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@Phenomajp13 Me giving reasons about some console sales, is downplaying/overplaying or giving excuses for you, and it translates to bashing on console's success. However this is not the case. Giving reasons for something and explanations about why it sales well, or it doesn't sales well, is a simple normal thing, and this does not remove the success itself or the failure itself. I can give you reasons for every PS console if you want, for every xbox and every nintendo console if you want. I can still like PS or xbox and at the same time give reasons about why every of them sells what is sells. For example PS2'160M happened because of reasons like the PS3's struggle in the beginning, the big price difference, the almost no competition it had, since Sega stopped competing in the start of the generation and microsoft launched so late, and on top of that they were the new player in town. Other than that Sony left it on the market for such a long time at a cheap price. This reasons all helped, and this is not downplaying or bashing on the success it had. Of course big chunk of those sales were because of the games themselves, the good marketing system and all of that, but those reasons and the emerging markets too, only helped.

The PS4 sold what is sold and reasons such as Microsoft being weaker with the XB1 generation helped greatly.

Some reasons that helped PS1 are the cheaper price than other consoles, the exclusives new inovative (for the time) 3D titles it had back then, the long live after successor's launch, the very cheap price after the PS2 launch as well.

Reasons for the Wii for example that helped it are it was pointed to more casual gamers, and many people who haven't touch games back then could enter into gaming very easy, by it's motion controls. Other thing that helped it was the way cheaper prices than the other consoles in the market.

Every console that is successful or that is a failure, there is factors, variables, and reasons for why it did so. Those are not excuses, or bashing on the success, the success is there, and no one can hide it, or the failure for console such as vita or Wii u too.

All of those consoles might be successfull too without those reasons to help them, because the primary things are games, marketing, prices, and how the manufacturer will maintain them over the years, but will surely sold less in total without them. This is not bashing the success, or downplay or excusing.

For the Switch I am explaining the reasons, that's all. Of course I made adjustments, which is normal, and not somethng bad, but I make them because some things change, new factors come in, and with that, the numbers going ahead can change too. For example my previous prediction was that it will settle somewhere between 140 and 150M because many people, me included thought the successor's was launching 2024 or even 2023 (when we wrote back in 2021 or 2022) therefore if that really happened Switch would really settle at that range. Now Nintendo is delaying it, therefore, this is only helping the sales, since it will have more time on the market as the primary Nintendo console. Other reasons that it helped the Switch over the years, I mentioned before, in my opinion is the lack of direct handheld competition such as PSP was for the DS. (not some Steamdecks, and no smartphones, yes they may get some sales out of it, but it pales in comparison to what direct competitor can take, the PSP for example did 80M+ sales that big part from them could be added to DS's total numbers, if didn't existed). I have mentioned other reasons before as well. Of course this does not mean or exclude the facts, that the Switch has good marketing, games, and is successful system, or saying it's successful only because of this. Those reasons (and other I've written before) are helping it. Without them Switch would still be successful, but simply the final numbers wouldn't be let's 150 or 160 or 170M if you want, but they could be 120 or 130M for example. (just giving random numbers, not calculating or predict exact numbers). That's it. And because I am giving reasons and explanations you take it as a downplaying, or excusing, or bashing the success, just to try to not say I have been wrong for my prediction of final Switch numbers ? No, everyone can be wrong, and many more will be wrong, 90% of the predictions can be wrong, because this is like gambling, you don't know what the company manufacturer will do next. I had predictions just on point for the Switch before, why aren't you saying something for that ? in 2021 I predicted 25M for Switch, I ended exactly on point. I predicted range for 2023, of 14 to 16M which I ended almost on point, short with 300k. Why nothing about that ? I predicted up to 4.5M in 2022 Japan numbers, and ended pretty much on point, 200k short, why nothing about that ? However when I put some prediction that is low in your eyes, I am trying to bash the Switch and downplay it ? Why I didn't try to downplay it back on those predictions I just mentioned ?

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 26 September 2024

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