Year


1987, Game of the Year

Contra 6 16.22%
Maniac Mansion 3 8.11%
Final Fantasy 5 13.51%
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! 4 10.81%
SMB2/Doli Doki Panic 5 13.51%
Mega Man 4 10.81%
Phantasy Star 7 18.92%
Sid Meier's Pirates 3 8.11%
Ys I 0 0%

Mega Man. Its my favorite franchise and thats where it started. Awesome game. Shout-out to Mike Tysons Punch-Out!! Also one of my favorite games of all time.

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What a time to be a gamer! Double Dragon, Contra, Shinobi, Final Fantasy, Super Mario 2 (even if it wasn't the same), Mike Tyson, Zelda 2, Metal Gear, Phantasy Star, and Megan Man were all great games and very important games to help shape future games. Saying all that I have to pick Maniac Mansion. I remember playing it with my neighbor, we both had a copy and we would get together and play it all day, than we when we weren't together we would play it at home and race to see who could solve all of the puzzles first and beat the game. For a game I can beat in around an hour these days, we put weeks into the games trying to beat it the first time. After we beat it the first time, we had more adventures figuring out how to beat it with other characters as well to get different endings which was also a huge deal at that time.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Mnementh said:

I played Stunts too a lot... I think. Maybe I mix the title with a different game. The game I remember at least had a track editor, and I built a lot of tracks with ice and dirt roads with it.

That's Stunts, you were correct

Probably a good contender for the 1990 GOTY thread

Yeah, this is it. I remember the animated DSI logo and the main menu, car choice with the very low poly 3D models and naturally the actual race. Kinda forgot about the characters you race. I had a lot of fun with it. Great game.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

I looked at the options and voted for FF but was then reminded of Phantasy Star when I looked the comments! So I formally change my vote to that (if I can XD)

Although, I do wonder about the integrity of this year's results... it seems a lot of people are saying Phantasy Star and Mega Man in the comments, so either one of those may well have one if they were included as named options rather than just being caught under "other"

Punch-Out!! and it's not even close. It's the only one of these games that still holds up great by today's standards.

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I keep getting thrown off by these lists of nominees because they go by original release date, and these games were released in a time where the North American release was often a year or more after the Japanese release. Like, we didn't even get Final Fantasy until 1990. Doki Doki Panic was a 1987 release in Japan, but SMB2 wasn't released in NA until 1988.

Anyway, my pick is obviously Mega Man, with Mike Tyson's Punch-Out being a very, very close second.

Last edited by Shadow1980 - on 18 September 2023


Art by Hunter B

In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

The_Liquid_Laser said:
HoloDust said:

Oh, this was such a good year, so it feels like somewhat of injustice whatever I vote for.
But...Sid Meier's Pirates! is the game I played the most and that I find to be best from that year, along with being quite influential. Open world game with open ended gameplay, leaving you to choose what will you do in your life as a pirate/buccaneer/trader, and what nation(s) will you join or plunder, all the while ingame clock is ticking to your eventual retirement. Really surprised not to see it in main poll.

There were a lot of good games this year, and it was hard to know which ones to put in the top 9.  If I had 2 more spots I would have lncluded Sid Meier's Pirates and The Last Ninja.

Well, obviously ;), I can see few titles that are less deserving than Pirates in main poll, especially since there are games like Punch Out that were already in one of previous polls.

I loved and played Last Ninja so much on both C64 and later on Amiga - not sure it is poll material though, very few people even heard of it, given it was and remained "home computers" exclusive.

Anyway, such a good year - there were lot of good adventure games, good RPGs and arcades had Operation Wolf, with that Uzi controller (I think it was) attached to cabinet for gameplay.

Shinobi for me, never played these others. 

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 18 September 2023

Really enjoyed Double Dragon as a kid, so it gets my vote. Unfortunately I never played any of the others.

Mnementh said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

That's Stunts, you were correct

Probably a good contender for the 1990 GOTY thread

Yeah, this is it. I remember the animated DSI logo and the main menu, car choice with the very low poly 3D models and naturally the actual race. Kinda forgot about the characters you race. I had a lot of fun with it. Great game.

It was one of the first to have a differentiated AI for the diffeent opponent - though it's not always clear what makes it tick: