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What a time to be a gamer! Double Dragon, Contra, Shinobi, Final Fantasy, Super Mario 2 (even if it wasn't the same), Mike Tyson, Zelda 2, Metal Gear, Phantasy Star, and Megan Man were all great games and very important games to help shape future games. Saying all that I have to pick Maniac Mansion. I remember playing it with my neighbor, we both had a copy and we would get together and play it all day, than we when we weren't together we would play it at home and race to see who could solve all of the puzzles first and beat the game. For a game I can beat in around an hour these days, we put weeks into the games trying to beat it the first time. After we beat it the first time, we had more adventures figuring out how to beat it with other characters as well to get different endings which was also a huge deal at that time.