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Forums - Sales Discussion - Switch 2 Sales Predictions: Next PS2 or Wii U Disaster?


How Many Units Will the Switch 2 Sell Worldwide in its Lifetime?

Under 20 million (Wii U 2.0 disaster?) 1 0.76%
20–50 million (Destined for an early death) 1 0.76%
50–75 million (Bit of a disappointment) 2 1.53%
75–100 million (Solid, but not legendary) 23 17.56%
100–150 million (Switch 2.0 confirmed) 84 64.12%
150 million+ (IT PRINTS MONEY!) 20 15.27%

There will be support from 8th and 9th gen 3rd parties and Xbox, something the OG switch lacked.
Nintendo itself is also growing.

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XtremeBG said:
killer7 said:

Sorry my bad, but still considerably down. Yes in 2020 it started it outselling it launch allinged, but since 2019 Switch was ahead clearly. Covid sure did much for the Switch no doubt, but the Switch was sucessfull long before Covid even started. The strange thing is: Why PS4 and Xbox one/ PS5 and Xbox SeX/SS did not benefit from Covid?

First: PS4: If Nintendo (a much smaller company than Sony) is able to ship/ produce 28 million+ Switch systems, wich require LCD screens as well and are harder to produce than PS4 an already established plattform, why is Sony not able to ship more than 8,5 million PS4s? Yes the console was on its way out but 8,5 million is really low. And the system started to be down YoY in 2019, before Covid.

XboxOne: No further explaination needed!

Xbox Series: Same

PS5: The so called "supply castrained" myth i do not buy. Nobody can tell me that Sony was not able to ship more PS5s than Switch systems in 2021 (the year it started being down YoY- of course on a high level). After its peak in 2023 PS5 started being down YoY in 2024. Sony as a biggrr company than Nintendo should have been able producinge more to begin with.

As I already said, both PS4 and XB1 had boost. Not as big as the Switch, but still they had boost due to covid. You can go and see on any sales article here or on some of my comparisons what have been the numbers, or how the chart lines were almost as big as the holiday before that, or compare the sales YOY from the tables.

By the time XBSX and PS5 launched, the pandemic boost was nowhere to be found, since it was there in the months from March somewhere till the summer. Long before the next gen launched.

Yes. All plattformes had a boost. But while Xboxone was so small it did not effect anything, PS4 was not even able to be remotly close to last years numbers. A boost there was in fact! Yes here i am with you. But it did not prolong gen 8 and it went down faster than gen 7. (Xbox 360 2005- 2016/ PS3 2006- 2017-----> XboxOne 2013- 2020/ PS4 2013- 2022- if we go for active lifetime as of hardware production and shipment). So if anything, Covid shortened the generation, especially their hardware legs. Would it be different (longer/ shorter) without Covid? We will never know, but i highly doubt the cycle would have gone on much longer...

The biggest benefit from Covid would actually have been the Xbox series S.

Maybe Nintendo really should have added Covid19 in SSB (Covid 19 tests positive for battle!) Everyone gets infected. As it does basically nothing to younger charakters like the Splatoon Inklings, older Charakters (for example Maroo, Link, Kirby- the so called "high risk group") gets wiped off the stage quite easily when getting hit. Hits also add more %points to the damage. I would have absolutley done it if i was Nintendo, also to make restriction fanatics looking like fools🤣😂.

killer7 said:

Yes. All plattformes had a boost. But while Xboxone was so small it did not effect anything, PS4 was not even able to be remotly close to last years numbers. A boost there was in fact! Yes here i am with you. But it did not prolong gen 8 and it went down faster than gen 7. (Xbox 360 2005- 2016/ PS3 2006- 2017-----> XboxOne 2013- 2020/ PS4 2013- 2022- if we go for active lifetime as of hardware production and shipment). So if anything, Covid shortened the generation, especially their hardware legs. Would it be different (longer/ shorter) without Covid? We will never know, but i highly doubt the cycle would have gone on much longer...

I agree, but it wasn't shortened because of the covid, but because Microsoft didn't want to support and produce the XB1 after XBSX released, and because Sony .. well maybe the same thing, they continue to produce the PS4 in low volumes, but they didn't even cut the price, they didn't do any marketing and they didn't had enough production for the PS4. I am not sure if the production thing was because of covid. But they wanted fast transition, and didn't want to hold on to PS4 much after the PS5 released.

