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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

So much of this discussion depends on details regarding the launch of the Super Switch, but I think at this point 160 million is pretty much a lock.

If they lower the price of the Switch (or do a bundle including 2 digital games like MK8D and smash or Mario Odyssey) then there's no chance for it to not become the best selling console of all time.

If the Switch 2 is $500 at launch and they keep the same pricing for the original switch then it will become the defacto budget console, and it will reach 160 million by that fact alone.

All of this is only true because breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom have such amazing word of mouth that people will feel like they're missing out by not playing them.

Super Switch will be on the market for 12-14 years. Anyway, I'm confident that Super Switch will launch with the best 3D Mario to date and be backwards compatible with switch titles, have ps4 pro level graphics in a handheld, and be backwards compatible (with upgrades in many cases). So this discussion seems important now but in 2035 we'll all be talking about how crazy it is that the Super Switch sold 200 million and everything I said will be taken as gospel.

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

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XtremeBG said:
javi741 said:

The bigger discussion would be whether or not the Switch could somehow exceed 170M and outsell the combined total of Xbox One+PS4 sales which is at around 175M. Which would be mind-blowing if the Switch could outsell an entire generation in this day and age where every console is competitive in sales.

The PS2 did outsell it's entire generation pretty easily, but the competition was much weaker then than it is now. PS4 & Xbox One sales wise were considered successful systems and to outsell both combined is crazy.

If the Switch were to reach 170M in sales, that would mean the Switch would own 50% of the entire global video game console market, which would be considered a monopoly at that point by definition.

For me right now reaching 170M seems a bit too ambitious, bit if Nintendo keeps supporting the Switch longer then we'd expect and has post-Switch 3DS sales numbers in it's final year's, it could be possible.

It will certainly be a big success for the Switch, no doubt, however, when you think it's not so mind blowing since it's simply the handheld market selling more than a home console market. Yes Switch is hybrid, but most of the people use it and sees it primary as a handheld device. And for example 7th gen handhelds had sales of close to 240M combined (DS + PSP). So whatever Switch numbers finish, it simply means that the handheld market is around the number of the Switch, or very close to it (if you remove some units for the people that may use and got it to primary play it as a home console). So when you look it generally the handheld market is drastically smaller than what it was back in the 7th gen. It is simply meaning this. And because when you leave a console for longer than normal on the market as your major product, it will sell more consoles (of course it needs to be somewhat successful too). Like if you left the PS2 to be SONY major console with no competition for 8 years (no PS3, no 360) it would sell more for these 2 years, than actually was, and therefore it would reach even higher number. Same goes for PS4, DS, Gameboy if you want, PS1 too. It's not something new, the handheld market to be bigger than the hardcore home consoles. In the 7th gen handhelds sold almost 240M and the HD twins sold 173M. So even though the handheld market is not as big as it was back then, it is still powerful. Other thing is the inflation and the higher than normal prices for the new SKUs of the other consoles, and therefore the chances that Nintendo will launch Switch 2 for let's say 500$ instead of 400$ or 450$ instead of 350$ are bigger now. This will also greatly help the Switch sales in it's later years.

This is now the second post of yours clearly giving up on the idea of Switch failing to pass the PS2. Your first post was in a Japan sales thread or maybe the PS5 Pro announcement thread where you explain the prices are too high to stop/compete enough to stop Switch. Good to see more and more people come to their senses; however, I'm not going to let this cherrypicked data go by so easy.

You cherrypicked the 7th gen and maybe only time in history the handheld market was bigger and still resorted to cheating the home console market by leaving out the Wii. DS and PSP's 240M doesn't beat the Wii, PS3, and 360' 270M, but you ofcourse left out Wii because it goes against the narrative you are trying to paint. Now ofcourse I know you have your excuses for Wii but ofcourse my reply to that is the DS should be left out too for the same excuses. Brain Training and Nintendogs did for DS the same that Wii Sports and Wii Fit did for Wii. That's why 3DS sold half of DS. Wii to WiiU was a larger collapse because it had far less support than 3DS, which had more than Mario trying to singlehandedly carry it. Nintendo's top 5 selling ip are Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Smash Bros. 3DS had 4 of 5 of the mainline games, only missing Zelda. WiiU had 2 of 5, only having Mario mainline titles and Smash Bros. WiiU got it's first mainline none remake Zelda with BoTW and I'm sure you are smart enough to know WiiU was already dead by that point. 

