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@Phenomajp13 You are just exaggerate and changing the things so it fits your perspective, to be able to more easily accuse and attack. All I said was that there will be people doubting Switch number 1, until it reaches 162M because they may desperately mention the previous theoretical max of 161.8M. That's all. I am not moving any goalpost, I am simply telling that there will still be people who don't believe or don't acknowledge the Switch being N1 and will try to hold on till last with maybe coming with 162M reasoning. This is not moving the goalpost. Again, learn the true meaning of the words what is what and then come and post. This is why people don't like you, this is why people jump on you, this is why you will be banned again, and this is why you will never be liked, and no I am not talking about some forum website, I am talking everywhere in life. Also don't tell a lie that you haven't been permabanned. That is the reason you made that account in the first place. You are old user who have been banned a couple of times already. With a reason. Also don't speak from the people's side. Speak for yourself only not in plural form. I haven't spread anything, let alone misinformation. Spreading is repeating something numerous times. I wrote it once, and it's a fact. There will be desperate people who until the end will start debates over the forums about PS2 numbers and place if Switch ends in the range of 160.6M to 162M. That is an icecold fact and is not goalpost movement. The PS2 is in the range 160-160.6M so the goalpost can't be moved. However this does not mean that I or someone else can't tell a thing that will happen in future if the given case becomes reality.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 03 February 2025

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