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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Game Awards Thread (2023)

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Xxain said:
SanAndreasX said:

Voices of Mana, Monster Hunter Wilds, and Kemuri were the most interesting for me. Sega's annnouncements were cool, but I wish they'd revisit Virtua Fighter at some point.

They definitely have a new VF coming. 

I'm most interested in the SEGA stuff. Jet Grind Radio looked great, everything else was kinda a mixed bag. Shinobi is doing the artsy fartsy stuff...meh. Streets of Rage has me the most concerned just because of how low budget it looked. Golden Ax looked like a mobile game. Golden Ax along with Streets of Rage, and Crazy Taxi also do not look inhouse at. I'm not even sure if Shinobi is inhouse. This could be awesome for the 90's SEGA fans but it will mostly likely will be mid - disaster. 

Artsy Fartsy? It's Lizardcube who did the Wonderboy III Remake and SOR4 which were excellent with excellent art. And please use the real title. Jet SET Radio. Grind was just the shitty title SOA gave the first game.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Lots of CG trailers with some awards somewhere between. Honestly, it's a lot of adverts more than an awards show. Winter Games Fest with some awards. :P

Hmm, pie.

It was a beautiful thing to watch Aonuma, the fraud, having to clap for another developer for winning a prize that should be easily his. What this man allowed the Zelda team to do with TotK under his watch is unforgivable. Thank God he lost this award.

Last edited by Valdney - on 08 December 2023

SanAndreasX said:

I was really desperate to go to the bathroom... when I saw the words "A Hideo Kojima Game", I knew that was my moment! I took a long slow shit, and when I got back, Kojima was still on stage. Thank you Kojima for providing us all with an important restroom break

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Valdney said:

It was a beautiful thing to watch Aonuma, the fraud, having to clap for another developer for winning a prize that should be easily his. What this man allowed the Zelda team to do with TotK under his watch is unforgivable. Thank God he lost this award.

Oh absolutely, how dare he let them create such a monstrosity?

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UnderwaterFunktown said:
Valdney said:

It was a beautiful thing to watch Aonuma, the fraud, having to clap for another developer for winning a prize that should be easily his. What this man allowed the Zelda team to do with TotK under his watch is unforgivable. Thank God he lost this award.

Oh absolutely, how dare he let them create such a monstrosity?

Oh absolutely, how dare he have his own opinion and not conform to the perceived internet "consensus"?

Gonna have to start calling Geoff “Brandon” with how obsessed he is with Kojima, it’s concerning.

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UnderwaterFunktown said:

Oh absolutely, how dare he let them create such a monstrosity?

Zelda games are always put on a pedestal when released (see IGN's "Is SS better than OOT?" thing back then, for instance).

Many of them tend to age not so graciously, however. Not that they're bad games, mind, but online discourse slowly changes and you see huge drops in scores for the remastered versions, more than other game re-releases.

IMO, Aonuma deserved to remain sitting there with a salty face when Sam Lake won the award.






haxxiy said:

Zelda games are always put on a pedestal when released (see IGN's "Is SS better than OOT?" thing back then, for instance).

SS is better than OOT, though.