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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

Phenomajp13 said:

@XtremeBG This is going to be my last post on this subject, you can play victim all you want. YOU (not anyone else) made a downplaying post and I critized it. You obviously let this debate live rent free in your head proven by your obsession with bringing the Switch vs PS2 debate every opportunity you get, which you just admitted (PS5 Pro announcement thread). I didn't address all of your previous post because it was pure victim nonsense similar to this post. I was interested in a discussion about the last portion of your post because it wasn't about you being a victim of my so called attacks because I dared to speak to your oblivious cherrypicking/downplaying post.

As you can see Farsala is another poster that agrees with you (Switch not making it) but doesn't resort to downplaying post. Farsala doesn't spend all his or her time here thinking about this Switch vs PS2 debate. I have receipts on this poster similar to you. It means nothing more than you both made low balled predictions and have had to adjust. Sometimes those adjustments come with coping mechanisms due to bitterness of being wrong. It's normal Xtreme, people gets things wrong and pull excuses out their butt about why they were wrong. That's all you are going through right now, Switch doing the impossible is just a hard pill to swallow. I gotta say you are fun though, far more fun than Farsala.

I don't normally read your posts, especially when you are talking to XtremeBG so I guess I am not fun, but I saw my name mentioned ;).

Switch making it still depends entirely on Nintendo, earlier I predicted a Switch 2 launch for Holiday 2025, and I stand by it. In that case, Switch easily passes the PS2.

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Farsala said:
archbrix said:

I don't think the Switch will have the twilight years of the Playstation 2, but it doesn't need them at this point to surpass it. Similarly, we need to remember that massively successful systems that have so much to offer new consumers don't just stop selling overnight, even if the big numbers are over. Look at the shipments of Playstation 2 vs the Switch:

At the end of year 8, the PS2 was coming off of a 13.7m year, and while I think Nintendo will miss its 13.5m projection for the equivalent year, the Switch will still be over 150m shipped by the end of March 2025, whereas the PS2 was at 131.6m aligned. But the PS2 remained incredibly steady for the next 3 years, amounting to over 21m more shipped during that time alone. So while I don't think that Switch shipments will remain that high for that long, another 10m for a system that is likely to stick around for a while as a cheaper alternative is quite doable. Even the 3DS shipped over 9m after the Switch released.

Looking pretty likely to me.

PS2 was in a very different time. It launched late in many countries, those countries hit their peaks later too.

3DS had no direct successor, Switch was only an indirect successor.

Another example you could give is the PS4. It is a modern console like the 3DS, but it also had a direct successor, like the Switch will have. The PS4 also sold very well, much like the Switch. But the legs post successor launch were virtually nonexistent.

Basically I am saying Switch will have its own situation and won't be like any other console. After all, we are in unprecedented territory.

Yeah, the PS4 only sold about 7m more after March 31, 2020.  So, I guess we can predict Switch to finish somewhere between that and the PS2's 28m it sold after year 8, haha.

The main things that give me hope for Switch are, first, I think that Switch 2 is going to be pretty expensive; definitely more than any previous system from Nintendo and I do believe Switch will be well positioned as the budget option, especially if it does have an eventual price drop.  I mean, even the PS4 had a $100 reduction in its lifetime.  There comes a point where the loss of ~$50 on hardware would be offset by the extra game sales and subs it would provide.  Despite Nintendo's obstinance, I still believe that a price reduction is in the Switch's future... probably after its successor arrives.

And second, we do still have a new Pokemon Legends on the horizon following this fiscal and it would not surprise me at all if Pokemon Gen 10 (assuming it arrives in 2025) is a straight-up Switch 1 game and not even a cross-gen release.  Black & White released on the DS in NA the same month as the 3DS launched, for example.  Marios and Zeldas have moved on for sure but that massive 150m+ userbase will be difficult to ignore for this type of game. 

If Switch still had a bit more to go I'd be more skeptical but I don't think 10m after March 31st will be too difficult.

Phenomajp13 said:

@XtremeBG This is going to be my last post on this subject, you can play victim all you want. YOU (not anyone else) made a downplaying post and I critized it. You obviously let this debate live rent free in your head proven by your obsession with bringing the Switch vs PS2 debate every opportunity you get, which you just admitted (PS5 Pro announcement thread). I didn't address all of your previous post because it was pure victim nonsense similar to this post. I was interested in a discussion about the last portion of your post because it wasn't about you being a victim of my so called attacks because I dared to speak to your oblivious cherrypicking/downplaying post.

