Esparadrapo said: They are already letting key markets run dry on top of bare minimum stock. Welfare put it better on his video about the steep decline: Microsoft is tired of losing ~$200 per unit for virtually no returns. |
for people curious (the video Esparadrapo references):
I actually made a thread because of this video.
There were rumors at the start of the gen, that the Series X was more expensive to produce than the PS5.
You think, thats no big deal, MS and XBox can eat those losses, they are insanely rich.
Wellfare doesn't think they want too anymore... after the ABK (for $75.4 BN USD)(wasn't $69bn), and $7.5 BN for Zenimax,
MS top wants to see returns on investment.
Spend ~$83bn on gameing..... management is like "what are you doing?"
He thinks the "play anywhere" "everything is a xbox" are basically ways to avoid losses on hardware sales.
Xbox would rather you play their games on other platforms, if it means they can avoid selling hardware at a loss.