In conclusion, the handheld market is certainly smaller than the home console market, it's the reason MS and Sony prefer it. It's obviously larger and has far more support. Switch's success isnt because of it's portability or else Vita wouldn't have completely collapsed. Switch's success is due to Nintendo's first party support being fully behind a single platform. You also don't get to speak for the entire Switch market, people use it how they see fit, that's convience. Of course being used as a handheld more, that's more convenient than docked. 

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 24 September 2024

Phenomajp13 said:

This is now the second post of yours clearly giving up on the idea of Switch failing to pass the PS2. Your first post was in a Japan sales thread or maybe the PS5 Pro announcement thread where you explain the prices are too high to stop/compete enough to stop Switch. Good to see more and more people come to their senses; however, I'm not going to let this cherrypicked data go by so easy.

You cherrypicked the 7th gen and maybe only time in history the handheld market was bigger and still resorted to cheating the home console market by leaving out the Wii. DS and PSP's 240M doesn't beat the Wii, PS3, and 360' 270M, but you ofcourse left out Wii because it goes against the narrative you are trying to paint. Now ofcourse I know you have your excuses for Wii but ofcourse my reply to that is the DS should be left out too for the same excuses. Brain Training and Nintendogs did for DS the same that Wii Sports and Wii Fit did for Wii. That's why 3DS sold half of DS. Wii to WiiU was a larger collapse because it had far less support than 3DS, which had more than Mario trying to singlehandedly carry it. Nintendo's top 5 selling ip are Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Smash Bros. 3DS had 4 of 5 of the mainline games, only missing Zelda. WiiU had 2 of 5, only having Mario mainline titles and Smash Bros. WiiU got it's first mainline none remake Zelda with BoTW and I'm sure you are smart enough to know WiiU was already dead by that point. 

In conclusion, the handheld market is certainly smaller than the home console market, it's the reason MS and Sony prefer it. It's obviously larger and has far more support. Switch's success isnt because of it's portability or else Vita wouldn't have completely collapsed. Switch's success is due to Nintendo's first party support being fully behind a single platform. You also don't get to speak for the entire Switch market, people use it how they see fit, that's convience. Of course being used as a handheld more, that's more convenient than docked. 

I am not giving an idea for the Switch failing to pass the PS2. I am giving my opinion about the delay of the Switch 2 launch and the higher than expected prices for the new models of the XBOX and PS alongside missing a price cut for them, meaning Nintendo may also put higher than expected price for the next successor, and all of that helping Switch to more easily reach and beat the 160M. I am not excluding the case where Switch don't passes 155M for example, however with the things I mentioned, now it becomes a little more unlikely, and reaching 160M becomes more likely than before. It's simply that. No one denies Switch's success.

I picked 7th gen for an example, I haven't said that it hasn't been done before in history, maybe with the Gameboy it was, but the most recent example is 7th gen. And I exactly said in my post "It's not something new, the handheld market to be bigger than the hardcore home consoles". So I exactly point out the HD twins here, not including Wii. since the hardcore home market is the same people that bought PS3 and 360 and pretty much the same people that are buying PS5 and XBSX now, and the same ones who bought PS4 and XB1.

As I said in the beginning of the post it will be success for the Switch, no doubt about it, but when you look at it in general, it's simply people that were in the handheld market before, they are here now, however now you have only one main choice - Switch, before you had 2. And the market is smaller too. Of course there is different periods where the consoles performed worse like the 3DS and the PSP or even the failure that was the Vita. And also I am not talking for the Switch not being successful or something, I am simply talking about the post I quoted and the Switch possibility of passing 170M. The factors are many.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 24 September 2024

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XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

This is now the second post of yours clearly giving up on the idea of Switch failing to pass the PS2. Your first post was in a Japan sales thread or maybe the PS5 Pro announcement thread where you explain the prices are too high to stop/compete enough to stop Switch. Good to see more and more people come to their senses; however, I'm not going to let this cherrypicked data go by so easy.

