Let's drop a last hint for #46:
#50: Descent as guessed by Machina.
#49: Doom 64 as guessed by S.Peelman.
#48: Slice&Dice as guessed by drbunnig.
#47: Crusader Kings III as guessed by Machina.
#46: (something with Zombies probably)
Other guests at Spiffo's restaurant may actually crave *you* more than a burger.
These are the End-Times.
There was no hope of survival.
This is how you died!
#45: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana as guessed by Veknoid_Outcast.
#44: Pikmin 4 as kind of guessed (right series) by S.Peelman.
Again brave space travelers crash land on this strange planet.
And again find help from these little colorful creatures that follow them around and do different task.
#43: Deathloop as guessed by Machina.
Muhahaha! You think you outsmarted me, the mighty Moldorc?! I don't think so, Yoked Girth!
What is Ominent Technologies deal?
#41: Starcraft/Broodwar as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown.
What the hell is that? Looks like the ground there is alive.
Should we join forces with Arcturus Mengsk?