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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Road to 160m+ for Nintendo Switch

javi741 said:
Chicho said:

According to VG chartz

1PlayStation 2 (PS2)
2PlayStation 4 (PS4)
3Nintendo Switch (NS)
4Xbox 360 (X360)
5PlayStation 3 (PS3)
6PlayStation (PS)
7Nintendo DS (DS)
8Nintendo Wii (Wii)
9Game Boy (GB)
10Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
11Nintendo 3DS (3DS)
12Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
13Game Boy Advance (GBA)
14PlayStation Portable (PSP)
15Xbox (XB)
16Nintendo 64 (N64)
17GameCube (GC)
18Sega Genesis (GEN)
19Atari 2600 (2600)
20Nintendo Wii U (WiiU)

The PS4 sold more software than the PS2. Vgchartz latest software sales figures don't seem to be updated for the PS4. That or maybe Sony includes download-only titles in their software sales figure which Vgchartz may not count but I'm not sure.

But in 2021 it was confirmed PS4 outsold the PS2's software sales with its 2021 figure being at around 1.57 Billion sold and likely decently higher in 2024, maybe like 1.7 billion.

I do like the add the caveat that for Nintendo Switch, Nintendo does not count 'download only' titles. Not to be confused by digital sales of games that are also available as physical, those are counted.

Source Page 50:

This is the November 8th 2023 report explaining the Switch life up until 31 June 2023 last year. The software numbers correspond what was reported at the time as software numbers for each Fiscal year., meaning up until FQ23.

Three times on this page it's explicitly mentioned that 'download only' titles are not included in these numbers. We have no idea how many those would be. The Switch is popular with indies that are typically download only titles. But again no clue how many.

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Tober said:
javi741 said:

The PS4 sold more software than the PS2. Vgchartz latest software sales figures don't seem to be updated for the PS4. That or maybe Sony includes download-only titles in their software sales figure which Vgchartz may not count but I'm not sure.

But in 2021 it was confirmed PS4 outsold the PS2's software sales with its 2021 figure being at around 1.57 Billion sold and likely decently higher in 2024, maybe like 1.7 billion.

I do like the add the caveat that for Nintendo Switch, Nintendo does not count 'download only' titles. Not to be confused by digital sales of games that are also available as physical, those are counted.

Source Page 50:

This is the November 8th 2023 report explaining the Switch life up until 31 June 2023 last year. The software numbers correspond what was reported at the time as software numbers for each Fiscal year., meaning up until FQ23.

Three times on this page it's explicitly mentioned that 'download only' titles are not included in these numbers. We have no idea how many those would be. The Switch is popular with indies that are typically download only titles. But again no clue how many.

I'm curious if Sony or Microsoft include "digital-only" software in these figures. It makes sense for Nintendo not to include them since they can be a bit decieving (I'm thinking about the $1 shovelware...the Switch eShop is in shambles with how much "Adult Content (iykyk)" and "AI Generated" games are pumped onto the store). In the instance that neither Sony nor Microsoft include these figures, then there's truthfully no "caveat" here. If they do choose to include these figrues, however, then their software figures are greatly inflated.

If they plan to keep the Switch around as a budget option post-successor kinda like they did for 3DS, then they may kill off the OLED and base model in short order as it wouldn't make much sense to have a $350 OLED selling alongside a $400 or $450 Switch 2.

The Lite could be kept around, but it's also possible they release a new budget model that can "Switch" sort of like the New 2DS XL that released right at the end of the 3DS's lifespan.

It's also entirely possible they just quicky axe the current Switch altogether once the successor hits, similar to the DS and PS4. This is the only scenario in which I see Switch falling short of 160m.

firebush03 said:

I'm curious if Sony or Microsoft include "digital-only" software in these figures. It makes sense for Nintendo not to include them since they can be a bit decieving (I'm thinking about the $1 shovelware...the Switch eShop is in shambles with how much "Adult Content (iykyk)" and "AI Generated" games are pumped onto the store). In the instance that neither Sony nor Microsoft include these figures, then there's truthfully no "caveat" here. If they do choose to include these figrues, however, then their software figures are greatly inflated.

Sony does include digital-only games.

Microsoft doesn't publish totals at all because that would reveal how bad they are doing.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

So how can we get the most up to date PS4 software sales lifetime ?

