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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS5 Worldwide December predictions


How much PS5 will sell worldwide in December ?

10M+ 3 10.34%
8-10M 3 10.34%
7-8M 3 10.34%
6-7M 5 17.24%
5-6M 7 24.14%
4-5M 4 13.79%
Under 4M 4 13.79%

So the only month that is left of 2023 is December. It will be 5 weeks month including Cyber Monday.

November was very strong for the PS5, making 3.5M for the system, only 3 systems have beat that.

Here is top 5 list of Decembers till now with the November numbers for reference as well:

System November December
DS (2008) 3.8M 7.6M
DS (2007) 3M 7.5M
Wii (2009) 2.8M 7.4M
DS (2009) 3.3M 7M
NSW (2019) 2M 6.8M

With this keep in mind that PS3 Decembers were double on the November months, however the PS4's Decembers were only 20 to 30% stronger then their corresponding Novembers.

Write your opinions, predictions, and vote!

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 14 December 2023

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I went with 7-8 Million.

Gotta be a "safe zone".

If we go with the PS4 logic, which I agree with because I think Holiday purchases have increasingly become early for shoppers in comparison to a decade ago, then it would lend the PS5 at around 4.2M-4.5M

I could see it reach more at about 5M.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

I've gone with just over 5 million. 

There's a new round open in the Prediction League, if anyone wants to put their pride (and VG$) on the line by predicting any of the platforms' lifetime figures by the end of the year - 

I voted 7-8m.... which is way too optimistic (im not expecting it to reach that).

"Here is top 5 list of Decembers till now with the November numbers for reference as well:"

The PS5 is about to take one of those November spots (top5).
Its gone well over 2m this year in november.

From resetera, november sales:

EU (minus DE): 1.3m+ 
#1 PS5: +376%   (up 376% compaired to last years november)
#2 NSW: -35%
#3 XBS -26%

UK: 0.49m
#1 PS5 +126%
#2 XBS +4%
#3 NSW -19%

US: ~2m
#1 PS5: <1,062,000 >1,000,000
#2 XBS: <584,000
#3 NSW: <584,000
All down >20% in the US.

Its done like a 1million in EU and US alone. Factor in rest of the world.... and its gotta be 2,5-3m for november.

If its december is as strong as its november was..... it could be hitting 5m+ numbers.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 15 December 2023

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JRPGfan said:

"Here is top 5 list of Decembers till now with the November numbers for reference as well:"

The PS5 is about to take one of those November spots (top5).
Its gone well over 2m this year in november.

Its done like a 1million in EU and US alone. Factor in rest of the world.... and its gotta be 2,5-3m for november.

I know very well what PS5 sold in november, but this list is not top 5 of november sales, but a top 5 of december sales. (November numbers are only for reference of those particular console's the year their decemeber is just for comparison and to predict it easier based on that).

And also if it's december is strong as it's november (which finished at 3rd place out of all - I am putting it on par with PS4's best november cuz they are almost equal) Then it should break the 7M mark for december.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 15 December 2023

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Judging it on how the PS4 sold in December compared to November from 2014-2018 I'm going with 4.6m. Maybe the five-week vs four-week put's it above that. 

PS4's peak December was 4.8m. The November we just had PS5 basically matched the PS4's peak November. I can't see the PS5 suddenly demolishing PS4's best December so If it somehow reached above 6m I'd be incredibly shocked.

4.6m in December would bring the 2023 total to 22.5m sales.

I think the poll options start a bit high, and I accidentally voted for 5-6m lol.

Last edited by Zippy6 - on 15 December 2023

From resetera GSD european sales november thread:

Nov 2023:
PS5 ~978k
NSW ~267k
XBS ~54k

Based on rough 2022 estimates

(this is without factoring in UK, and germany).
The fact that PS5 sold like 18 times, the amount of console is crazy.
I know, UK is the one market in the EU, where it has a fighting chance, and thats not included in these numbers, but still... wow.

Zippy6 said:

Judging it on how the PS4 sold in December compared to November from 2014-2018 I'm going with 4.6m. Maybe the five-week vs four-week put's it above that. 

PS4's peak December was 4.8m. The November we just had PS5 basically matched the PS4's peak November. I can't see the PS5 suddenly demolishing PS4's best December so If it somehow reached above 6m I'd be incredibly shocked.

4.6m in December would bring the 2023 total to 22.5m sales.

I think the poll options start a bit high, and I accidentally voted for 5-6m lol.

If you want to vote for 4.6M you can vote for the Under 5M option..

Also keep in mind that PS5's November matched PS4'peak November because of the US lower sales ..

December may be stronger. Also the Europe numbers wipe the floor with the PS4 numbers. If December is record breaking as November was 5M is the lowest it can reach.

P.S. I added " Under 4M option " for whoever wants to vote that, and chaged the Under 5M to 4-5M

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 15 December 2023

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I think around 4.5 million, Playstation tends to have a more even spread of sales throughout the holiday seasons and less of a massive boom in December like Nintendo.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar