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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

killer7 said:
Fight-the-Streets said:

killer7 said:

I doubt this number includes resold consoles, otherwise it would probably even be behind the DS, wich i highly doubt!

I highly doubt it too, produced but unshipped consoles should be between 10-15%.

Are you aware of what you are saying? If that was true, we would have to subtract even millions from this 160.636... number. That would mean the PS2 would come down dangerously close to the DS. I doubt it undersold it as we know 155,1 million units have in fact been shipped by march 31,2012. But if what you said with these 10- 15% was true, we would even need to debate that 155,1 million number... here i would nearly defend the PS2. Of course they shipped less then 160 million but not that less... at least i don't think so. But if that was true, PS2s total could be a lot lower than 160,64 million!!

I believe that the PS2 indeed shipped approximately 160 million units. The figure of 160,636,885 is likely a fantasy number. The actual production number should be between 175 and 185 million. Because if 160,636,885 were indeed the total number of units produced, then yes, the PS2 likely would have sold fewer units than the Nintendo DS. Considering the PS2’s highly successful and exceptionally long lifespan, the number of unsold consoles must be around 10–15%!

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Fight-the-Streets said:

I believe that the PS2 indeed shipped approximately 160 million units. The figure of 160,636,885 is likely a fantasy number. The actual production number should be between 175 and 185 million. Because if 160,636,885 were indeed the total number of units produced, then yes, the PS2 likely would have sold fewer units than the Nintendo DS. Considering the PS2’s highly successful and exceptionally long lifespan, the number of unsold consoles must be around 10–15%!

So Sony saves that last trump card so they can play it when Switch reaches or passes let's say 165M ? Interesting

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Fight-the-Streets said:
killer7 said:

Are you aware of what you are saying? If that was true, we would have to subtract even millions from this 160.636... number. That would mean the PS2 would come down dangerously close to the DS. I doubt it undersold it as we know 155,1 million units have in fact been shipped by march 31,2012. But if what you said with these 10- 15% was true, we would even need to debate that 155,1 million number... here i would nearly defend the PS2. Of course they shipped less then 160 million but not that less... at least i don't think so. But if that was true, PS2s total could be a lot lower than 160,64 million!!

I believe that the PS2 indeed shipped approximately 160 million units. The figure of 160,636,885 is likely a fantasy number. The actual production number should be between 175 and 185 million. Because if 160,636,885 were indeed the total number of units produced, then yes, the PS2 likely would have sold fewer units than the Nintendo DS. Considering the PS2’s highly successful and exceptionally long lifespan, the number of unsold consoles must be around 10–15%!

If the PS2 was 175 to 185 million Sony sure as hell would not have been shy telling us. Imagine they would come up with that number next year when Switch probably reaches 160 million?! Not even Sony die hards would believe it. It would not even be possible because 16,5 million PS2 and PS3 where shipped in FY2012/13. The PS3 was ~ 12 million. The maximum possibility would be 171,6 million (155,1 million+ 16,5 million) but that would mean that PS3 did not ship 1 single unit and the Xbox 360 would be Nr.2 of Gen 7 and PS3 Nr.3.

Xbox 360 sold 84 million+ back in june 2014! There was even an announvement of MS!

But if the 160,64 million is true and these 10- 15% of consoles unsold is only remotley true, then the PS2 would only be on par with the DS at best. Even that 155,1 number must be questioned then. But only if they also include unsold consoles.

Norion said:
Phenomajp13 said:

And then miss out on all the fun? If he didn't enjoy it as much as I do, then he wouldn't engage. So neither he or I truly want me to stop doing that.

I dunno how he feels about it but I only find it annoying though if you want to keep acting that way then I can't stop you. Basically admitting to going out of your way to act combative is not a good look but you do you I guess.

XtremeBG said:
PAOerfulone said:

That's the kind of crap that will get you booted from this site.

As of this moment I am not so sure about that. He has been banned over 5 times now, for flaming, being aggressive and so on, and yet, the new ban for him is again for only 5 days .. such users on other places would get permanent ban by now, since he is doing that constantly and on top of that, he has already been banned around 5 times now. I read ban note for one old user it says " This ban is permanent. You bring nothing to the site. You are constantly having to be reported and warned about your comments in general chat. " So something like this has to be written on him as well, since the first time he did that, not one and a half year later on his 5th or 6th ban, and even with that it still isn't... and he is getting only a tiny ban of 5 days.

javi741 said:

Phenomjp has to chill out. He's been way to aggressive over something as irrelevant as console sales. It's just video games no need to always attack someone for disagreeing with your viewpoint especially for a subject this unserious.

If it's true that he's been banned 5 times already and is still doing the same thing, it's a miracle that it isn't a permanent ban

@Norion @Javi I never attacked him, I attacked his idea [goalpost move rather unintentionally (maybe your belief) or intentionally (what I believe). You both are intentionally or unintentionally being compliant in the posters spread of misinformation. You are free to believe this poster is doing it unintentionally but i absolutely find it reasonable to believe the poster is doing it intentionally because the poster admitted they knew the information is incorrect. Notice how once the poster started actually engaging in the discussion and finally drop all the personal stuff, we had a decent conversation. 

Neither of you actually have anything of substance to discuss,  which is why this becomes a discussion about my tone/aggression instead of being honest about what this poster does. You both are taking all accountability off of the poster, despite it being the poster posting the knowingly false information. This is like witnessing a crime and being silent while also critizing the person that speaks up. Now imagine if the world operated like that in real life? Thats why I dont care about my mod history, you arent going to make me feel bad about something based off your opinions of me (aggressive tone). I am being a "whistleblower" and internet forums have decided that should be against the rules instead of the wrong doer? I'm literally quoting the posters direct statements giving me evidence. Our court systems operate like that for a reason, because my thoughts are opinions but me directly quoting him are facts.