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Honestly if Nintendo really tried I truly believe the Switch could easily sell 170+ Million Units with more new models and agressive price cuts. I'm just predicting 160M for now because I have my doubts Nintendo is gonna do that.

We're already 7.5 years into the Switch's life with zero price cuts and it still sold 2M in a quarter, and the Switch is already about to sell 150M units without a single price cut, it's coming to the point where a price cut wouldn't even be that effective since the Switch's market is as saturated as you can ask for from a console that's sold that much, there wouldn't even be that many people left for a price cut to be that effective.

Also, I feel like price cuts are becoming more and more obsolete in console gaming, console companies are focusing less on offering a bang for your buck when it comes to specs and more on affordability and cheaper hardware to launch to be more appealing and profitable since consumers have demonstrated they don't care much about specs, which means that consoles are requiring less price cuts since they've already launched at an affordable, profitable level. Even the Wii U despite its struggles never got another price cut after the Aug 2013 50$ cut because Nintendo decided to prioritize profitability over sales. I have my doubts that the Switch will ever get a price cut cause of this.

Additionally, I'm sure Nintendo would rather have the Switch not get a price cut so it looks relatively expensive compared to the Switch 2 to just encourage people to get a Switch 2 for only 50-100$ more. Nintendo wants to sell you on new software, not old.

And tbh, the Switch technically did get a price cut adjusting for inflation, a 300$ Switch in 2017 would be equivalent to 385$ in 2024. The current 300$ price tag is essentially 85$ less expensive in 2024 standards compared to 2017$. I'm sure Nintendo realizes this as well.

As for a new Switch model, it's definitely not out of the ordinary for Nintendo to release a new console model near or post-successor launch as it has happened many times before. The New 2DS, Wii Mini, Gameboy Micro, I think an SNES model as well. However, I feel like i'd hear more rumors of a new Switch model if it were coming like we were hearing about the Switch Lite & Oled but the rumors been dead silent when it comes to any new Switch model. So if there is one, it definitely isn't coming in the foreseeable future. Also, I feel like if there was a new Switch model, around this time in 2023-2024 would've been the perfect time launch one, two-three years since the Oled, sales slowing down, not a lot going on but there hasn't been anything on it which is making me believe they might've gave up on any new Switch models all-together.

Last edited by javi741 - on 10 August 2024

I think the age of price cuts is behind us, and it wouldn't surprise me if the Switch retains its price point to the day it's discontinued. Companies seem to have run the numbers and decided it's not worth it, not to mention the current economic climate which is seeing PS5 and Xbox Series raising rather than lowering their prices.

One thing's for sure though, and that is that Nintendo doesn't care about arbitrary sales milestones. If they did, they would have printed another 1 million Wiis so they could say they outsold the PS1, or another 6 million DS's so they could say they outsold the PS2.
They care more about profit than units sold; they're not going to be aggressive in pushing for the #1 spot. if it happens, it happens, but they're not going to go out of their way to ensure it.

XtremeBG said:

So how can we get the most up to date PS4 software sales lifetime ?

You hope that Sony gives a final number once they shift from lumping the PS4/5 software figures to PS5/6 instead.

XtremeBG said:

Is Switch 2 coming at bad time?

No.  What prompted you to ask?

Goomba said:

As things are, Switch wont even hit 150 mil at the end of its life, except maybe if Nintendo cut the price by a hefty margin. 160+ mil is just pure delirium.

As things are?  That projection is on the far left hand side of the bell curve.

XtremeBG said:

So how can we get the most up to date PS4 software sales lifetime ?

Infiltrate Sony like you're Solid Snake or something. j/k

Sony has to provide that exact information directly. 

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Renamed said:
XtremeBG said:

Is Switch 2 coming at bad time?

No.  What prompted you to ask?

XtremeBG said:

So how can we get the most up to date PS4 software sales lifetime ?

Infiltrate Sony like you're Solid Snake or something. j/k

Sony has to provide that exact information directly.

The first one - I am not asking, the question in the video from the link is this, and I posted it exactly. And the reason I posted it, it's not about this but the price cut that Pachter predicts.

The second one - This is obvious, but what is the latest confirmed software sales for the PS4 ?

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 12 August 2024

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