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Forums - Movies & TV - What was the last VHS that you watched?

The last VHS I watched was some random shoots when I was a child made by my mother, and I converted it to DVD, it was in summer 2006. But my mother still only uses VHS, she doesn't like DVDs (she thinks that's not as easy to record on DVD the broadcasts she like and want to keep).

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Monster Bang 11: Bang That Ass

Just when you think a series has nowhere else to go, they do a complete dedication to monster ass banging. 10/10.

ninja i would agree with ya . but try finding a legit copy of wheels of terror on any other format other then vhs

i looked everywhere . and guess what . i only found 1 copy of it on vhs alone for 50 bucks .
(not counting the few copied discs i found on amazon - those do not count cause their not actually legit)

last movie 2 weeks ago the lady and the tramp 2

Pokemon the Movie 2000 "The Power of One" about two years ago on a 46 inch CRT.

Bride of chucky

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We threw out our VHS player about 6 years ago (if not longer), I haven't played or SEEN a VHS since.

As for the last one I remember watching...probably Home Alone 2.

spurgeonryan said:
Kai Master said:
The last VHS I watched was some random shoots when I was a child made by my mother, and I converted it to DVD, it was in summer 2006. But my mother still only uses VHS, she doesn't like DVDs (she thinks that's not as easy to record on DVD the broadcasts she like and want to keep).

I cannot figure out how to record on DVD's. To be honest I could not even figure out how to record a recent parade that my daughter was in on VHS either.  I am guessing it is because

A: I am stupid

B: Cable

C: There is some system that I was supposed to follow and I do not know what it is.

Pick up a DVR which works with your cable. They're dirt cheap, and make things ten times easier.

The last movie I saw on VHS was Disney's Song Of The South. They probably won't release it on DVD/Blu-Ray so I'll have to keep it as well...