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Polls: When will the Switch: Outsell the DS? / Outsell the PS2? / LT expectations of: Switch / PS5 / XBSX

Around the Network
XtremeBG said:
killer7 said:

Yes. All plattformes had a boost. But while Xboxone was so small it did not effect anything, PS4 was not even able to be remotly close to last years numbers. A boost there was in fact! Yes here i am with you. But it did not prolong gen 8 and it went down faster than gen 7. (Xbox 360 2005- 2016/ PS3 2006- 2017-----> XboxOne 2013- 2020/ PS4 2013- 2022- if we go for active lifetime as of hardware production and shipment). So if anything, Covid shortened the generation, especially their hardware legs. Would it be different (longer/ shorter) without Covid? We will never know, but i highly doubt the cycle would have gone on much longer...

I agree, but it wasn't shortened because of the covid, but because Microsoft didn't want to support and produce the XB1 after XBSX released, and because Sony .. well maybe the same thing, they continue to produce the PS4 in low volumes, but they didn't even cut the price, they didn't do any marketing and they didn't had enough production for the PS4. I am not sure if the production thing was because of covid. But they wanted fast transition, and didn't want to hold on to PS4 much after the PS5 released.

I think sales fell down so fast that it wasn't worth it to continue production at all. That goes for the Xbox one as well as for the PS4. Right bow there are 3 current sytems in production: The Switch, the PS5 and the Xbox Series X/S [(i count it as 1 (family of) system(s)]. Was there ever a time when less different systems where on the market? 

I expect it to be about the same as the first Switch, just an upgraded iteration of the same thing. There's direct competition from the Steam Deck and others now, though.

Oneeee-Chan!!!2.0 said:

The biggest benefit from Covid would actually have been the Xbox series S.

Also, without the Covid, Phil Spencer would have admitted the lost in the Console Wars a year early.

super_etecoon said:

Any time anyone brings up the COVID boost for Switch I will counter with the Animal Crossing boost for Switch. That game was going to be amazingly successful and sell a TON of hardware whether we were locked down or not. Maybe not the 45 million it has sold, but certainly 25-30 million, same as a Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, or Smash. It's in the same category and has been for quite a while. I know the Switch certainly received a bit of help, but it isn't like the Switch was floundering and was saved by a global health crisis. And the hype levels for ACNH were at a fever pitch long before most had even heard of a coronovirus, let alone COVID 19.

I think it's difficult to argue against a Covid boost, but also you're right that the increase in Switch sales was not exclusively influenced by Covid. Typically there are a myriad of factors that influence a certain outcome. Heck, I bet quite a few people used their US Covid stimulus checks to buy a Switch!

Playing Xenoblade 2 before I buy Xenoblade 3 (otherwise I couldn't wait to play 3).

Can they announce a new Fire Emblem? A remake of Genealogy or Tellius would suffice !

Olivernintentoal said:
super_etecoon said:

Any time anyone brings up the COVID boost for Switch I will counter with the Animal Crossing boost for Switch. That game was going to be amazingly successful and sell a TON of hardware whether we were locked down or not. Maybe not the 45 million it has sold, but certainly 25-30 million, same as a Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, or Smash. It's in the same category and has been for quite a while. I know the Switch certainly received a bit of help, but it isn't like the Switch was floundering and was saved by a global health crisis. And the hype levels for ACNH were at a fever pitch long before most had even heard of a coronovirus, let alone COVID 19.

I think it's difficult to argue against a Covid boost, but also you're right that the increase in Switch sales was not exclusively influenced by Covid. Typically there are a myriad of factors that influence a certain outcome. Heck, I bet quite a few people used their US Covid stimulus checks to buy a Switch!

I absolutely don’t argue that COVID had an impact on the sales of the Switch (and every other industry involving people staying home). I only have to state that it isn’t like the Switch was failing or flailing prior to the pandemic. Nintendo teed themselves up for success and certainly was able to reap the benefits of the crisis. I haven’t seen any speculation on the exact level of benefit COVID brought to the platform, but I could see it selling 10 million less if the pandemic hadn’t happened. 

Nntendo performed a clinic on how to support a console for 8 years this generation. That has more to do with the success than anything else.