As you can see Farsala is another poster that agrees with you (Switch not making it) but doesn't resort to downplaying post. Farsala doesn't spend all his or her time here thinking about this Switch vs PS2 debate. I have receipts on this poster similar to you. It means nothing more than you both made low balled predictions and have had to adjust. Sometimes those adjustments come with coping mechanisms due to bitterness of being wrong. It's normal Xtreme, people gets things wrong and pull excuses out their butt about why they were wrong. That's all you are going through right now, Switch doing the impossible is just a hard pill to swallow. I gotta say you are fun though, far more fun than Farsala.

Again the only victim here is you, not me. Your are opening the debate of Switch vs PS2, you started the debate with me, you started the previous debate with me, you started a couple of debateс on other threads with other people too. All because of your obsession with the Switch, not mine, not Farsala's, and not anyone else. I admitted only that in the PS5 thread I talked about all three, that's it. And it was off topic since it was PS5 thread.

I say you for 20th time, the post was about the industry and all three player as a whole, not for Switch in particular. Of course when you make predictions you may be wrong sometimes, and you may make adjustments. Take you for example. You didn't do any predictions by pure numbers, and so you can't be wrong, and you are playing it the winner. When you start to make predictions like many other people from the start of the gen or at least the half of the generation and in the end your number is exactly on point, then you can call yourself a winner. And even this is exaggerated, since we are on simple gaming forum here and there are no losers or winners, it simply some can get a luck and be on point, not because they know more, but because everything depends on a company that no one of us have any connection to their decisions. Where were you when all the people made highball predictions for all the different consoles to say they highball ? but when someone is lowballing (according to your logic) you are everywhere to jump to defend the Switch.

Again, next time, if you are not ready for an open debate don't start it, cuz as we all saw, you run out of juice too fast, winner

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 26 September 2024

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Polls: When will the Switch: Outsell the DS? / Outsell the PS2? / LT expectations of: Switch / PS5 / XBSX

@Phenomajp13 Me giving reasons about some console sales, is downplaying/overplaying or giving excuses for you, and it translates to bashing on console's success. However this is not the case. Giving reasons for something and explanations about why it sales well, or it doesn't sales well, is a simple normal thing, and this does not remove the success itself or the failure itself. I can give you reasons for every PS console if you want, for every xbox and every nintendo console if you want. I can still like PS or xbox and at the same time give reasons about why every of them sells what is sells. For example PS2'160M happened because of reasons like the PS3's struggle in the beginning, the big price difference, the almost no competition it had, since Sega stopped competing in the start of the generation and microsoft launched so late, and on top of that they were the new player in town. Other than that Sony left it on the market for such a long time at a cheap price. This reasons all helped, and this is not downplaying or bashing on the success it had. Of course big chunk of those sales were because of the games themselves, the good marketing system and all of that, but those reasons and the emerging markets too, only helped.

The PS4 sold what is sold and reasons such as Microsoft being weaker with the XB1 generation helped greatly.

Some reasons that helped PS1 are the cheaper price than other consoles, the exclusives new inovative (for the time) 3D titles it had back then, the long live after successor's launch, the very cheap price after the PS2 launch as well.

Reasons for the Wii for example that helped it are it was pointed to more casual gamers, and many people who haven't touch games back then could enter into gaming very easy, by it's motion controls. Other thing that helped it was the way cheaper prices than the other consoles in the market.

Every console that is successful or that is a failure, there is factors, variables, and reasons for why it did so. Those are not excuses, or bashing on the success, the success is there, and no one can hide it, or the failure for console such as vita or Wii u too.

All of those consoles might be successfull too without those reasons to help them, because the primary things are games, marketing, prices, and how the manufacturer will maintain them over the years, but will surely sold less in total without them. This is not bashing the success, or downplay or excusing.

For the Switch I am explaining the reasons, that's all. Of course I made adjustments, which is normal, and not somethng bad, but I make them because some things change, new factors come in, and with that, the numbers going ahead can change too. For example my previous prediction was that it will settle somewhere between 140 and 150M because many people, me included thought the successor's was launching 2024 or even 2023 (when we wrote back in 2021 or 2022) therefore if that really happened Switch would really settle at that range. Now Nintendo is delaying it, therefore, this is only helping the sales, since it will have more time on the market as the primary Nintendo console. Other reasons that it helped the Switch over the years, I mentioned before, in my opinion is the lack of direct handheld competition such as PSP was for the DS. (not some Steamdecks, and no smartphones, yes they may get some sales out of it, but it pales in comparison to what direct competitor can take, the PSP for example did 80M+ sales that big part from them could be added to DS's total numbers, if didn't existed). I have mentioned other reasons before as well. Of course this does not mean or exclude the facts, that the Switch has good marketing, games, and is successful system, or saying it's successful only because of this. Those reasons (and other I've written before) are helping it. Without them Switch would still be successful, but simply the final numbers wouldn't be let's 150 or 160 or 170M if you want, but they could be 120 or 130M for example. (just giving random numbers, not calculating or predict exact numbers). That's it. And because I am giving reasons and explanations you take it as a downplaying, or excusing, or bashing the success, just to try to not say I have been wrong for my prediction of final Switch numbers ? No, everyone can be wrong, and many more will be wrong, 90% of the predictions can be wrong, because this is like gambling, you don't know what the company manufacturer will do next. I had predictions just on point for the Switch before, why aren't you saying something for that ? in 2021 I predicted 25M for Switch, I ended exactly on point. I predicted range for 2023, of 14 to 16M which I ended almost on point, short with 300k. Why nothing about that ? I predicted up to 4.5M in 2022 Japan numbers, and ended pretty much on point, 200k short, why nothing about that ? However when I put some prediction that is low in your eyes, I am trying to bash the Switch and downplay it ? Why I didn't try to downplay it back on those predictions I just mentioned ?

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 26 September 2024

My primary threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / JP 2025 / 2025 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdowns: Global / Regional / Historical / YOY Charts / 150M+ Club Chart

Polls: When will the Switch: Outsell the DS? / Outsell the PS2? / LT expectations of: Switch / PS5 / XBSX

XtremeBG said:

@Phenomajp13 Me giving reasons about some console sales, is downplaying/overplaying or giving excuses for you, and it translates to bashing on console's success. However this is not the case. Giving reasons for something and explanations about why it sales well, or it doesn't sales well, is a simple normal thing, and this does not remove the success itself or the failure itself. I can give you reasons for every PS console if you want, for every xbox and every nintendo console if you want. I can still like PS or xbox and at the same time give reasons about why every of them sells what is sells. For example PS2'160M happened because of reasons like the PS3's struggle in the beginning, the big price difference, the almost no competition it had, since Sega stopped competing in the start of the generation and microsoft launched so late, and on top of that they were the new player in town. Other than that Sony left it on the market for such a long time at a cheap price. This reasons all helped, and this is not downplaying or bashing on the success it had. Of course big chunk of those sales were because of the games themselves, the good marketing system and all of that, but those reasons and the emerging markets too, only helped.

The PS4 sold what is sold and reasons such as Microsoft being weaker with the XB1 generation helped greatly.

Some reasons that helped PS1 are the cheaper price than other consoles, the exclusives new inovative (for the time) 3D titles it had back then, the long live after successor's launch, the very cheap price after the PS2 launch as well.

Reasons for the Wii for example that helped it are it was pointed to more casual gamers, and many people who haven't touch games back then could enter into gaming very easy, by it's motion controls. Other thing that helped it was the way cheaper prices than the other consoles in the market.

Every console that is successful or that is a failure, there is factors, variables, and reasons for why it did so. Those are not excuses, or bashing on the success, the success is there, and no one can hide it, or the failure for console such as vita or Wii u too.

All of those consoles might be successfull too without those reasons to help them, because the primary things are games, marketing, prices, and how the manufacturer will maintain them over the years, but will surely sold less in total without them. This is not bashing the success, or downplay or excusing.

For the Switch I am explaining the reasons, that's all. Of course I made adjustments, which is normal, and not somethng bad, but I make them because some things change, new factors come in, and with that, the numbers going ahead can change too. For example my previous prediction was that it will settle somewhere between 140 and 150M because many people, me included thought the successor's was launching 2024 or even 2023 (when we wrote back in 2021 or 2022) therefore if that really happened Switch would really settle at that range. Now Nintendo is delaying it, therefore, this is only helping the sales, since it will have more time on the market as the primary Nintendo console. Other reasons that it helped the Switch over the years, I mentioned before, in my opinion is the lack of direct handheld competition such as PSP was for the DS. (not some Steamdecks, and no smartphones, yes they may get some sales out of it, but it pales in comparison to what direct competitor can take, the PSP for example did 80M+ sales that big part from them could be added to DS's total numbers, if didn't existed). I have mentioned other reasons before as well. Of course this does not mean or exclude the facts, that the Switch has good marketing, games, and is successful system, or saying it's successful only because of this. Those reasons (and other I've written before) are helping it. Without them Switch would still be successful, but simply the final numbers wouldn't be let's 150 or 160 or 170M if you want, but they could be 120 or 130M for example. (just giving random numbers, not calculating or predict exact numbers). That's it. And because I am giving reasons and explanations you take it as a downplaying, or excusing, or bashing the success, just to try to not say I have been wrong for my prediction of final Switch numbers ? No, everyone can be wrong, and many more will be wrong, 90% of the predictions can be wrong, because this is like gambling, you don't know what the company manufacturer will do next. I had predictions just on point for the Switch before, why aren't you saying something for that ? in 2021 I predicted 25M for Switch, I ended exactly on point. I predicted range for 2023, of 14 to 16M which I ended almost on point, short with 300k. Why nothing about that ? I predicted up to 4.5M in 2022 Japan numbers, and ended pretty much on point, 200k short, why nothing about that ? However when I put some prediction that is low in your eyes, I am trying to bash the Switch and downplay it ? Why I didn't try to downplay it back on those predictions I just mentioned ?

