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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom?


Which was better?

Breath of the Wild 45 56.96%
Tears of the Kingdom 34 43.04%

I have to go with BotW too. Keeping the same map in TotK did cut on one of the greatest aspects of BotW, the sense of discovery. I still think they did a good job of filling the world with new quests and monsters but it remains the same Hyrule. Both games brought me more than a 100 hours of fun but there was something magical about BotW the makes it special.

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I thought the shrines were way better in Tears. Less redundant.


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I'm pre-mature in this topic since I'm close to the final boss in Tears of the Kingdom but have not gotten there yet. I of course won't vote yet.
The reasons I'm leaning towards Breath of the Wild are...

  • Newness factor. Tears of the Kingdom adds a lot (it's not DLC like some detractors say), but it obviously doesn't have the originality Breath of the Wild did.
  • I preferred the Great Plateau opening with the King compared to the islands (after the cool opening walking/cutscenes with Zelda and Ganondorf showing up).
  • Call me a scrub/casual all you want, but Breath of the Wild is more forgiving in terms of difficulty. When a game has no difficulty settings, I tend to prefer a similar game that's easier. Since the games are so open-ended, there will be some who will tell me Tears of the Kingdom is an easier game. @SvennoJ seems to think so. 

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Wman1996 said:

I'm pre-mature in this topic since I'm close to the final boss in Tears of the Kingdom but have not gotten there yet. I of course won't vote yet.
The reasons I'm leaning towards Breath of the Wild are...

  • Newness factor. Tears of the Kingdom adds a lot (it's not DLC like some detractors say), but it obviously doesn't have the originality Breath of the Wild did.
  • I preferred the Great Plateau opening with the King compared to the islands (after the cool opening walking/cutscenes with Zelda and Ganondorf showing up).
  • Call me a scrub/casual all you want, but Breath of the Wild is more forgiving in terms of difficulty. When a game has no difficulty settings, I tend to prefer a similar game that's easier. Since the games are so open-ended, there will be some who will tell me Tears of the Kingdom is an easier game. @SvennoJ seems to think so. 

TotK is harder at the start, the great plateau was a way better opening and training ground. Yet after you get going in TotK all challenge disappears. In BotW I went South from the Great Plateau and first went to the desert and mountains. It was tough surviving for the first 60 hours.

I went down into the Depths first thing in TotK and explored the entire area basically on 1 heart of health for the desperate strength bonus. The abundance of puff shrooms and muddle buds made combat trivial. TotK gives you homing arrows next to bullet time, more hearts, more instant heal food, instant death insurance.(quarter heart left so you can always heal)

Bosses in TotK are very easy. Only the Gleeoks give a bit of challenge, yet with homing arrows they are more of a resource drain than any danger. The floating colliseum (Lynels) was very easy with puff shrooms. In TotK I never parried or blocked once, not needed.

TotK has an upside down difficulty curve. It's a power fantasy, you literally become unstoppable. The only enemy left in the end is the rain! But it did lead to finding inventive fun silly ways to get rid of enemies. No danger, time to experiment.

SvennoJ said:

TotK has an upside down difficulty curve. It's a power fantasy, you literally become unstoppable. The only enemy left in the end is the rain! But it did lead to finding inventive fun silly ways to get rid of enemies. No danger, time to experiment.

Honestly, I'd describe both BotW and TotK as being this, just TotK's curve is maybe a bit more extreme.

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BOTW and it's not even close. TOTK has way to much bloat and the controls are a mess. the building mechanics and controls were very frustrating for me.

mZuzek said:
SvennoJ said:

TotK has an upside down difficulty curve. It's a power fantasy, you literally become unstoppable. The only enemy left in the end is the rain! But it did lead to finding inventive fun silly ways to get rid of enemies. No danger, time to experiment.

Honestly, I'd describe both BotW and TotK as being this, just TotK's curve is maybe a bit more extreme.

To be fair it's pretty common in open-world games. I've had the same experience in Skyrim, Witcher 3, Elden Ring, etc. With so much freedom it's hard to balance a game for every playstyle (and they usually seem to balance it for the ones that do as little side content as possible). Less DBZ scaling would definitely help tho, you don't really need as many hearts or armor as you can end up with.

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I think people kinda underestimate how much work was done on TOTK to re-do parts of the map that were previously, not empty per say, devoid of real activities to seek your teeth into. That's one aspect I appreciate being corrected over BOTW. So many range of fields or almost all of the Faron region was mostly a meaningless endeavour in the original. Now I do have better reasons to get back there than only for exploration sake.

Sorry, if you feel the added content comes out as a "bloated" experience, but to not reiterate and adding on the previous experience would've simply made the game not too convincing if we were to judge it as a sequel. The adds-on are more than warranted.

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BotW. TotK has its merits, but doesn't live up to its own potential like BotW does.

Love and tolerate.

I'm conflicted on this one myself.
As many have already said, BOTW had a novelty and freshness to it that really elevated the experience; as a direct sequel building on the same foundation, Tears naturally isn't as revelatory.

However, the core Rune abilities of Tears are more versatile and interesting than Breath's, which improves the core gameplay loop. Fuse expands the options for combat and makes weapon management more fun, Ascend brings a greater verticality to exploration and problem solving, Recall can be used for some very clever tricks, and Ultrahand has almost endless possibilities. There's a reason devs from across the industry were blown away by Tears of the Kingdom's mechanics.

It's a contest of newness vs refinement.