You cherrypicked the 7th gen and maybe only time in history the handheld market was bigger and still resorted to cheating the home console market by leaving out the Wii. DS and PSP's 240M doesn't beat the Wii, PS3, and 360' 270M, but you ofcourse left out Wii because it goes against the narrative you are trying to paint. Now ofcourse I know you have your excuses for Wii but ofcourse my reply to that is the DS should be left out too for the same excuses. Brain Training and Nintendogs did for DS the same that Wii Sports and Wii Fit did for Wii. That's why 3DS sold half of DS. Wii to WiiU was a larger collapse because it had far less support than 3DS, which had more than Mario trying to singlehandedly carry it. Nintendo's top 5 selling ip are Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Smash Bros. 3DS had 4 of 5 of the mainline games, only missing Zelda. WiiU had 2 of 5, only having Mario mainline titles and Smash Bros. WiiU got it's first mainline none remake Zelda with BoTW and I'm sure you are smart enough to know WiiU was already dead by that point. 

In conclusion, the handheld market is certainly smaller than the home console market, it's the reason MS and Sony prefer it. It's obviously larger and has far more support. Switch's success isnt because of it's portability or else Vita wouldn't have completely collapsed. Switch's success is due to Nintendo's first party support being fully behind a single platform. You also don't get to speak for the entire Switch market, people use it how they see fit, that's convience. Of course being used as a handheld more, that's more convenient than docked. 

I am not giving an idea for the Switch failing to pass the PS2. I am giving my opinion, which on the whole topic, which is now with the delay of the Switch 2 launch and the higher than expected prices for the new models of the XBOX and PS alongside missing a price cut for them, meaning Nintendo may also put higher than expected price for the next successor, all of that helping Switch to more easily reach and beat the 160M. I am not excluding the case where Switch don't passes 155M for example, however with the things I mentioned, now it becomes a little more unlikely, and reaching 160M becomes more likely than before. It's simply that.

I picked 7th gen for an example, I haven't said that it hasn't been done before in history, Maybe with the Gameboy It was, but the most recent example is 7th gen. And I exactly said in my post "It's not something new, the handheld market to be bigger than the hardcore home consoles". So I exactly point out the HD twins here, not including Wii. since the hardcore home market is the same people that bought PS3 and 360 and pretty much the same people that are buying PS5 and XBSX now, and the same ones who bought PS4 and XB1.

As I said in the beginning of the post it will be success for the Switch, no doubt about it, but when you look at it in general, it's simply people that are in the handheld market before, they are here now, and are buying, simply now you have only one main choice - Switch, before you had 2. Of course there is different periods where the consoles performed worse like the 3DS and the PSP or even the failure that was the Vita. And also I am not talking for the Switch not being successful or something, I am simply talking about the post I quoted and the Switch possibility of passing 170M. The factors are many.

Again the first paragraph is you expressing your opinion about how it is now more likely. Which I agree but you cherrypicking the 7th gen is ridiculous. Your logic makes no sense no matter how you slice it. Its poor analysis period, you want to compare the entire handheld market to just a made up subset of the home console market, completely ignoring 360 being carried by Kinect? So shouldnt that be left out of your hardcore subset? You also dont get to just ignore every other handheld market besides one (7th gen). The latest gen (8th gen), saw the handheld market collapse to under 100 million (3DS & Vita). The other gens before the 7th and 8th gens never saw the handheld market above 150 million. I could even argue never above 125 million considering the GameBoy shouldn't include GBC (its successor). Your whole point here is nothing more than the Switch is handheld pulling from this huge handheld market that only Nintendo can access so poor MS/Sony are at a disadvantage. That is a lie, only the 7th gen supports your agenda and even it needed its data cherrypicked to fit your criteria. The only thing you are doing is proving how butthurt people get about the Switch's success. It's a handheld when needing to explain why it kicked Playstation's teeth in but a home console when needing to explain why its future iterations are in trouble. That's when WiiU and Switch comparisons return. Switch isn't pulling from a handheld or home console market, it's pulling from all of the gaming market. MS and Sony have just plainly done a poor job of doing the same. 

Phenomajp13 said:

Again the first paragraph is you expressing your opinion about how it is now more likely. Which I agree but you cherrypicking the 7th gen is ridiculous. Your logic makes no sense no matter how you slice it. Its poor analysis period, you want to compare the entire handheld market to just a made up subset of the home console market, completely ignoring 360 being carried by Kinect? So shouldnt that be left out of your hardcore subset? You also dont get to just ignore every other handheld market besides one (7th gen). The latest gen (8th gen), saw the handheld market collapse to under 100 million (3DS & Vita). The other gens before the 7th and 8th gens never saw the handheld market above 150 million. I could even argue never above 125 million considering the GameBoy shouldn't include GBC (its successor). Your whole point here is nothing more than the Switch is handheld pulling from this huge handheld market that only Nintendo can access so poor MS/Sony are at a disadvantage. That is a lie, only the 7th gen supports your agenda and even it needed its data cherrypicked to fit your criteria. The only thing you are doing is proving how butthurt people get about the Switch's success. It's a handheld when needing to explain why it kicked Playstation's teeth in but a home console when needing to explain why its future iterations are in trouble. That's when WiiU and Switch comparisons return. Switch isn't pulling from a handheld or home console market, it's pulling from all of the gaming market. MS and Sony have just plainly done a poor job of doing the same.

