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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread - The 14th Annual Greatest Games Event

Mnementh said:

Well, then let's go for the finale, shall we?

#6: Xenoblade Chronicles as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown.

#5: Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown.

#4: Katamari Damacy as guessed by Darashiva.

Restoration of Erathia.

One enemy is just a big completely round boulder that tries to roll over you. I guess better than the statue that actually isn't a statue.

Their former master used Shovel to dig up corpses. But maybe you will rename them to Fork or Basket. Either way, you may find a use for them.

3) HoMM 3

2) Elden Ring?

If I'm right I think I know the first by method of elimination...

Farsala said:

15. My favorite JRPG from 2022. It features an expansive world like most games in this series and fun mobile gameplay. Right away, at the start of the game you have to make a decision which character will be the protagonist, and the story will be slightly different based on this choice.

The previous game in this series may have been lambasted for being too short and lacking content, but this game delivers on all the content you would need. It even has a fancy minigame called Es'owa where you can use characters on cards from previous games.

This is the 6th game in a JRPG series named after the sea of celestial bodies.

10. The main character was involved in a crime, but probably falsely accused.

"It's not a game
I'm not a robot AI challenging you"

9. Another word for Destiny and another word for Bluff crash land on an uncivilized world called Elicoor.

Probably the most famous entry in this series is also considered the end of the series, eventually you can recruit a dragonrider named Albel who is voiced by Crispin Freeman in the English version.

8. Capturing new monsters and leveling up was needlessly complicated in this sequel, but when you figure it out your party's power grows exponentially in this 3v3 turn based combat.

To be more clear you can only level up by fusing the monsters together to make a new monster, then they have a new level cap and stronger stats. You can only capture monsters by using the in dungeon feature by shooting presents at the monsters. So first time playthroughs of this game can be difficult until you realize you definitely need more monsters to fuse with and level up.

15) Star Ocean: The Divine Force?

10) Persona 5 for sure

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UnderwaterFunktown said:

Suprisingly still only 1 of these masterpieces have been guessed, so let's give it another try:

5) There are four campaigns, three corresponding to the races and a... "spooky" one

I've completed all of them on Brutal of course (feel free to applaud)

Despite large initial success people seem to forget this sequel exists

Only one game left. @Farsala wanna give this a stab? You basicly had it

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drbunnig said:
Dulfite said:

Updated to day 4.

3 to go! Here are clues:

3 - A spiritual sequel to game #1 on my list.

2 - You have a bromance with the villian and don't know what to do with yourself when he shockingly dies.

1 - Rawk Hawk!!!!!!

Number 1 would be The Thousand Year Door I would guess. Not sure what number 3 would be... Bug Fables comes to mind as a similar game but it's not made by Nintendo (although does it necessarily have to be made by the same company?) I feel like I'm missing something super obvious here

You are correct for both of those!

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Mnementh said:

Well, then let's go for the finale, shall we?

#6: Xenoblade Chronicles as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown.

#5: Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown.

#4: Katamari Damacy as guessed by Darashiva.

Restoration of Erathia.

One enemy is just a big completely round boulder that tries to roll over you. I guess better than the statue that actually isn't a statue.

Their former master used Shovel to dig up corpses. But maybe you will rename them to Fork or Basket. Either way, you may find a use for them.

3) HoMM 3

2) Elden Ring?

If I'm right I think I know the first by method of elimination...

You are right for both, now eliminate away :)

EDIT: You now have 10 right guesses, same as Darashiva BTW. Machina has 8 right guesses.

Last edited by Mnementh - on 29 December 2023

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Guessed by @Veknoid_Outcast

It's hard to begin putting in words how breathtaking this experience is.

Well, maybe it's not supposed to be put in words. It doesn't use many itself.

We don't need words to be reduced to tears. Happy tears, sad tears, bittersweet tears... We don't need words to care about our little sister owl, or about her cheerful tree spirit sibling who's always in a positive spirit no matter how much tragedy comes their way. We don't needs words to feel anger at those who hurt the ones close to us, but we also don't need words to understand their feelings, to forgive them.

We don't need words to be in awe of the wonders of a beautiful world foreign to us, or to get invested in the people who inhabit it. We don't need words to be sucked in by its every sound and the magical music that accompanies them. We don't need words to feel joy as we connect with this wonderful little character who moves so fluidly and gracefully through the forest, every dance-like movement but a step in a journey to bring peace to those who had it taken away from them.

We don't need words to feel.

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Farsala said:

9. Another word for Destiny and another word for Bluff crash land on an uncivilized world called Elicoor.

Probably the most famous entry in this series is also considered the end of the series, eventually you can recruit a dragonrider named Albel who is voiced by Crispin Freeman in the English version.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Mnementh said:

Well, then let's go for the finale, shall we?

#6: Xenoblade Chronicles as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown.

#5: Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl as guessed by UnderwaterFunktown.

#4: Katamari Damacy as guessed by Darashiva.

Restoration of Erathia.