This is the type of post from you that I be looking for. Everything you just said about PS2, PS4, and Switch is downplay. It is not the PS2's fault it's competitors looked undesirable to the market. The competition being weak is due to their dominance. That's take credit from the winners. The winners deserve credit for handing out Ls, not the losers deserving credit for being losers.

Around the Network
Phenomajp13 said:

That's take credit from the winners. The winners deserve credit for handing out Ls, not the losers deserving credit for being losers.

I am taking credit from nobody, I am telling facts. And the war you are in, it seems you are alone there. This who is quick to call himself a winner is often a loser.

Me saying what I wrote about PS2,PS4 and Switch is not downplay. Downplaying is putting it like the console that's talked about wouldn't be successful if not for the given points. I never said that. Learn the meaning of the words.

Anyway you will continue to see posts from me for the Switch, explaining and reasoning. Telling the facts. Call it downplay if you want. And you can criticize, but I won't stop. Just like I won't stop doing the same for the Xbox and PS as well. But that doesn't drive you nuts, only Switch does. Cherry picker.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 26 September 2024

My primary threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / JP 2025 / 2025 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdowns: Global / Regional / Historical / YOY Charts / 150M+ Club Chart

Polls: When will the Switch: Outsell the DS? / Outsell the PS2? / LT expectations of: Switch / PS5 / XBSX

archbrix said:
Farsala said:

PS2 was in a very different time. It launched late in many countries, those countries hit their peaks later too.

3DS had no direct successor, Switch was only an indirect successor.

Another example you could give is the PS4. It is a modern console like the 3DS, but it also had a direct successor, like the Switch will have. The PS4 also sold very well, much like the Switch. But the legs post successor launch were virtually nonexistent.

Basically I am saying Switch will have its own situation and won't be like any other console. After all, we are in unprecedented territory.

Yeah, the PS4 only sold about 7m more after March 31, 2020.  So, I guess we can predict Switch to finish somewhere between that and the PS2's 28m it sold after year 8, haha.

The main things that give me hope for Switch are, first, I think that Switch 2 is going to be pretty expensive; definitely more than any previous system from Nintendo and I do believe Switch will be well positioned as the budget option, especially if it does have an eventual price drop.  I mean, even the PS4 had a $100 reduction in its lifetime.  There comes a point where the loss of ~$50 on hardware would be offset by the extra game sales and subs it would provide.  Despite Nintendo's obstinance, I still believe that a price reduction is in the Switch's future... probably after its successor arrives.

And second, we do still have a new Pokemon Legends on the horizon following this fiscal and it would not surprise me at all if Pokemon Gen 10 (assuming it arrives in 2025) is a straight-up Switch 1 game and not even a cross-gen release.  Black & White released on the DS in NA the same month as the 3DS launched, for example.  Marios and Zeldas have moved on for sure but that massive 150m+ userbase will be difficult to ignore for this type of game. 

If Switch still had a bit more to go I'd be more skeptical but I don't think 10m after March 31st will be too difficult.

I woudn't count on a new main Pokémon game for the Switch 1. Nintendo has never released a three main generation of Pokémon games in the same console and we've already had Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet, just like the DS had Diamond/Pearl and Black/White (and the 3DS had X/Y and Sun/Moon). Probably, the next next pair of games that kicks the 10th generation will be exclusive for the Switch 2.

Another thing that called my attention is that you mentioned the 7M the PS4 had after the release of the PS5. If Nintendo really manages to achieve its fiscal year goal and have 154M Switch sold by March 2025, 7M would more than enough to pass the 160M, making the Switch have 161M units sold

CourageTCD said:
archbrix said:

Yeah, the PS4 only sold about 7m more after March 31, 2020.  So, I guess we can predict Switch to finish somewhere between that and the PS2's 28m it sold after year 8, haha.