You are taking this as a console war. And in my last 3 posts, I am not. I am simply saying that the handheld market (which Switch covers on almost 100% the last 7 years) has already been way more higher than 170M - (PSP+DS). So it's not mind blowing if you look it from that point of view, as the handheld market in general. It's mind blowing when you look the Switch as a console. The handheld market already reached higher point than what it is now. And don't get into handheld or home debate. Not all of the Switch owners bought it to use it as a handheld, but all of the people that wanted handheld bought the Switch, since they didn't really have other choice. And stop taking everything as a lie or bias. It's simply the obvious thing. You are the one who flames right away when reading something about the Switch, other than praising it. Not me. And don't mistake me for other people. I have nothing against Switch. You have to be realist in life, not optimist or pessimist, you have to look things from every perspective and view, not only through rose-tinted glasses. Switch is success, but this does not exclude that there are factors in it's life on the market that helped it, more than many of other consoles had. This is off topic of course, my original point you can read in the first lines.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 24 September 2024

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XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Again the first paragraph is you expressing your opinion about how it is now more likely. Which I agree but you cherrypicking the 7th gen is ridiculous. Your logic makes no sense no matter how you slice it. Its poor analysis period, you want to compare the entire handheld market to just a made up subset of the home console market, completely ignoring 360 being carried by Kinect? So shouldnt that be left out of your hardcore subset? You also dont get to just ignore every other handheld market besides one (7th gen). The latest gen (8th gen), saw the handheld market collapse to under 100 million (3DS & Vita). The other gens before the 7th and 8th gens never saw the handheld market above 150 million. I could even argue never above 125 million considering the GameBoy shouldn't include GBC (its successor). Your whole point here is nothing more than the Switch is handheld pulling from this huge handheld market that only Nintendo can access so poor MS/Sony are at a disadvantage. That is a lie, only the 7th gen supports your agenda and even it needed its data cherrypicked to fit your criteria. The only thing you are doing is proving how butthurt people get about the Switch's success. It's a handheld when needing to explain why it kicked Playstation's teeth in but a home console when needing to explain why its future iterations are in trouble. That's when WiiU and Switch comparisons return. Switch isn't pulling from a handheld or home console market, it's pulling from all of the gaming market. MS and Sony have just plainly done a poor job of doing the same.

You are taking this as a console war. And in my last 3 posts, I am not. I am simply saying that the handheld market (which Switch covers on almost 100% the last 7 years) has already been way more higher than 170M - (PSP+DS). So it's not mind blowing if you look it from that point of view, as the handheld market in general. It's mind blowing when you look the Switch as a console. The handheld market already reached higher point than what it is now. And don't get into handheld or home debate. Not all of the Switch owners bought it to use it as a handheld, but all of the people that wanted handheld bought the Switch, since they didn't really have other choice. And stop taking everything as a lie or bias. It's simply the obvious thing. You are the one who flames right away when reading something about the Switch, other than praising it. Not me. And don't mistake me for other people. I have nothing against Switch. You have to be realist in life, not optimist or pessimist, you have to look things from every perspective and view, not only through rose-tinted glasses. Switch is success, but this does not exclude that there are factors in it's life on the market that helped it, more than many of other consoles had. This is off topic of course, my original point you can read in the first lines.

I'm taking it that way because that's what it looks like. You are straight up cherry picking one time in history and then refuse to do the same for the home console market in that same generation. You are using a fluke generation to prove the Switch has an entire, inflated market to itself. You are doing this to back up you claims of Switch having advantages that other platforms did not have. This is all obviously an attempt to downplay because your PS2 prediction is in trouble. Anyone can cherrypick data to form made up reasons/excuses. This is your attempt to explain why Switch is on the verge of matching MS and Sony combined and you simply know how bad that sounds about the so called market leader (Playstation).

