Going forward, we shouldn't be asking "How can Nintendo get to 160m+?", but "How can Nintendo maximize profit?" That is how Nintendo is going to look at it. However, it just so happens that the path to maximizing profit should easily push them over 160m+.
Nintendo does not like to put all of their eggs into one basket, especially a console transition. This is why they said the DS was originally a "third pillar" to the GBA and Gamecube. It was actually meant to be a replacement to the GBA, but they didn't want to say that, lol. They absolutely do not want to kill off the Switch quickly. The Switch is the biggest cash cow that Nintendo has ever had, and their fiscally conservative business side is not going to want to kill it off quickly.
I personally think the smartest move for them at this point is to cut the price for Switch Lite and base model and kill off the OLED model. They might bundle in a game instead, but I think that is a worse strategy. All hardware on the market needs to look attractive to some type of customer, so a $149/$249 price for Lite/base model respectively for Switch along with a $349 or $399 price for Switch 2 would make it very clear that one type of system is the old budget model and the Switch 2 is the new premium system. They can cut the hardware price and still sell it for a profit, and if they don't cut software prices, then they'll make a ton of profit.
Once this next fiscal report is released it should be obvious that the current fiscal year is going to be in the top 10 for Nintendo's history. It doesn't make sense to go from a such a profitable situation and then try to kill off the Switch 1 as fast as possible, since that is the system that made them so profitable.