It was obviously goalpost moving, neither one of you will debate that. This poster knew the information is incorrect by admitting it and tried to justify the goalpost move with opinions of random people in the world. This isn't a matter of opinion at all, this is FACT or FICTION! Sony already cleared that up, so opinions are no longer valid. You both and Xtreme know this, yet you are compliant in the actions and even have the audacity to complain when someone else (me) stand up to it? There is a term for this and it isnt a good one!

@Norion, I would say being mute around the spread of misinformation is an even worse look.

@Javi I just want to explain this isnt about us (Xtreme & myself) having disagreeing opinions? This isn't about an opinion at all. This is fact or fiction. So if you are going to jump in, then atleast understand what you are discussing. Your contributions just looks like you want to take sides if you aren't fully understanding the discussion.

@Xtreme My friend, why the backseat moderating? You should consider maybe I haven't been permabanned because the mods actually read my post and see the substance. You aren't very fond of the substance because of obvious reasons. Not every mod is going to ignore the context of my post just because you feel attacked. You feel attacked because the idea belongs to you. I am beginning to realize that some of you dont understand just because you have an idea/opinion doesnt mean its valid and you are protected from scrutiny. Opinions only exist where facts and fiction do not exist. Once facts are established, there is no room for speculation/opinions.

Thats what I attacked, im sure you fully understand this though. Thats why I always accuse you of intentionally doing these things. Thats because you intentionally gave that figure knowing it was no longer valid and tried to validate the goalpost with opinions instead of accepting it as false information. Yes it was already spread in the past, but it has NOW been debunked. So why continue to spread or even tell us we have to honor it, if your intentions aren't to goalpost move? When you suggested the goal to be 162 to please everyone, that is goalpost moving and bringing validity to those debunked and false opinions. Why would you make them valid by suggesting we move the goal to 162, knowing it's false information?

I'll leave you with this, if every person in the world agreed with the planet is flat? Does that make it true? Think about it, every person on planet Earth has the opinion of the world being flat, does that make our telescopes liars? 

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 03 February 2025

The idea that 10-15% of PS2 units aren't even accounted for and the real number is 170M or higher is, in my opinion, just way too farfetched of a claim. If true, why would that be the case for Playstation but not Nintendo anyway?

I think we should stick with what's been confirmed. More than 160M is confirmed officially, and unofficially 160.6M was confirmed by Shaun Layden. Which means pergatory is 160-160.6M for Switch. Anything more than that and they beat the PS2, anything less and they objectively didn't. Within that range it's ambiguous unless Sony confirms the 160.6M number themselves

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@Phenomajp13 You are just exaggerate and changing the things so it fits your perspective, to be able to more easily accuse and attack. All I said was that there will be people doubting Switch number 1, until it reaches 162M because they may desperately mention the previous theoretical max of 161.8M. That's all. I am not moving any goalpost, I am simply telling that there will still be people who don't believe or don't acknowledge the Switch being N1 and will try to hold on till last with maybe coming with 162M reasoning. This is not moving the goalpost. Again, learn the true meaning of the words what is what and then come and post. This is why people don't like you, this is why people jump on you, this is why you will be banned again, and this is why you will never be liked, and no I am not talking about some forum website, I am talking everywhere in life. Also don't tell a lie that you haven't been permabanned. That is the reason you made that account in the first place. You are old user who have been banned a couple of times already. With a reason. Also don't speak from the people's side. Speak for yourself only not in plural form. I haven't spread anything, let alone misinformation. Spreading is repeating something numerous times. I wrote it once, and it's a fact. There will be desperate people who until the end will start debates over the forums about PS2 numbers and place if Switch ends in the range of 160.6M to 162M. That is an icecold fact and is not goalpost movement. The PS2 is in the range 160-160.6M so the goalpost can't be moved. However this does not mean that I or someone else can't tell a thing that will happen in future if the given case becomes reality.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 03 February 2025

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XtremeBG said:

@Phenomajp13 You are just exaggerate and changing the things so it fits your perspective, to be able to more easily accuse and attack. All I said was that there will be people doubting Switch number 1, until it reaches 162M because they may desperately mention the previous theoretical max of 161.8M. That's all. I am not moving any goalpost, I am simply telling that there will still be people who don't believe or don't acknowledge the Switch being N1 and will try to hold on till last with maybe coming with 162M reasoning. This is not moving the goalpost. Again, learn the true meaning of the words what is what and then come and post. This is why people don't like you, this is why people jump on you, this is why you will be banned again, and this is why you will never be liked, and no I am not talking about some forum website, I am talking everywhere in life. Also don't tell a lie that you haven't been permabanned. That is the reason you made that account in the first place. You are old user who have been banned a couple of times already. With a reason.

I'm not even interested in this discussion, but honestly, yes, it sounds like you are just moving the goalpost. The second the switch sells more than 160m, everybody, including the media networks, will consider it the best-selling console ever.

^ Thank you bro, it's so obvious lol. Bro even thinks he can speak for the entire world, while telling me not to speak for anyone else. No one likes me lol!

eleazar0425 said:

I'm not even interested in this discussion, but honestly, yes, it sounds like you are just moving the goalpost. The second the switch sells more than 160m, everybody, including the media networks, will consider it the best-selling console ever.

I haven't said anything different, @Phenomajp, I know that's your alt. account.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 03 February 2025

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Phenomajp13 said:

^ Thank you bro, it's so obvious lol. Bro even thinks he can speak for the entire world. No one likes me lol!

You are the one, who speaks in plural form from the entire world or forum, not me.

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