The main things that give me hope for Switch are, first, I think that Switch 2 is going to be pretty expensive; definitely more than any previous system from Nintendo and I do believe Switch will be well positioned as the budget option, especially if it does have an eventual price drop.  I mean, even the PS4 had a $100 reduction in its lifetime.  There comes a point where the loss of ~$50 on hardware would be offset by the extra game sales and subs it would provide.  Despite Nintendo's obstinance, I still believe that a price reduction is in the Switch's future... probably after its successor arrives.

And second, we do still have a new Pokemon Legends on the horizon following this fiscal and it would not surprise me at all if Pokemon Gen 10 (assuming it arrives in 2025) is a straight-up Switch 1 game and not even a cross-gen release.  Black & White released on the DS in NA the same month as the 3DS launched, for example.  Marios and Zeldas have moved on for sure but that massive 150m+ userbase will be difficult to ignore for this type of game. 

If Switch still had a bit more to go I'd be more skeptical but I don't think 10m after March 31st will be too difficult.

I woudn't count on a new main Pokémon game for the Switch 1. Nintendo has never released a three main generation of Pokémon games in the same console and we've already had Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet, just like the DS had Diamond/Pearl and Black/White (and the 3DS had X/Y and Sun/Moon). Probably, the next next pair of games that kicks the 10th generation will be exclusive for the Switch 2.

Another thing that called my attention is that you mentioned the 7M the PS4 had after the release of the PS5. If Nintendo really manages to achieve its fiscal year goal and have 154M Switch sold by March 2025, 7M would more than enough to pass the 160M, making the Switch have 161M units sold

Yeah, I thought about that after I posted and you're right.  I doubt Pokemon Gen 10 will release in 2025 at all but when it does, I agree, it will be on the next system.

I don't think that Nintendo will reach its target of 13.5m but I do think that the system will be over 150m by the end of March (my guess is ~152m).  Either way, I think 160m is in the Switch's future.

XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

That's take credit from the winners. The winners deserve credit for handing out Ls, not the losers deserving credit for being losers.

I am taking credit from nobody, I am telling facts. And the war you are in, it seems you are alone there. This who is quick to call himself a winner is often a loser.

Me saying what I wrote about PS2,PS4 and Switch is not downplay. Downplaying is putting it like the console that's talked about wouldn't be successful if not for the given points. I never said that. Learn the meaning of the words.

Anyway you will continue to see posts from me for the Switch, explaining and reasoning. Telling the facts. Call it downplay if you want. And you can criticize, but I won't stop. Just like I won't stop doing the same for the Xbox and PS as well. But that doesn't drive you nuts, only Switch does. Cherry picker.

I clearly know the meaning which you just described amd literally did lol. Can you stop all the victim nonsense, no one is targeting you. I don't care about seeing post from you lol, I enjoy critiquing them. Continue to post, you have already given me plenty of laughs. Seeing you and plenty of other posters here including even a mod doubt the 160 million prediction from Rol and you think I want you to stop? I have gotten great joy out of seeing posters like you explain your logic today for why it won't make it and then have excuses out the butt the next day when they realize they were wrong. You don't think I find that entertaining? Remember I asked you to explain how you knew the Switch had all these advantages including an entire 240 million handheld base exclusively to itself and yet you still came to the conclusion it wouldn't make it? It's almost like you didn't decide all these advantages were advantages until you realized Switch is getting too close! 

Again continue to post, I genuinely enjoy it. I'll tell you some more fun stuff I have read here. A mod was debating with Rol a few pages ago and Rol simply asked them to put together a trajectory for Switch from here on and see for yourself how unreasonable it is for Switch to not pass it. That mod blatantly refused lol and ran. Dude seriously, I enjoy your post. That's what makes you more fun than Farsala.

Farsala had a fun post too actually but it was some time ago. Farsala's hilarious self once tried to prove the Switch couldn't make it by breaking down the 3 largest/major regions separately (NA, EU, and Asia) and showing how far the Switch still has to surpass each alltime leader. DS is the alltime leader in NA, PS2 in EU, and DS again in Asia (due to Japan). That post showed the Switch had an impossible task lol! But then you realize how blatantly ridiculous of a post that was when you realize the PS2 holds the global record and is only an alltime leader in ONE of those regions. So why does Switch need to be the alltime leader in all of them? You see, you aren't the only one with funny post. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.