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Forums - Movies & TV - What was the last VHS that you watched?

you know i actually remember,about 5 years ago i bought "In the line of fire", the thriller with clint and malkovic,i actually really like this film,it was in a charity shop for a £1

after that dvds and now blu-rays are on my radar

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spurgeonryan said:
I do not have in the line of fire on VHS, sadly, but I have it on bootleg from Afghanistan! I do have close to 1,000 Vhs tapes though, so it is not often when I find an old movie that I do not have.

wow tahts alot of vhs tapes,you must had some shelf space :)

clint is hilarious in " in the line of  fire" he plays the piano and the way he treats the ladies,its ace,i find it a really enjoyable thriller with a good malkovic baddie

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spurgeonryan said:
zuvuyeay said:
spurgeonryan said:
I do not have in the line of fire on VHS, sadly, but I have it on bootleg from Afghanistan! I do have close to 1,000 Vhs tapes though, so it is not often when I find an old movie that I do not have.

wow tahts alot of vhs tapes,you must had some shelf space :)

clint is hilarious in " in the line of  fire" he plays the piano and the way he treats the ladies,its ace,i find it a really enjoyable thriller with a good malkovic baddie

Yeah Malkovic is a great bad guy! Too bad he has aged very quickly! Look at him about ten years ago in Con-Air, then look at him now in the movie Red. I was amazed he was an old man. Sill great, just a small shock to me.


Yeah I do have a lot of space in my garage. AT .50 cents a piece I cannot go wrong buying a VHS tape. You all will be happy to know that I buy CD's and not cassette tapes.

i saw red over xmas,got it as a blu-ray pressie,good brucie and a fun watch

a graphic novel story it seems,malkovic had done 30 yrs of acid,he was crazy and yes they are all old men,but class is class,dreyfuss was in it too,don't see him that often anymore

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watched lion king and land before time on VHS with my 3 year old son cpl weeks ago.


I also have many 'tallica/pantera concert/home vids that i watch on VHS

Men in Black! Have been nostalgically going through every VHS I still own lately.

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"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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Lord Of War

Hello World

I can't remember its been over five years back. Switched over to DVD's back in 1999 its been over ten years since I bought a VHS tape.

For movies: Lord of the Rings: The fellowship of the Ring (theatrical edition) - and the only reason for that was because the DVD was sold out and I couldn't wait. It was probably within 2 weeks that I bought the DVD.

For everything else, it would have been old K-1 (kickboxing) VHS, only because I had so many and I couldn't get the same events on DVD until later. I would say that the last time I watched a K-1 VHS was maybe 2003, my last year of University; and I had no VHS player after that.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Yeah I was taking the VHS tapes out my room last year and I saw Twister which is a film I grew up with so I watched and its quite a lot of fun.

The Grinch?