Phenomajp13 said:

I'm taking it that way because that's what it looks like. You are straight up cherry picking one time in history and then refuse to do the same for the home console market in that same generation. You are using a fluke generation to prove the Switch has an entire, inflated market to itself. You are doing this to back up you claims of Switch having advantages that other platforms did not have. This is all obviously an attempt to downplay because your PS2 prediction is in trouble. Anyone can cherrypick data to form made up reasons/excuses. This is your attempt to explain why Switch is on the verge of matching MS and Sony combined and you simply know how bad that sounds about the so called market leader (Playstation).

You are exaggerating and being delusional here. I am not cherry picking anything, I am simply giving an example that the handheld market has already been bigger than what it is for the last 7 years. It's simply that. I am not excluding the periods with lower sales, I am saying that because the handheld market has reached greater numbers, it's not mind blowing that now it can reach 170M. For that I need to give example with a case of more sales and not less. It's not comparing Switch vs anything or trying to downplay it or whatsoever. If that was the case I would try to do it much more often and with much more bigger and explaining posts for example. Also this has nothing to do with proving. It's known fact that Switch has the generation for itself. And this fact only helps it. And yes Switch has advantages other consoles don't. PS2 is another console with such advantages. This is not downplaying this is simply stating what the facts are. The sales are sales no matter how they happened, and no one can deny them. There is reasons of course. There are reasons for anything in life. And no I don't attempt anything. And no Switch is not on the verge of matching MS and Sony combined, first of all this example is not with consoles launching and selling at the same time how it should be if we take it to straight battle. Second the generation the example was given by @javi741 was about generation before in a different period and different factors. And third Switch is not on the verge, it's still full 30M+ behind. Switch may very well die before reaching 155M. It all depends on Nintendo now, when they will announce and launch the new system, how will they market it, what price they will choose, and how they will continue to support and market the Switch 1 as well. Also this has nothing to do with PlayStation, and the only place where PS is leader is the traditional home console market. Unless they beat Nintendo on the handheld front too, they are not leaders.

Edit: One more thing, my prediction as of recently if you follow my posts, is adjusted, for the two recent things I talked about 2 posts earlier (the delayed launch of the successor alongside the price things) and in the latest thread with predictions I wrote 155-160M for the Switch, therefore my prediction is no more putting it under PS2, it is putting it right around PS2, and I am no hiding it, and don't have a problem saying it. Update yourself on the matter and look your calendar when you write posts like these, please. PS2 number is in trouble (for me personally) since earlier in the year and I said it few months ago when the report of delaying the Switch 2 got out. Also I don't mind if it passes the PS2 or not, everything is just opinion and predictions. With the new things we learned out this year it's way more likely now that Switch may reach PS2 numbers, compete against them, and even pass them, it all depends from Nintendo. Some of the work is done (like delaying it till next year, and competitors announcing higher than expected prices, and at the same time no price cuts for the current models, which may have result on Nintendo strategy going forward as well.)

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 24 September 2024

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XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

I'm taking it that way because that's what it looks like. You are straight up cherry picking one time in history and then refuse to do the same for the home console market in that same generation. You are using a fluke generation to prove the Switch has an entire, inflated market to itself. You are doing this to back up you claims of Switch having advantages that other platforms did not have. This is all obviously an attempt to downplay because your PS2 prediction is in trouble. Anyone can cherrypick data to form made up reasons/excuses. This is your attempt to explain why Switch is on the verge of matching MS and Sony combined and you simply know how bad that sounds about the so called market leader (Playstation).

You are exaggerating and being delusional here. I am not cherry picking anything, I am simply giving an example that the handheld market has already been bigger than what it is for the last 7 years. It's simply that. I am not excluding the periods with lower sales, I am saying that because the handheld market has reached greater numbers, it's not mind blowing that now it can reach 170M. For that I need to give example with a case of more sales and not less. It's not comparing Switch vs anything or trying to downplay it or whatsoever. If that was the case I would try to do it much more often and with much more bigger and explaining posts for example. Also this has nothing to do with proving. It's known fact that Switch has the generation for itself. And this fact only helps it. And yes Switch has advantages other consoles don't. PS2 is another console with such advantages. This is not downplaying this is simply stating what the facts are. The sales are sales no matter how they happened, and no one can deny them. There is reasons of course. There are reasons for anything in life. And no I don't attempt anything. And no Switch is not on the verge of matching MS and Sony combined, first of all this example is not with consoles launching and selling at the same time how it should be if we take it to straight battle. Second the generation the example was given by @javi741 was about generation before in a different period and different factors. And third Switch is not on the verge, it's still full 30M+ behind. Switch may very well die before reaching 155M. It all depends on Nintendo now, when they will announce and launch the new system, how will they market it, what price they will choose, and how they will continue to support and market the Switch 1 as well. Also this has nothing to do with PlayStation, and the only place where PS is leader is the traditional home console market. Unless they beat Nintendo on the handheld front too, they are not leaders.

