Mnementh said: Sorry, I had not enough time to properly participate and maybe still have not much time. Anyways, I update my hints for upcoming games. I probably will not add full write-ups for every game this year, as I did already in the past years, I just reference last years. Only new games and games I feel like updating will get a more in-depth treatment. Anyways, more hints for the unguessed games and more games to guess: #50: Descent as guessed by Machina. #49: Doom 64 as guessed by S.Peelman. #48: Slice&Dice as guessed by drbunnig. #47: Crusader Kings III as guessed by Machina. #46: #45: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana as guessed by Veknoid_Outcast. #44: #43: #42: #41: |
43 - Deathloop