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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Game Awards Thread (2023)

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Not my pick for game of the year, but I suppose we have to throw the pc gamers a bone every now and then.

Seriously the most amazing announcement:

Pony Island 2 Panda Circus Announcement Trailer | The Game Awards 2023 - YouTube

I like it if devs break the boxes of expectations.

Other announcements I liked: Visions of Mana, Monster Hunter Wild, Light No Fire, the Blade game. As usual the Kojima trailer lead to more questions than answers, maybe we will understand what the game is about two years aftewr it's release.

And Grats to Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian.

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I thought it was a good show but its hard to walk away without feeling drained.

Sega announcing their whole slate for the generation is wild lol. I'm absolutely hyped for Blade though, and I'd love to get more licensed games for characters that aren't common for games.

Lots of new IP's, sprinkled in with a few major announcements like Monster Hunter Wilds, and release dates for 2024 games like Rise of The Ronin, there was something for everyone.

Voices of Mana, Monster Hunter Wilds, and Kemuri were the most interesting for me. Sega's annnouncements were cool, but I wish they'd revisit Virtua Fighter at some point.

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Haaa thank the universe, I did right by not watching it again and just connect to look at the most interesting games announcements.

A new Monster Hunter(of course), a new Mana game ! Moon Studios working on their next success, the guy who made Encryption is now working on the sequel to Pony Island.

A few interesting announcements here and there but overall seems like the return from the show were pretty drab as usual and also complete disrespect to the category winners lol. What a freaking 3 hour marketing ploy this is 😆

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Congratulations BG3 and it seems the silence at Playstation Studios continues. Well at least we know Wolverine is coming and three Gaas games.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

SanAndreasX said:

Voices of Mana, Monster Hunter Wilds, and Kemuri were the most interesting for me. Sega's annnouncements were cool, but I wish they'd revisit Virtua Fighter at some point.

They definitely have a new VF coming. 

I'm most interested in the SEGA stuff. Jet Grind Radio looked great, everything else was kinda a mixed bag. Shinobi is doing the artsy fartsy stuff...meh. Streets of Rage has me the most concerned just because of how low budget it looked. Golden Ax looked like a mobile game. Golden Ax along with Streets of Rage, and Crazy Taxi also do not look inhouse at. I'm not even sure if Shinobi is inhouse. This could be awesome for the 90's SEGA fans but it will mostly likely will be mid - disaster. 

The graphics for hellblade 2 is incredible

Yeaa I was hoping for TotK but it wasn't hard to see that BG3 would take it. I know basicly nothing about Alan Wake 2, but it certainly goppled up a lot of the bigger ones.

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