Ok I'm going to take it all at face value then. It's mindblowing because Switch is possibly going to challenge PS4 and Xbox One combined. The so called market leader by many on this site. Javi would have said the same about Xbox Series and PS5 when their time is up. That will probably be easier might I add, since both are on route to sell less than their predecessors. It looks like cherrypicking because no other time in history was the handheld market that large and it's highly inflated similar to the home console market at that same time but yet you don't acknowledge that in you 7th gen handheld market compared to the hardcore home console market. You are also making definitions that can't be determined such as calling the HD twins the hardcore market or stating the Switch has no competition. Those are all things that a Nintendo distractor would say to downplay, so how exactly do you think I would be able to set you apart from them?

Phenomajp13 said:

Ok I'm going to take it all at face value then. It's mindblowing because Switch is possibly going to challenge PS4 and Xbox One combined. The so called market leader by many on this site. Javi would have said the same about Xbox Series and PS5 when their time is up. That will probably be easier might I add, since both are on route to sell less than their predecessors. It looks like cherrypicking because no other time in history was the handheld market that large and it's highly inflated similar to the home console market at that same time but yet you don't acknowledge that in you 7th gen handheld market compared to the hardcore home console market. You are also making definitions that can't be determined such as calling the HD twins the hardcore market or stating the Switch has no competition. Those are all things that a Nintendo distractor would say to downplay, so how exactly do you think I would be able to set you apart from them?

Set apart whoever you want, from whatever you want. This does no change the facts and the obvious things that I pointed out. And yes Switch might pass both PS5 and XBSX, even DS might, I myself even started comparison of PS5&XBSX vs DS in my thread. What is your point again ? It's not cherry picking, it's simply stating that the handheld market has had more hardware sales before than what it has now. That's it. I am not downplaying anything, I am stating that it's not mind blowing since 170M and even more has been done before from the handheld market (back in 7th gen). I am also not making definitons, I just used example to compare the PS+XB numbers, it's not bound with anything. It's was just example of PS+XB numbers, since @javi741 used that. What you can't understand ? And how many times I have to say that Switch is success, to stop saying I am trying to downplay it's success ?

My primary threads:

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Lifetime Showdowns: Global / Regional / Historical / YOY Charts / 150M+ Club Chart

Polls: When will the Switch: Outsell the DS? / Outsell the PS2? / LT expectations of: Switch / PS5 / XBSX

XtremeBG said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Ok I'm going to take it all at face value then. It's mindblowing because Switch is possibly going to challenge PS4 and Xbox One combined. The so called market leader by many on this site. Javi would have said the same about Xbox Series and PS5 when their time is up. That will probably be easier might I add, since both are on route to sell less than their predecessors. It looks like cherrypicking because no other time in history was the handheld market that large and it's highly inflated similar to the home console market at that same time but yet you don't acknowledge that in you 7th gen handheld market compared to the hardcore home console market. You are also making definitions that can't be determined such as calling the HD twins the hardcore market or stating the Switch has no competition. Those are all things that a Nintendo distractor would say to downplay, so how exactly do you think I would be able to set you apart from them?

Set apart whoever you want, from whatever you want. This does no change the facts and the obvious things that I pointed out. And yes Switch might pass both PS5 and XBSX, even DS might, I myself even started comparison of PS5&XBSX vs DS in my thread. What is your point again ? It's not cherry picking, it's simply stating that the handheld market has had more hardware sales before than what it has now. That's it. I am not downplaying anything, I am stating that it's not mind blowing since 170M and even more has been done before from the handheld market (back in 7th gen). I am also not making definitons, I just used example to compare the PS+XB numbers, it's not bound with anything. It's was just example of PS+XB numbers, since @javi741 used that. What you can't understand ? And how many times I have to say that Switch is success, to stop saying I am trying to downplay it's success ?

The 7th gen also had 270 million home consoles, so yes it's quite surprising to see a single platform with potential to beat the entire home console market. Quite impressive.