Those are three incredibly random countries to compare.
Sweeden has a population density of 25 people per square kilometer. Israel has 400. That is 16 times as densely populated, which is the ideal situation for a virus to spread. The US is 36 per square km. I'm not sure why anyone without an agenda to skew reality would pick those three countries. There is also no source for that data.
Hard to get an ideal comparison with population density, but at least we could compare similar populations as common sense would dictate. Virginia has roughly the same number of people as Israel.
Virginia has had 32 cases on average per day for the past 90 days, so it has had roughly 900 deaths over the same period, despite being far more sparsely populated than Israel. 83.77 per square km. So Israel is at least doing better than Virginia. (All data from Google's which is sourced to wikipedia and ny times, unless otherwise stated).
Florida by the way had 6,600 deaths in August. A little less than three times the population, far more spread out, but 8 times the deaths. Texas had 150. Yesterday.
Another curious thing is why we would analyze only the last 30 days. We have more data. How many covid deaths in July? 40 by my count. May? 5 by my count. April, 115 by my count. For comparison sake, in April, in Florida 1,736 people died. In July, Texas had about 600 (a little over 3x the population way less dense overall). Tennessee managed about 600 in August, nearly matching Israel. Very impressive for a state with about 2.3 million less people than Israel and about 1/7 the population density.
When one zooms out the chart showing deaths by vaccination status, as one would assuming they were a competent and honest person and not incompetent or trying to push a moronic agenda, they would see a clear picture. From January when the data begins, unvaccinated deaths dwarf vaccinated deaths. It's not even close. After several months of vaccination, deaths among the vaccinated were virtually non existent and unvaccinated deaths began lowering as well. And, the total deaths overall were basically zero from around the end of March until the middle of July. The curve was flat.
Then, at the end of July, deaths among those who had been vaccinated started shooting up reaching about the same levels as the unvaccinated. But, only among those who did not receive booster shots. Among those who did receive a booster, the death rate was still less than 1 per day.
Assuming one is not a dishonest shithead trying to push an agenda, the conclusions to be drawn are clear. Vaccination is effective, but the vaccination's effectiveness wears off over time. Thus, the best course of action is to vaccinate, and give boosters at around 6 months. I assume that's the point you were trying to make.
Thanks for demonstrate the efficacy of vaccines for us <3 I hope the world will follow your sage advice and follow Israel's model!
Last edited by JWeinCom - on 07 September 2021