One enemy is just a big completely round boulder that tries to roll over you. I guess better than the statue that actually isn't a statue.

Their former master used Shovel to dig up corpses. But maybe you will rename them to Fork or Basket. Either way, you may find a use for them.

3) HoMM 3

2) Elden Ring?

If I'm right I think I know the first by method of elimination...

Farsala said:

15. My favorite JRPG from 2022. It features an expansive world like most games in this series and fun mobile gameplay. Right away, at the start of the game you have to make a decision which character will be the protagonist, and the story will be slightly different based on this choice.

The previous game in this series may have been lambasted for being too short and lacking content, but this game delivers on all the content you would need. It even has a fancy minigame called Es'owa where you can use characters on cards from previous games.

This is the 6th game in a JRPG series named after the sea of celestial bodies.

10. The main character was involved in a crime, but probably falsely accused.

"It's not a game
I'm not a robot AI challenging you"

9. Another word for Destiny and another word for Bluff crash land on an uncivilized world called Elicoor.

Probably the most famous entry in this series is also considered the end of the series, eventually you can recruit a dragonrider named Albel who is voiced by Crispin Freeman in the English version.

8. Capturing new monsters and leveling up was needlessly complicated in this sequel, but when you figure it out your party's power grows exponentially in this 3v3 turn based combat.

To be more clear you can only level up by fusing the monsters together to make a new monster, then they have a new level cap and stronger stats. You can only capture monsters by using the in dungeon feature by shooting presents at the monsters. So first time playthroughs of this game can be difficult until you realize you definitely need more monsters to fuse with and level up.

15) Star Ocean: The Divine Force?

10) Persona 5 for sure

Correct on both.

UnderwaterFunktown said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Suprisingly still only 1 of these masterpieces have been guessed, so let's give it another try:

5) There are four campaigns, three corresponding to the races and a... "spooky" one

I've completed all of them on Brutal of course (feel free to applaud)

Despite large initial success people seem to forget this sequel exists

Only one game left. @Farsala wanna give this a stab? You basicly had it

Starcraft 2?

Darashiva said:
Farsala said:

9. Another word for Destiny and another word for Bluff crash land on an uncivilized world called Elicoor.

Probably the most famous entry in this series is also considered the end of the series, eventually you can recruit a dragonrider named Albel who is voiced by Crispin Freeman in the English version.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time


- You may come across numerous dragons throughout the game, but you’ll only get to fight one in the penultimate level.
- To be exact, there’s 48 dragons you may come across in the first 16 levels, before you fight one in level 17.
- Jade, gold, and silver (or is it stone?)
- The second game in a highly successful series, with the protagonist being one of gaming’s most iconic characters.

Current list -


Change YoY: =   My Rating: 9.6 / 10

If I'd be looking at all of the games objectively, Bloodborne would likely be the best Soulsborne game I've ever played. It's only due to more abstract elements like atmosphere and the feeling and emotions another soulsborne game gives me that makes it "only" the second highest ranked out of them all on my list. Bloodborne is a masterpiece, plain and simple. Everything in the game is near perfect, from its fast-paced gameplay to the gorgeous visual design. The bosses are almost universally excellent, and the soundtrack is amazing. I also love the game's story and lore. The eldritch horror theme of the game's world is perfectly realized, and the tragedy that befell it due to human error and hubris is quite disturbing the more you learn about it. I also love how the game slowly over time switches from a more traditional gothic horror setting into proper cosmic horror, gradually introducing new elements into the world, in a way that is almost imperceptible in its subtlety, until the player suddenly just finds themselves battling horrific eldritch creatures. Fear the old blood indeed.

However, in a lot of ways the true star of Bloodborne is its world. It features unquestionably one of the most memorable settings in video game history. Yharnam, the beautifully decrepit Victorian Gothic city is an awe-inspiring place to explore and get increasingly tense in, one very much unlike any other place I've ever seen in any other video game. In general, the look and style of the world of Bloodborne is impeccable. Whether its the towering spires of Yharnam, the snow-covered rooftops of Castle Cainhurst, or the abandoned Byrgenwerth school, every location you discover is incredible and often unnerving.

Bloodborne also received one of the all-time great DLC expansions in The Old Hunters. It gives the story and many of its characters more context, introduces quite a few new ones, and makes the events of the game even more tragic than they already were as you uncover the truth of the hunters' and the healing church's actions. It also features some of the best bosses in the entire FromSoftware catalog. There's pretty much nothing about this game that I don't love. Just give us a sequel, perhaps set in some other part of this world outside Yharnam.

Mnementh said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

3) HoMM 3

2) Elden Ring?

If I'm right I think I know the first by method of elimination...

You are right for both, now eliminate away :)

EDIT: You now have 10 right guesses, same as Darashiva BTW. Machina has 8 right guesses.

Excellent! Well unless I'm mistaken Baldur's Gate 3 hasn't shown up on your list yet so either the long awaited launch was so dissapointing that you gave it the axe this year or, well, the opposite. I'm guessing the latter :P

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